Jeremiah 10:1-25 True Craftsman

Jeremiah calls to the people again, bringing them God’s words. He calls out those who trust in idols and points to the True Craftsman of all. Not of some dead idol.
Israel and Judah both picked up the ways of the nations around them. God had called them to be separate from the beginning. But they wanted what the others had. First it was a king. Next it was their idols and gods.
The idols of the other nations are dead. There is no life in them. They are pieces of wood, stone and metal. Fashioned by the hands of man. Even the most skillful craftsman cannot bring these idols to life. They are empty, neither doing good or evil for man. They bring evil by turning the people’s eyes away from God but they are NOT to be feared. Nor is one to fear ‘offending’ them.
There is but ONE God. And He is the True Craftsman of ALL. God created EVERYTHING from the very light we see by to the minds with which we reason. How could you believe for one moment that something you create with your own hands, replace the One who created you?
I ‘create’ things with my hands. Stories, quilts, clothing, even food for my family. But nothing I create came from nothing. I ALWAYS have to have something to start with. And NOTHING I make takes on a life of its own. I have been known to “personify” some of my creations (i.e., puppets), but they are not truly alive. They hold NO power. They are useful tools that represent my love and hard work. Nothing more.
God’s heart is breaking because His people have chosen to replace His true power with imposters. “All that I have done for you means nothing? And what do you expect that ‘thing’ to do that I haven’t already done? You are fooling yourself. Let’s see it protect you from what is to come!” Not a malicious thing to come but something well earned and fully warned about.
God HAS to bring about this punishment or He would have no credibility. It does NOT please God or entertain Him to see His people in captivity. He does NOT rub His hands together in glee as they are trampled underfoot. Instead, He shakes His head in wonder. His eyes fill with tears. He KNOWS what He has done is right and that it is the ONLY way His people will learn, so He completes the plans He has set forth.
God KNEW this day would come before He even uttered the first words of creation. But He spoke them anyway. He KNEW man would throw Him over for some worthless idol. But He gave man free will just the same. He allows us to make our own choices, knowing that some of those choices will lead to death. He stands and calls out to ALL who will listen. Offering us EVERYTHING that a TRUE God can give. He offers us life, amazing love, guidance, relationship, protection, provision, instruction, rewards, and SO MUCH MORE. These are the things that NO other god can give.
Have you traded for a counterfeit? If so, it’s not too late to repent and return to the One who is REAL. If you haven’t met Him yet, He is waiting with arms open wide to receive you. All you need do is recognize you need Him, receive Jesus’ substitution works He has already done for you, ask for Him to wash you clean from ALL the ‘imposters’, and begin your new relationship with Him. He will help you from there as you take the next steps of learning of Him and deepening that relationship.
Father God, thank You that You DO forgive me when I come to You. That You first welcomed me into Your family. And for continuing to grow our relationship daily. Thank You that I am NEVER alone again. You bring me back when I begin to wander. You direct my attention to the things I have in my hands when they are not pleasing to You. You remind me where my TRUE Source is.
Don’t let me put ANYTHING in Your place as Lord of my life. Knock it out of my hands if needs be to keep me from putting it above you; whatever “it” is.