Haggai 2:10-19 Holiness

God has Haggai ask two questions of the priest regarding holiness. Can holiness be passed from the folds of the garment? And can unholiness be passed by hands?
These are interesting questions and still applicable for today. There are a few things that came to my mind as I read, and considered, the answers. The first is that the meat being carried is NOT in contact with the person. The second is that the person who is defiled WAS in direct contact with something unclean.
When the person was carrying about holy meat, it was carefully concealed in the fold of his garment. It was insulated and protected from the elements. Unless this person waded into water or drown himself in filth, the meat should remain in its original state. Now if that meat were put into the folds of an unclean garment, then it would become contaminated also. So, one is assuming that the carrier of the meat has insured cleanliness/holiness for himself first. “Wash your hands before you eat” mentality. But what is holy is NOT in direct contact with the person so it is NOT making even him holy. Its holiness stands alone.
In the second example posed by God through Haggai, the person himself is what has been made unclean. It was his own actions that defiled him. This action could have been by choice, from necessity, or by accident. However he came about his situation, it WAS reversable, given time and ritual.
God is ‘the meat’ that is carried about. If left only in the folds of the garment, His holiness doesn’t transfer to the things you choose to do. Having outward ‘holiness’ does not translate to holy works. Putting that ‘meat’ inside you brings holiness to you personally. And this makes the things you do for the Lord acceptable/holy. HIS holiness works through you to bless the works of your hands.
When we try and do anything apart from God, it is dead works. This flesh is dead. Only the Spirit that lives within those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior makes the spirit within us alive. ‘Dead hands’ cannot produce ‘holy works’.
In God’s Law, He specified how the people were to be ‘clean’ again after touching something unclean. It always involved the passage of time and a ritual washing. It also included getting away from the source of the ‘uncleanness’. Repentance involves getting away from the defiling act/object and asking for God to ‘wash’ you clean of those sins. We don’t have to wait for the sun to set before being given God’s forgiveness. It comes immediately when we come to Him in spirit and truth.
‘Good people’ don’t do godly works. Only ‘God’s people’ can do this. Godly works are those that have an impact on His Kingdom because they are done through the work of HIS Spirit through our born again spirit.
God promised the remnant that returned that He would once again bless the works of their hands. They had showed faithfulness to His commands for more than 4 months. They had planted their harvests but had also come together to complete His Temple. They sought HIM first. That is what He had ask of them. And they listened and obeyed; unlike their ancestors. God WANTED to bless their works. It wasn’t a requirement on His part. Out of love, He forgave their past and renewed His promise of dwelling with them. He wouldn’t have wanted a ‘Home’ otherwise!
Father God, thank You for imparting to me Your holiness in the form of Your Holy Spirit. He is the ONLY reason that the works of my hands have any impact on Your Kingdom. I want ALL I do to reflect You. My greatest desire is for Your Spirit to shine through me in every aspect of my life.