Hosea 1:2-11 Meet the Family

We meet Hosea’s family today. The “wife of whoredom” and the children born to the two of them. They are a living allegory for Israel.
God directed Hosea’s family life. He started by telling him where to look for a wife. NOT the place one would expect but this choice would bring a special meaning to those who watched him. God was sending a message through Hosea’s family life.
When I was trying to find out which tribe Hosea was from, I came across an article (through Google of course) from JewishEncyclopedia.com that spoke of his life. I didn’t find his tribe in this article but I did see something that was VERY inconsistent with what we read in our text. It said that Hosea’s wife had a good reputation before he married her. Not so from what I’m reading. God told Hosea “Go, take to yourself a wife of whoredom” (verse 2b). This means that her character was already corrupt when Hosea went looking for a woman if ill repute; a prostitute.
Hosea was also told to have children by this woman. Later on in his story, we see that his wife wasn’t faithful to him even after they were married. She still ‘practiced her trade’ after Hosea had taken her from that life. So, what I’m wondering is how Hosea KNEW that the children she conceived were his. Were the ones we see in our reading her only children? Was Hosea clued into which were HIS children by God? Or did he accept all the children that she had as his own?
God gives us names for three of the children born during this marriage. I’m sorry for the children who had to carry these names. The first isn’t so bad but number two and three are terrible! I’m sure they sounded different that what my Bible gives as their names, but their fellow Israelites KNEW the meaning of their names. “No Mercy” and “Not My People” lived with these names all their lives. They were walking embodiments of God’s judgment on Israel.
I want to know if the children were loved by their parents. Also, whether Gomer was loved by Hosea. Were the members of this family merely an object lesson? Did Hosea love his wife and children as God did/does? Even in Israel and Judah’s worst moments, God STILL loved them. He loved them enough to discipline them. It HAD to be harsh to get their attention, but He did it ALL because of love. Did Hosea love his family?
My heart breaks for these children! They had done nothing to earn their names. They were innocent in all this but they would bear the stigma of guilt their whole lives. Did God give them extra care, or love, because of the roles they would have to play in His message? I’m sure society didn’t give them a break. Their mother’s ‘fame’ was no secret. Even in our world today, children born of such unions are not looked upon the same as a child born of faithful parents. Although, that has changed A LOT in the past several decades. I cannot imagine the hardships these three children suffered as part of God’s message to His OWN children.
What was it like in the home of Hosea? God told Hosea from the beginning that he was to have children with this woman. I want to believe that their father, at least, cherished them. They were, after all, a gift from God. I pray with ALL MY HEART that they felt their father’s love, at least at home. Hopefully they received love from their mother too.
God cherishes ALL of His children! Even when we are not walking in His will, He STILL loves us. When my children were growing up, we had what we called “crack down time.” Their behavior had gotten out of hand and needed serious intervention. At the beginning of each of these times/seasons, I would sit them down and have a talk with them. The FIRST thing I said to them was “I LOVE you VERY MUCH. That will NEVER change. But right now, I don’t LIKE you.” I told them that I love them but I didn’t love their behavior. We needed to address it. That is how God feels about us. He addresses our behaviors BECAUSE He loves us.
Father God, thank You for loving me, even when I’m not likable. Thank You for doing whatever it takes to bring me back into line with Your will. I PRAY I learn quickly EACH TIME!
As much as this story hurts my heart Father, I trust that YOU loved Hosea’s children. I wonder what their lives turned out like. I suppose that’s another ‘bench question’ for Jesus.