Isaiah 44:9-20 Worthless

After presenting His resume, God presents the resume of the worthless idols. Something that cannot protect itself is supposed to protect man? Not hardly.
It is almost funny how someone could believe that something THEY made could be their protector. I know God, through Isaiah, is speaking specifically of idols but this applies to things like material goods too. Money, houses, cars, etc. It also applies to position and power in this world.
The tree in this story is not only used to feed the fire, for heat and food, but to be carved into the likeness of a man. It is then bowed down to by its maker. If this tree couldn’t save itself from being cut down and parceled up, HOW could it protect the man? I would say that its protection could be what it gives in heat from the fire, but then it is consumed and is no more. This carved image is of no more value than another log for the fire. It has NO power.
The metal worker who hammers and molds away on another image can’t even be sustained by that image. It has no strength to impart to him. It can’t even kindle a fire to make his meal. There is NO power in it either. So, why would men bow down to these things?
In our world, idols don’t always come in carved or cast images. Often, they are the wealth we amass or the possessions we hold, or the place we occupy. We look to these things to protect us and save us from destruction. It is in the news and on so many television programs that I can’t even name, how the rich will use their money and influence to escape justice. Instead of “The Golden Rule” we have, “The man with the gold makes the rules.”
Even the MOST successful, powerful and rich person cannot prevent death. They cannot buy themselves a place in Heaven. One bad turn of the stock market and they can’t even buy themselves a decent dinner. Earthly things fail. An error in your job and you don’t have a job any more. A fire or storm can take your home. A traffic accident can destroy your car. A turn in allegiance can remove your ‘clout’. NO ‘idol’ is indestructible. And NONE have any power beyond what we ascribe to them. How can they protect you? How can they know what is to come and prepare you for it? How can they carry your spirit beyond the grave?
Straight answer. They can’t. Only God can. God, who provided Elisha and the widow woman food each day during a famine. God, who raises up and brings down kings and nations. God, who knows what is to come and prepares His children for it. God, who can turn the hearts of men to favor His own. God, who has prepared a place for us beyond the grave; His children and all the others. God, who knows our (my) heart even better than we (I) do ourselves (myself). WHY would you put your trust anywhere else?!?
Father God, THANK YOU that You do watch over me. You give me food to eat, a place to live, and even money to spend. But they are only tools in this life. They have NO life in them and they have NO power to save me! I appreciate them but I will NOT bow down to them. YOU have carried me in plenty and in want. YOU have provided housing for me in every situation, even when it was my children and I living with my parents. YOU have never let me go hungry to the point of starvation. YOU have met ALL my needs. But BEST of ALL, YOU made me YOUR child! You adopted me into Your family. You gave me the identity of Your child and all the promises for a future that go along with that title. Of which, living with You for eternity sounds like the GREATEST place to be! The ONLY place I want to be. I want to be where YOU are!