Isaiah 45:1-13 GOD’S Plans

Who are we to try and dictate God’s plans? HE chose Cyrus as HIS instrument. HE knows what is needed to bring about HIS plans to completion.
I had a good laugh when I was reading this section. Especially when the clay was talking to the Potter. “Does the clay say to him who forms it, ‘What are you making?’ or ‘Your work has no handles’?” (verse 9b). I can just picture that scene! What I see is the potter looking down on the clay with a cocked eyebrow and saying, “Did you say something? I don’t recall asking your opinion.” Then the work continues on as the POTTER has in his heart.
Thinking about this also brings something else to mind. There are times when the clay is ‘stubborn’ and doesn’t want to take on the shape the potter desires. Be it that there are imperfections in the clay, or distraction of the earthly potter, or the ratio of water might be off, it can affect the final product. There are a few things the potter can do when the clay refuses to submit. First, the potter can scrap the creation and start again with the clay. Second, he can allow the imperfections and adjust his final design. Third, he can become frustrated with that piece of clay and throw it in the waste bin. Fourth, he can maintain his intended purpose for the clay and correct the issues that are preventing his design from coming forth. Which one do you think God does? I’m betting on number four!
God has a purpose and design for mankind. He created him according to HIS design, KNOWING that there were going to be things that didn’t ‘go His way’. Things that would cause a shift in the direction, FOR A TIME, of the path man would walk.
Want to hear something that might blow your mind? God even designed the ark Noah would build BEFORE He created man. Does that mean that He wanted the whole world to be filled with sin? NO. He KNEW it would be though, and He planned appropriately for that situation. And when He said He would never destroy the whole earth by flood again, it was a statement of FACT because HE KNOWS there will never be another time He will need to use that form of ‘correction’ to get His desired outcome completed.
God created Cyrus for this specific time in history; HIS story. God told Judah of the man who would restore them to their nation LONG BEFORE they even went into captivity. Cyrus had not even been born yet when God set down his path. And Cyrus’ path wasn’t for his sake but for God’s peoples’ sake. Cyrus had a part to play in completing God’s plans for His people; Israel/Judah.
If NOTIHNG ELSE in this world can convince you that God has a plan for our lives, THIS story should! He knows what He is doing. He has it all worked out. It is NOT a straight line or a smooth path; even for those who feel as if they are free from sin. We ALL need ‘correction’ and redirection from time to time. God planned, far in advance, for those times. Not because He wants us to fail, but because He knows we will and has made arrangements for that failing to be a lesson instead of an ending.
God doesn’t ‘scrap us’ when we resist His hands. He doesn’t even ‘scrap’ those who reject His hands. He knows the outcome of EVERY story. Why? Because to Him it has all already been written. Being outside of time, He has seen it all. And He knows just when to put His finger in for a little extra guidance.
To us, it is all new. Each day offers us new choices. To walk with Him or struggle against Him. To show love, indifference, or hate to those around us. To speak of Him or to remain silent. To choose Him (life) or reject Him (death). He allows us ALL these choices while STILL knowing what we will choose.
And He uses the choices He KNOWS we will make to orchestrate His plan to perfection. His plans CANNOT be thwarted. What He says will happen, WILL HAPPEN. “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” (Jeremiah 29:11). “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).
Stop struggling on the ‘work bench’. There won’t be a need for so many ‘corrections’ that way. Either way, God knows what lies ahead and REFUSES to give up on even ONE of His children.
Father God, I thank You AGAIN for Your refusal to give up on me. I KNOW I have caused You to put in more ‘corrective work’ than I should have. I know there have been times when it would have been MUCH better if I had listened the FIRST time You told me to do something, including to stop doing something. But You didn’t give up, no matter how long it took.
I want to be Your beautiful creation, even if I don’t turn out looking exactly like I want to. My body certainly doesn’t look like I want it to. But I will trust You with even that aspect of my life. It will take a while before I can say that with complete conviction. Help me get there too Father.
I am in the hands of The Master! There is NO WHERE I would rather be!!!