Isaiah 18:1-7 Cush is Next

We are continuing with Isaiah on his prophetic journey through the neighboring nations. Cush is next on this list. God’s list of what is to come.
This section doesn’t specifically mention the people, Cushites, as the focus of this prophecy. It speaks of the land “beyond the rivers of Cush” (verse 1b). It may be the people of Cush or those in a nearby place. Wherever it is, it seems they are a strong nation in both commerce and authority. They are a people “feared near and far, a nation mighty and conquering, whose land the rivers divide” (verse 2b). And whose god is not the Lord. For if it was, there would be a different ending. They would not be cut off just as they were about to produce. Their god cannot protect them OR have a hand in shaping the world.
We don’t know the exact time Isaiah is referencing in this prophecy. But we do know that ALL nations of the earth will be affected. ALL will bring tribute to the Lord; to Mount Zion. Those who are cut off will be food for the birds. It sounds like this ‘food’ will last a year.
There are a few things that strike me about this ‘bird food’. First, it is going to be an ENORMOUS amount! Second, it won’t spoil or the birds would only eat it for a short time. And it won’t be buried but left where it fell.
The size of this ‘meal’ for the birds made me think of the Battle of Armageddon. We are told that the birds of the air gorge themselves on the dead. But we also see in Revelation 14:19-20 the reaping of the earth. The “grapes” are thrown into “God’s winepress” and the blood flows up to the horses’ bridle for 184 MILES! This is an ENORMOUS amount!!!
Some carrion birds will eat rotting meat but most stop after four days because the meat it too spoiled. The flesh of this ‘meal’ will keep the birds fed through the summer AND winter. Which tells me that the normal decay process will be halted for this location at least.
Finally, the fact that the birds have access to this ‘meal’ for the summer and winter says that the dead here will not be buried. They will be left where they fell. I’m not sure if this is meant as a testament against them or a warning for others who might see them. Probably the first, as those who are living after that time will be worshiping the Lord.
The conquers of nations will be no more. The proud will be cut off from the earth. Those whose god is ANY OTHER but the True God will be ‘bird food’. Man cannot save himself or those around him. ONLY faith in God and trusting Him with your life can save anyone.
God’s hand is still directing the paths of man. His work is often unnoticed and subtle. He has a plan for this world that WILL be accomplished. Not all of it is pleasant. There are VERY HARD times up ahead, but He is STILL in control and is still watching over His children; those who call Him their Lord. Trust Him, even when events look scary. He WILL see us through!
Father God, thank You that You ARE in control! I would HATE to think what would happen if You turned loose. I am SAFE in You arms!!! And nothing can pry me from Your hands!!!!!!!!!! I have NO need to fear.