Isaiah 58:1-14 Ritual or Relationship

God speaks directly to Judah’s behavior concerning fasting today. How are they fasting? Doing it out of ritual or relationship? God hates the one and loves the other.
God tells Isaiah to lift up his voice like a trumpet regarding this situation. God is NOT happy with how the people have been ‘fasting’ and ‘humbling’ themselves. They are neither humble nor right in their fasting. Following a ritual is NOT the same as having a relationship with God. There is NO formula that will get His attention or promise that you are seeking.
When God gave His people His Laws, He did give them instructions on how they were to approach Him. But the MOST important aspect of that approach was the heart. Their hearts had to be focused on Him, not on themselves or what THEY were going to get out of the bargain. They weren’t going through the ‘humbling steps’ out of repentance but out of expectation of a blessing or answered prayer; of expectation of moving God to do their bidding.
I’m sure that not everyone fell into this category of worship, but enough did that God called them out on it. I wonder if this was during Hezekiah. He was a godly king and brought the people back to God, but did they all come with a willing heart our out of duty to their king?
One aspect of the pretense that God focused on was how they were treating others while still proclaiming to be honoring God. God DOES NOT mistreat His children. He DOES NOT want us to mistreat one another either. He calls for us to demonstrate love for one another as a reflection of our relationship with Him. This could actually be Jesus’ sermon on love your neighbor as yourself.
Once you get your relationship with your brother on a good foundation, you remove obstacles between you and God. It is hard for you to hear God’s voice when you are busy yelling at your brothers. He won’t raise His voice above that and He won’t bless that kind of behavior. And THIS was why Judah wasn’t hearing or seeing Him answer their prayers.
God gave His people very specific examples of what they needed to do to clean up their act and clear out the space between them and God. These changes came from the heart first. They were NOT prescribed actions to make God listen to them. They were heart changes that cleared the way for God to move in His people’s lives. He did so out of love for those who were showing His love to their fellow man. NOT specifically to the Jews of their own standing but to every man they came across. From the slave at the front door washing feet to the merchant on the street to the king who fills the judgment seat.
God wants the same thing from us today. He doesn’t want stale ritual. He wants heart filled relationship. He wants You to be His hands and feet to those around you. To help those in need. To feed the hungry and cloth the naked. To love those whom everyone else deems unlovable. If He can love ME, I can love who He sends to me. Granted, some people are easier to love than others, but that never stopped God. And He doesn’t want it to stop us either!
Father God, help me see the opportunities to show You love that You have put in my path. Don’t let me turn away from them. Help me show them the love that You have for them in whatever form meets their current need. Maybe even meet a need they didn’t even know they had.
Keep our time together fresh Holy Spirit. Remind me daily to invite Your presence into my study time. I NEVER want our time together to become a ritual. I want it ALWAYS as a fresh and vibrant part of our relationship.