Isaiah 40:6-8 Immutable

God’s word stands FOREVER. It is immutable. It cannot be changed. There is NOTHING man can do to prevent the words of God from coming to pass.
Through this word from God, Isaiah likens men to grass and flowers. ANYONE who has tended either KNOWS that they don’t last. Grass withers and flowers fade with the seasons, precipitation, and time. God’s word is NOT ‘seasonal’. It never ‘withers’ or ‘fades’.
God speaks certain words for certain seasons. He speaks certain words for certain people. And He speaks words for ALL people and time. ALL the words He speaks stand firm, no matter what comes against them.
One could become discouraged looking at this passage and only focusing of the “All flesh is grass” concept. God is NOT saying that we are no more valuable than ground cover. There are some who REALLY value their ground cover. They work tirelessly to keep it green and lush. I’m just trying to keep mine from being so dry and brittle that it hurts my grandchildren’s feet on our special day. Once that day passes, I’m going to stop dragging sprinklers around every evening. My grass can wither after that.
When Jesus was speaking to His disciples about not worrying, He mentioned the grass and flowers. How God arrayed the flowers with amazing beauty and cares for the grasses of the field. He takes care of even this part of His creation. Yet, it is here today and gone tomorrow. Jesus tells His disciples that God loves them even MORE than the grass and the flowers. He values us more than the birds, and more than any other creation He has made.
Even with how much He loves us, He will NOT change His word to please us. He loves us enough to hold FIRM lines. NONE of us are insignificant to God and His words apply to ALL of us equally. What He has said and does is for our good within His plan.
God’s word holds the universe together. If even ONE part of His word failed, ALL creation would fall apart. His word stretches through ALL time. It does not grow old, grow obsolete, or go out of style. Men rise and fall with the tides of time but God’s word stands FOREVER. It CANNOT be changed. It is immutable.
Father God, THANK YOU for having FIRM boundaries for me. Thank You that Your word NEVER contradicts itself, even if my understanding runs aground. You hold me together with Your word. I can count on the freedom and restrictions You put in place. And I KNOW those ‘markers’ will NEVER move!