Jeremiah 31:1-30 In Both Seasons

God promises Israel that He will be with them in BOTH seasons. In the time of tearing down and the time of building back up.
Jeremiah has been telling the people of the judgment to come for their sins. There have been MANY chances to repent and change their ways, but few are listening. They don’t want to hear the bad news. Which is why they are so willing to listen to the false prophets.
Today, Jeremiah isn’t full of bad news. He is bringing a message of hope and joy. One not of relenting but of restoration. “Mourning into joy, beauty for ashes.” A message that ALL would grab onto with both hands!
I know that God has been working on rebuilding Israel for a LONG TIME. They were established firmly as a nation during the reigns of the kings. But once God ended that period, they have struggled. They fell were under the rule of many different nations since the days of their fall. In 1948 Israel was finally recognized as an independent nation. They were given the lands of their ancestors, which uprooted another people. But they are still FAR from the peaceful and joyful place described by Jeremiah. There IS joy but there is still sorrow and mourning. So, is this a future prophecy for Israel?
One thing that I believe is different from pre-exile to post-exile is their dedication to the Lord. I can’t say for certain, as I am NOT a historian, but I believe ‘idol worship’ did not come back with the people who returned. Those who stayed in the place of their captors may have continued with this practice but those who returned to Jerusalem did so with the intention of renewing their relationship with the Lord. The nation’s identity then focuses on God. The priests and religious leaders took the place of the heads of the nation rather than a king. Today, Israel does not have a king. It has a Prime Minister. I understand that they still observe the feasts commanded by God in the beginning of Israel as a nation. And, no matter how far they roam, those of Jewish descent still consider Israel their home and the Lord their God. Not all serve Him as He commands but they identify their history with Him.
God is not finished building Israel into the form we see even in Jeremiah. He didn’t finish with them when He brought them out of exile from Babylon. His work with them will continue to the final days of this world. And there will truly be beauty for ashes, strength for pain, gladness for mourning, and strength for despair.
I find it interesting that Jeremiah “awoke” from his sleep. He is relating a vision he had of a glorious and restored Israel. One that ins not present in the days he is living in. His “sleep was pleasant” to himself. In other words, it was a MAGNIFICANT dream. One that his heart KNEW would come true. One he could find peace in, even while he lived in the time of God’s judgment on Israel. Jeremiah held onto a SURE hope; if not for him personally to walk in on this earth, one for his people to walk out before the Lord. I think the part that thrilled him the most was KNOWING that the relationship of the people with the Lord would be rekindled and firmly established. They would serve the Lord! And that made ANYTHING that they would go through to reach that spot, worth every second of it!
I was interested in God’s use of Ephraim as the one who repented. I had trouble understanding why this one tribe would be identified as repentant. Until I remembered that when the northern kingdom of Israel fell, Ephraim was referenced there too. Ephraim is Israel. The repentant and reformed son. The one God NEVER stopped loving, even while in the midst of his sin.
When God brought Israel back from exile, He didn’t make them wader in the wilderness for 40 years. They came back the same way they were led away. He cared for them on their journey home and provided for their needs with brooks for refreshing. They didn’t have need of mana from Heaven as their journey was not drawn out.
After this exile, God said that He wouldn’t punish the whole nation for the sins of individuals. Through Jesus, that one on one accountability is seen. Each man, woman, and child are responsible for choosing to have a relationship with God. Each is accountable for his/her own life and sins.
I’m going to throw this out there as food for thought. What about the Holocaust? Was this a judgment from God on the nation? Was it an effort by Satan to destroy something special to God? Was it simply evil men doing evil things? HOW could one group have so much influence over people that they created a hate SO VILE that it could condone AND facilitate the mass murder and degradation of another people. Whose only crime was being born a Jew. I think this one is going to take up quite a lot of ‘bench time’ with Jesus to explain it to me.
Father God, thank You for the promise of a beautiful future. I KNOW it isn’t reserved only for the Jews. That future with You is reserved for ALL who believe in the sacrifice of You and Your Son Jesus. Any who ask Him to be their Lord and Savior will inherit this future. That includes ME! I will hold onto that promise EVERY DAY.