Isaiah 2:6-22 Haughty

Man has no right to be haughty; proud. We are creatures of our Creator. We are His pride. When we display our pride at ‘all we have accomplished’ we are in grave danger.
There is NOTHING on this earth that we can make that does not owe its existence to God. Every plant, every animal, every stone, even the air we breathe and the sun that warms us were created by God. ALL that we have was given by Him. We haven’t the power to create anything. And we haven’t the right to endow something we have fashioned with god status.
God is angry at Judah because she is claiming ownership for God’s handiwork; for His blessings. Isaiah says that this time in Judah’s history, they have abundant gold, silver, and resources. They also have abundant pride in themselves for acquiring these resources. And fashioning them into idols to worship!
These THINGS have no life in them! They bring NO safety to their owners. What they do though, is to bring a sense of pride to those who fashioned them and to those who ‘rely on’ them. “Look what I have! Come bow down before it. Come tell me how wonderful I look. Come and see what I have done.”
Yes, you may have money. You may have property and goods. But you didn’t get them alone! You received them as a gift and blessing from God. He intends for you to bless others with what He has given you. These things are not for you to hoard up for yourselves. And they are NEVER to take the place of Him!
Isaiah also speaks of Judah following the gods of other nations. Judah has adopted the ways of the other nations and has joined with their people in following after fortunetellers and other such practices. These are LIES straight from the pit! They bring NOTHING but trouble and rejection. Those who serve these things become an enemy of God. The ONLY true God. God WILL NOT share your loyalty or affection!
God brought both Israel and Judah to their knees for this sin. He WILL bring the rest of the world to this same place. He is patient, but there WILL come a time when we will ALL have to account for our decisions. Those who trust in ANYTHING but Him will find that their chosen object has NO power.
Isaiah’s description of people hiding in holes and the cracks of the rocks reminds me of a song. It asks one of the most important questions of all; where will I be when He comes? (I still can’t find this song online.) I refuse to be one of those hiding from His presence. I want to run into His open arms. I do NOT want to hide from Him! He is my God, and I will praise Him.
Father God, forgive me for every time I let something get between us or tried to put my trust in something besides You. YOU are my God and there is NO other! Forgive me for my prideful times. I KNOW I am nothing without You and I have nothing apart from You.
Let me be found praising You on that day of Jesus’ return! NO PLACE TO HIDE, so I might as well stand and receive what You have for me. Let me run TO You instead of FROM You.