Isaiah 48:1-11 Brass Forehead

God tells Israel that they have a brass forehead. They keep beating it against the wall and resist all His changes. But He is NOT giving up, FOR HIS NAME’S SAKE.
I have often wondered exactly what it was that impressed God with Abram that He called him out of the whole earth. That He chose him to become the father of many nations. That God chose Jacob, the schemer, to be the father of the Nation He birthed and chose for Himself. This chapter puts it in a different light.
There hasn’t been a man alive that hasn’t made mistakes. The ONLY exception to this is Jesus and He was more than just a man. He was God incarnate. He COULD sin, but He chose not to. These men mentioned were no different. We are privy to many of their sins. They were far from perfect. What made them special is when God called them, they listened!
These men were not special on their own. The nation God calls His own, Israel, didn’t rise up out of a group of AMAZING people. Even Moses, one of their greatest leaders, murdered someone. They rose up because God called and they answered. He could have chosen ANYONE in the world. And He could have made a nation out of whomever He called. Jesus told the Pharisees that God could create children of Abraham out of the rocks if He wanted to.
God chooses to work through the lives of men. But His work isn’t to glorify them. It is for His name’s sake. THIS is how He proves His faithfulness. Taking a stubborn people and teaching them His truths. Keeping His promises, even when they break their portions of the agreement. NEVER giving up on them, no matter what. Using them as an example of His love to the rest of the world. “If God can love THEM, certainly He can love me! They literally KILLED His Son.”
We see in our reading today that God KNEW Israel would fail BEFORE He even called them His own. He KNEW they were a stubborn people. I wonder if He chose them for that stubborn trait? KNOWING that their eventual turning would give hope to us stubborn people generations later.
God also told them what was to come LONG before it happened. This again, is proof for them of Who He is. I especially like the part where He tells them that HE said it FIRST so they couldn’t attribute what He proclaimed to their idols. Man has been attributing things that happen to the position of the stars for a LONG time. It’s called astrology. I have news for whomever builds their lives by the stars. GOD made the stars as surely as He made you. The stars have NO power in them to direct your life or protect you.
God has done ALL that He has in this world so we would know Him. So we would trust Him and believe what He says. For HIS name’s sake. To prove to us He has a GOOD name. One that we can trust, rely on, and find salvation in. He is MORE than trustworthy. He is the standard. There is NONE greater!!!
Father God, thank You for choosing a stubborn person like me. Thank You for proving to me that stubbornness doesn’t scare You away and isn’t something that You can’t help me overcome. Thank You for ALL the proof I have of Your love, Your hand at work, and Your promises for my future. I trust You with my WHOLE HEART! Your name is above ALL other names. You ARE Holy Forever!