Isaiah 39:1-8 Consequences

God has added 15 years to King Hezekiah’s life because of his prayers. Now we see some of the consequences of those 15 years. Leaves one to wonder what would have happened if God hadn’t relented.
First of all, I want to say that I don’t think Hezekiah was a very wise king. He was godly but he didn’t think much beyond his own front door. He didn’t plan for the future or think about how things done today can impact things of tomorrow. If he did, he would have thought twice before showing off AND he would NOT have counted Isaiah’s words as “good.”
The king of Babylon heard about Hezekiah’s illness and recovery. This must have been talked about far and wide. Was it because it was a miraculous recovery? Was it because of God telling Hezekiah how many more years he would have? Or maybe because it demonstrated how God listened to man’s prayers. Whatever the reason, the report of it reached all the way to Babylon.
Hezekiah calls Babylon “a far country.” These men even revealed where they came from. They didn’t hide their origins like the Gibeonites did to Joshua. Their visit didn’t raise any concern from Hezekiah. He took their ‘well wishes’ at face value.
While looking at what Hezekiah showed this envoy, it has to have happened some time after the tribute was paid to Sennacherib. To make the tribute, Hezekiah had to empty out ALL the treasuries, including removing the gold from the pillars in the Temple. He scraped the bottom of the barrel at that time. Now he has silver, gold, spices, precious oil, a full armory, and full storehouses. I have no doubt that much of this came from the spoils that were collected when Sennacherib fled. I wonder if he told them the story about that night. If he did, it might make Babylon a little reluctant to cross Judah.
Isaiah hears about the king’s boasting. Did God tell him about it or did he hear about it from those observing what was going on? However Isaiah heard, he had a message from God regarding this behavior. “Do you realize what you have just done? You have set up your own children for servitude and defeat by the very men you exposed everything to.”
Hezekiah’s response is NOT one of a father. A father cares about the future of his children. They want the best for their children and will work hard to see that their children’s lives are better than their own. I’m curious to know if Hezekiah even had children at this stage. Isaiah speaks of Hezekiah’s future children having this future, not his present children. Manasseh will be one of those future children and the next king of Judah. Manasseh will also be the WORST king Judah ever had.
So, the consequences of Hezekiah’s added 15 years pretty grim. First, he shows Babylon ALL that he has and makes Judah a desired object of conquest in Babylon’s eyes. Second, he fathers the worst king ever for Judah. Third, he doesn’t train up that child to serve the Lord or set anyone over him who would guide him.
One might wonder why God would even consent to let Hezekiah have another 15 years, KNOWING what would transpire during those years. One might also wonder if Hezekiah was really in danger of losing his life. Hezekiah’s tears were not a surprise to God that tore at His heart and caused Him to relent. Is it possible that God was testing Hezekiah? Waiting to hear him call out to Him on his own behalf? Hezekiah had cried out to God of God’s behalf and on behalf of the people, but this is the first personal plea we see.
God answered Sennacherib’s boast by saying that He had planned ALL THIS from old. Sennacherib’s conquests were because God had it in HIS plan. So, we have to apply the same standard to Hezekiah’s 15 years and his attitude, as well as Manasseh’s birth and rule. NOT that God wants man to sin but that He already KNOWS the outcome. He has seen it before man even drew his first breath. He KNOWS what it will take to bring man to the places He designed for them to be to perfect His whole plan. Man CANNOT prevent God’s plan from being completed, no matter how bad he messes up or tries. The end is already written and it WON’T change! Even with consequences we think could have been avoided if not for one little decision.
Here is another consequence; if Hezekiah had no sons at the point of his illness and he did die, the line of kings would have to do a serious shift. Judah had direct descendent progression through the line of David until they were finally conquered. Only then did the line get convoluted.
Father God, it is interesting looking at all the ‘what if’ scenarios. But it is much more gratifying KNOWING that You have the WHOLE process well in hand. You planned it out from the beginning. NOT causing man to sin, but knowing how to bring things around to the way You prepared in spite of his sin. In spite of my sin. I’m SO GLAD to know that I can’t mess up beyond the point where You can keep up. Even the ‘little extras’ that I think are out of nowhere, You already knew about. I’m SAFE in Your hands!
This is NOT license to do whatever, but to be grateful that You care enough to prepare what is still to come in my life. And I know if I ever get into the ‘whatever’ area You WILL bring me back in line! THANK YOU GOD for loving me THAT MUCH!!!