Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Tunnel Vision

Isaiah gives a really clear description of the Messiah’s suffering but we know that MANY didn’t see it coming. They had tunnel vision. They saw the glorious King instead of the suffering Servant.
When I was reading today’s passage, I was reminded of all the times Jesus told His disciples what was about to happen to Him. They refused to believe it. “He must be speaking in metaphors because there is NO WAY that can happen to the Messiah; the Son of God!” The people in the crowds wanted to crown Him King and have Him deliver them from the Romans. Even the Maji who came to worship Him saw the King that was to come, not the babe who would carry the sin of the world on His shoulders.
Isaiah doesn’t fail to mention the coming King. In fact, we saw Him in our last reading. Isaiah doesn’t specifically say the word King but we see God’s Servant ruling. “The Lord has bared His holy arm before the eyes of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God” (verse 52:10b). We know Who brings that salvation. It is our Savior, Jesus Christ. Our King of kings and Lord of lords. The Messiah whom Israel received the first of this promise. The One they are breaking out in song and praising!
But that same Messiah is beaten beyond recognition. His blood would pour out onto the ground before His accusers. He would not only be injured but KILLED and laid in a tomb. This, to man, doesn’t sound like a savior. But He is THE Savior. The ONLY ONE who could do this work.
It all started out so innocent and easy. A normal child who would grow up in an ordinary way. There wasn’t anything about His appearance that made Him stand out. Just another Jewish boy; to most of those around Him. But He had knowledge beyond that of other children. He had a focus and drive that propelled Him to do the work of His true Father. He was obedient to His earthly parents as He grew. He didn’t follow in the trade of His earthly father as His true Father had other work for Him to accomplish.
Jesus’ ministry started out with great excitement from the people. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the Pharisees liked Him in the beginning too. But as time went on, Jesus got deeper and deeper into trouble with those in the religious groups. He wouldn’t conform to their notions of what the Messiah would be. He spoke out against how they enforced the Law. They found EVERY opportunity to try and discredit Him that they could. They picked more nits than anything else.
As Jesus came closer to His ultimate work, He began to speak stronger messages. Many people became offended at some of the things He said. But those who understood who He was, held fast and waited for understanding.
NONE equated this prophecy with His life and death. If the religious leaders had recognized that they were playing out Isaiah 53 with Jesus, they probably would have stopped in their tracks! Jesus’ disciples, even though warned, didn’t see this coming either. What would they have done if they put it all together? They ALL had tunnel vision. They ALL saw the Messiah as King. Not as the One who would carry the sin of ALL mankind on His shoulders. Who would pay the price for that sin with His own blood. Who, though innocent, would be chosen by God to be the sacrifice for all.
What would I have seen if I was on their side of the promise? Would I too be looking for a King? Would I have recognized the truth of what had to come first? Probably not.
I believe God allowed and promoted this tunnel vision to keep His plans intact. He let the blinders remain until the afternoon of Jesus’ resurrection. THEN Jesus’ disciples began to understand. NOW He put the pieces together for them, beginning with the two on the road to Emaus. Only then did He line it all out for them to clearly see. And because we are on this side of the promise, we can see it plainly too.
I wonder if His disciples ever apologized for not seeing it before. Or for dismissing His words of what He was to endure. We know some felt extreme sorrow for their actions during His suffering. Did they apologize for not taking Him seriously? “If we only KNEW!” What would they have done?
There is still more to come that we still are dealing with blinders for. Only when God is ready for us to see it all will it happen. Until then, all we can do is trust. Trust in the information He has given us. Look back and the promises He has already fulfilled and KNOW that He will complete ALL He has set out to do. And let HIM lead the way and point out the ‘road signs’ along the way.
Father God, THANK YOU for Jesus! THANK YOU for making Your plan of salvation. For doing what I am incapable of doing.
Lord Jesus, did it hurt Your heart when Your disciples dismissed Your words regarding Your upcoming suffering? Did You ‘shrug it off’, knowing that God was keeping them blind to it? Did You wish for someone to sit down with You and TRULY listen to Your pain? That happened in the Garden with You and Your Father. He heard You. And He waited. He held You and He waited for YOU to make YOUR own choice. THANK YOU for choosing me. I’m SO SORRY it caused You so much pain! If I could take it back I would.
I LOVE You Jesus. Thank You for sharing just a little bit more with me today. I want to hold You and say how sorry I am for not listening better.