Isaiah 9:1-7 A Child for Us

Isaiah shares with us the promise of the Christ Child. A Child for us, to save us and rule over us. And the place where He will come from will be most unexpected.
Isaiah has just finished speaking of “distress and darkness, the gloom of anguish” in the previous verse. Now he speaks of hope. Hope for the whole nation and ultimately for the whole world. This hope comes in the form of a SPECIAL Child. We learn several things about this Child.
The first thing we learn that His coming will end Israel’s anguish. His coming will be the beginning of Israel’s release from God’s judgment. Jesus’ death would complete the old covenant and set the stage for a new beginning. Most of Israel would refuse to take hold of that new beginning, but Jesus’ life most certainly offered it to them all.
We are told from what geographical region He will come from next. I found it interesting that the land of Zebulun and Naphtali were the first to be attacked by foreign invaders from the north. It will also be the first of the territories to receive the miracles of Jesus. He was born in the territory of Judah, in Bethlehem, but His ministry would begin in the region of Galilee.
After this, we see that Israel will no longer be only a remnant of people but a nation of increased people. Commerce and wealth will have returned by the time this Child arrives. But that will be NOTHING compared to what it will be like when He establishes His government.
His government and reign will be beyond ANYTHING this world has ever seen! There will be peace. War will cease as well as large scale conflicts. There will still be issues He needs to deal with but they will be handled in a fashion that is peaceful for all involved. His government will NOT be oppressive and will care about EVERY person on this earth. There will be no need for armies or military might. Even the stains of battle will be wiped away. His government will spread throughout the whole world with no resistance and peace will wash over the nations in its wake.
I am curious about something. I honestly don’t expect an answer until that day actually appears, but what happens to the people who rejected Jesus during the tribulation? I’m pretty sure that not EVERY SINGLE ONE of them are involved in the battle of Armageddon. There will be those who are still far from the battlefield. Does Jesus gather them all together and deal with them with a final blow? Do they accompany Satan, the Beast and his prophet into the bottomless pit? Are their sins forgiven and wiped clean so they can enter His Kingdom in the millennial reign? Will they be the ones given a choice to make when Satan is released again? Or will they pay for their rejection of Jesus when His foot touches down on this earth?
There is still so much that is unknown about what is to come. One thing I’m sure of thought is this; God knows what He is doing and has it ALL worked out. He knows how to motivate man without resorting to violence. And it will be GLORIOUS!
Father God, I recognize that things are still a way off for Your final Kingdom. But these promises You have given me give me hope. Knowing the promises that You have already fulfilled give me complete assurance that You will complete the rest of Your promises too. I don’t know exactly what it will look like or how everything will shape out, but I TRUST that YOU have that already figured out.
Between now and then Father, help me to live for You with my whole heart. Show me where You would have me walk and the things You would have me do. Give me courage and strength to do the things set before me. I KNOW I will NEVER walk alone! Guide me Holy Spirit EVERY step of the way.