Jeremiah 6:1-30 We Will Not

God is calling through Jeremiah to His children. They tell Him “we will not…” follow You or walk in Your ways. Destruction is VERY near!
Things are nearing the crisis stage! God tells the people to leave Jerusalem because she will be conquered. Run away and hide for destruction/judgment is coming to Jerusalem. God could completely annihilate ALL who live in Jerusalem, even those who have fled. But He doesn’t. He will leave a remnant, but a SMALL one at that. Like the grape harvester who goes back a second time to glean, so will God be with His people. He will also cause the buildings that they have put their trust into be turned into rubble. Even the famous walls of Jerusalem can not hold out God’s judgment. For they too will fall to the nation God is bringing in to administer His judgment.
Jeremiah keeps crying out to them for God. Yet, they refuse to listen. I wonder if it had anything to do with Jeremiah’s youth or were they completely beyond caring what God had to say. Twice we are told that they are given a direct command and they respond with “We will not _____.” They are TRYING God’s patience to the MAX! Even when they DO present offerings and sacrifices, they don’t do them with their heart. They are another ‘show piece’ intended to impress others. They are NOT impressing God!
We run the same ‘risk’ of not impressing God. When we come to Him it has to be with our whole hearts. NOT a show for someone or even a test of ‘how far can I go before He notices’. He sees our hearts at ALL times. He knows when we are sincerely seeking Him and when we are going through the motions. He KNOWS who those will be who stand before Him on Judgment Day and He says, “Depart from Me for I NEVER knew you.”
God doesn’t do the ‘one and done’ chances for us either. His mercies are new EVERY morning. He is waiting for us to straighten up and come back into right relationship. Look how long He tried to bring Israel back to Himself. BUT HE DOES HAVE A LIMIT. Don’t try to find that end. There is GREAT JOY in right relationship with Him. And there is great sorrow when out of alignment. He will do everything He can to get us back on the right track. All we need to do is listen and obey.
The more you dig your heels in the deeper in the mud you go and the harder it is to climb back out of it.
Father God, I don’t want to be going through the motions. I want a fresh relationship with You. I want to respond to Your directions the first time. Keep me seeking Your word and Your will. Open my eyes and my heart to receive ALL You would say to me. Thank You for putting up with me when I fall asleep during our time together.