Isaiah 49:8-26 Not Forgotten

Israel is still headed into captivity but she is NOT forgotten by God. He has a plan to restore her and bring her home. To make her a testimony of His enduring love.
In obedience, in rebellion, in captivity, and in freedom, God sees Israel. Israel is God’s own people. He will NEVER forget them as a nation. Right now, as a nation, they reject Jesus. They are in rebellion or at least denial. God STILL loves them. He does NOT excuse them individually or corporately. Each man or woman will answer for their own choices.
God sees each of us who choose Him as Lord just as fully. And He loves us just as completely. Each person in this world has to make a choice to accept or reject Him. And this choice will make us a child of God or continue on as a child of Satan.
Jesus is the one being described as providing salvation for Israel, and the rest of the world. But God also promised “Zion” (Jerusalem) restoration. This description of coming out of the darkness and from all directions on earth sounds a lot like what happened when Israel was made a nation again after World War II. I don’t know all that was involved in Israel becoming a nation again but I found two sites that are worth a look. One is hosted by Duckdusters and the other from the History Chanel.
Israel continues to grow and has nearly constant warfare since the day she was rebirthed. There is still conflict today for the land, the city of Jerusalem, and the original site of the first Temple. Israel has repelled more attacks than one would think possible. I believe this is part of God’s plans. For He is NOT through with Israel. He has plans that include bringing peace to His people.
God has promised to fight for Israel. To be her God and prove to the other nations that He has chosen this people and WILL defend them. I believe that His fighting for them has more to do with honoring His name than blessing the way they live and their beliefs.
Is today the time Isaiah is speaking of? The day when their “oppressors eat their own flesh, and they shall be drunk with their own blood as with wine” (verse 26a). I don’t know. I do know there will come a time of peace for Israel. That time will be when Jesus rules from Jerusalem. I don’t know if there will be peace before that time. But God WILL continue to show His hand for Israel as a sign of His everlasting covenant with them. His actions are a witness to ALL who seek Him. If He can continue to love one who ‘hated and killed His Son’ He can love even me (and you)! He is bringing beauty for ashes for Israel. And He does this in our lives too.
Those who continue to reject Him, Jewish or not, will have no part in His Kingdom. Being Jewish by birth is not enough to save anyone. Even an Israelite MUST accept Jesus as their Savior to receive eternal life from the Lord. Don’t let ANYONE mislead you! Jesus is the ONLY path to salvation.
Father God, am I watching Isaiah’s prophecies coming to pass? Am I watching end times prophecies? There is so much I don’t know. What I do know is that I TRUST You to watch over me. To bring me the warnings and information I need. I don’t want to burry my head in the sand, but neither do I want to run around crying “the sky is falling” at every turn. Keep me walking in the path You prepared for me. Help me bring calmness in the troubled times. Show me how to show comfort and build confidence in Your promises.