Isaiah 42:1-9 Real Proof

God challenged the false gods to present proof of their power through prophecy. Today HE presents real proof. He speaks of One to come; Jesus. BEFORE it happens.
The challenge God put forth in our last reading calls upon all the idols and false gods to prove their power. “Tell us the former things, what they are, that we may consider them, that we may know their outcome; or declare to us the things to come. Tell us what is to come hereafter, that we may know that you are gods; do good, or do harm, that we may be dismayed and terrified” (Isaiah 41:22b-23). God is MORE than able to answer this challenge. And He proves it in today’s reading. He proved it last chapter but He trumps that proof with the ultimate proof; the foretelling of His Servant in Whom His soul delights.
This prophecy of Jesus has two different timelines for completion. It speaks of Jesus coming as Savior and Servant as well as Conquering King forever. When Jesus walked the earth with His disciples, He did “not cry aloud or lift up His voice, or make it heard in the street” (verse 2). Jesus large crowds, where He spoke of God’s heart, were all done in remote places. The mountains, the wilderness, along the sea shore. Even in these places He did not raise Himself up and hammer on the people. He spoke of the kind of life God calls us to. He probably explained the scriptures that people questioned Him about. He certainly performed healings and miracles, including two over abundant meals.
While in the towns, Jesus was followed through the streets. Sometimes to a house and sometimes out of town. He gave of Himself to all who asked and even to a few who hadn’t asked. He did not break the already bruised. To those whose “wick” was barely burning, He provided hope. He bound up the broken hearted. Set the captive free from sin, demons and disease. And no matter how long the work, He stayed with the people until it was accomplished.
Jesus addressed “justice” several times but He didn’t put an end to injustice. His death was one of the biggest injustices of all! But to the woman caught in adultery, the woman who washed His feet, and His disciples against the heavy interpretation of God’s law by the Pharisees, He provided TRUE justice.
The fulfilled measure of justice is reserved for His second coming. He WILL NOT STOP until it is accomplished. Before ascending to Heaven, He told His followers that there would be persecution for those who followed Him. His disciples were indirectly and some directly told that they would die as He did. That is NOT justice on this earth to me. But there will be justice in Heaven for what they, and we, have lost for His name’s sake. And there WILL be justice on this earth that Jesus provides.
ALL that God stated WILL happen. Period. There is NO other God but Him. He doesn’t share His power with idols. He NEVER gives false hope. He KNOWS our history and future; beginning to end. ALL our futures. He doesn’t ‘play favorites’ with His children. He LOVES each of us and will bring about His plans for our lives.
God’s promises are sealed in blood. Jesus’ blood. The blood of God’s ONLY begotten Son. If that isn’t love I don’t know what is. And if that’s not a rock-solid promise then nothing is!
Father God, YOU ARE the ONLY God this world will EVER have. The ONLY God I EVER need or want. Please forgive me for any time that I placed anything above You. You have proved to me time and Time and TIME again that You do just as You say. I do NOT doubt even one word in ALL You have given me. I may doubt my interpretation but NOT Your integrity or intention.
THANK YOU Jesus! Thank You for sealing me into the family. Thank You for paying the price justice demanded of me for my sins. Thank You for leading me to even deeper understandings of Your desires for my life.