Isaiah 28:1-13 Line by Line

Isaiah is warning the people that their lifestyle is contrary to God’s will. He builds us up line by line and precept by precept to a place of understanding.
God starts His condemnation with the northern kingdom; Israel. Since the day they broke away from Judah, they have been worshiping a golden (calf two of them actually) and any other god that strikes their fancy. They have had godly prophets but they have ignored their warnings AND sought to kill any who still served the Lord. The story of Elijah speaks very clearly of this.
Their leaders wear “the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim” (verse 1a). I don’t know if they are actually drunk on wine but they are definitely drunk on power. This once beautiful flower to God is now faded and jaded. Her “beauty” is spent on filthy living.
VERY SOON God will pluck that flower and trample it under foot. The feet of Assyria to be precise. And the ease with which Assyria takes Israel should speak volumes to them! Assyria swallows them whole. It won’t be many days after Isaiah made this prophecy known that God would carry out this warning.
There will be some who go into captivity that still honor and worship the Lord. To these, He will be with them. He will watch over them and be their protection. We don’t meet any of these followers from Israel by name, but I have no doubt that God had a faithful few, even in Israel.
Meanwhile, back in Judah, her leaders are acting as bad as Israel’s were. They too are drunk with wine and on power. They look to themselves instead of trusting in God for their protection. King Ahaz’s alliance with Assyria is just the latest in their self-serving sins. And, YES, that alliance was a sin. God wanted His people to turn back to HIM. NOT go off looking for something or someone better.
Judah will pay for their actions too, but not yet. They are still clinging to a little of God’s commandments. NOT King Ahaz for sure, but some of the people.
The BIGGEST problem stems from those that should be teaching the people God’s commandments have lost touch with the basics. Sure! Everyone wants the blessings and protection of God. They just don’t want to have to deal with all the ‘other stuff’ that goes along with it. God says they have lost their way.
God built their nation and His relationship with them “precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little” (verse 10). Israel and Judah want to knock out a couple of precepts here, a line or two there, and come up with something THEY like better.
God says, “If you won’t teach my children the way I instructed you to, I’ll give the job to someone else who will!” He will put His commandments into the hearts of foreigners, who will in turn teach them; the remnant that God brings back to Judah. God will ensure that they both build precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, her a little and there a little.
We have to learn of Him and His word this same way. There is NO shortcut to the end. No fast track to understanding everything. This is how we are learning of His word and growing our relationship together. Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little and there a little the Holy Spirit reveals God’s message to us. Only in this fashion will our relationship with God stand and grow. A structure cannot stand if there are holes in the foundation or is some of the ‘struts’ are not straight.
Father God, THANK YOU for building me step by step, lesson by lesson, one building upon the other. I would not be who I am today without all the lessons I have walked through in the past; even the HARD ones. You continue to teach me too. Through Your Spirit, You meet me every time I come to You. And Your love draws me in closer every day; moment by moment. Keep building me Father! Keep me growing in Your word.