Jeremiah 33:14-26 Unbreakable

God swears that He WILL keep His covenant with David. It is unbreakable. It is as certain as days follows nights of this world.
We are fast approaching the season where we celebrate what God is saying to Jeremiah. The Righteous Branch that springs up for David. We know this is Jesus Christ. The heir to David’s throne forever. I LOVE God’s timing. How, without doing an advent observation, we are still being reminded of what is about to be celebrated; Jesus’ birth.
In man’s eyes, the throne of David is coming to an end with Zedekiah. Israel and Judah are no longer monarchies. They will be ruled by other nations for MANY years. Today they have a prime minister as their leader.
Another complication of God’s promise is that, after the exile, most of the people didn’t return. The northern kingdom of Israel was melded into the ranks of their captors. Judah would return; thus bringing about the question of the 10 lost tribes. So how does God intend to address these issues in connection with His promise to David?
First of all, I’m NOT God and I DON’T know His full mind. What I do know though is that He is FAITHFUL with ALL His promises. Second, we know the Righteous Branch is God’s own Son, Jesus Christ. But we have not yet seen Him reign in physical form.
If you have any doubt about Jesus being in the line of David, go read the ‘begat’ sections in the beginning of Matthew and Luke. God clearly spells it out for us. Through Jesus, David will have a man of his family sit on the throne FOREVER as Jesus had defeated death.
How do we know that the ‘lost tribes’ of Israel will return to the nation? By reading about the 144,000 who will be saved in Revelation 7:1-8. God CLEARLY ‘finds’ the lost tribes and brings from EACH tribe the number of those who make up the end times group of converts.
God NEVER gave up on His people; Israel and Judah. He NEVER stopped loving them. He NEVER abandoned them. He DID hide His face from them for a time. It was a corrective measure, NOT a destructive one. They had ‘lessons’ to walk through; then and now. And He was beside them every step of the way.
Another thing we KNOW for certain is that God has called us too. From the beginning of time, God desired man throughout the world as His own. We are His spiritual children. We don’t have the blood of David running in our physical veins, but we have the same Spirit. Also, Jesus clearly tells the religious leaders that physical blood does not an inheritance make. God wants ‘faith’ children; those who put their WHOLE trust in Him as Abraham did. We see those from other nations being joined to the 144,000 in Revelation 7:9-17. These are NOT just the saved that we see today but those who seek and find Him during the tribulation time.
God will continue to gather His children until the final moment before He takes the Judgment seat to judge all men. ALL these things WILL come to pass. There is NO WAY to stop God’s word from happening EXACTLY as He said it will.
If you can stop the night from following the day, then you can break God’s word. I know. Some areas of our planet have ‘six month long’ days and nights. But even in these places there is a waxing and waning of the 24-hour days and DAY does indeed follow NIGHT in these places too. Conclusion? NO ONE can stop God’s words from coming to pass. And the most important word He is sharing here is that He NEVER abandons His children. Israel first and those of the Spirit second. ALL are His and He will forever be their God!
Father God, I trust You with my WHOLE heart! I’m Yours and that’s all I really need to know to be certain of my future. Yes, I want to know SO MUCH MORE about You, but this is enough for today. I’m safe in Your arms because You ALWAYS keep Your promises.