Habakkuk 3:17-19 Not All Roses

Habakkuk KNOWS there are HARD times up ahead. But he will STILL praise. Even though not all things are ‘roses’ in his future, God is STILL GOOD!
This would be a slap in the face to those who believe that God is all ‘health, wealth, and prosperity’. It would also look like God was punishing someone to those who believe that only when we are being ‘blessed’ are we in God’s will.
Daniel spent the night in the lion’s den. Jeremiah ‘lived’ in the cistern for a time. Paul was in prison MULTIPLE times. And Jesus was nailed to a cross and died. Yet ALL these men were EXACTLY where God wanted them. They were in the place where they could have the BIGGEST impact. NOT everything in a Christian’s life is ‘roses’.
Yet, even in the hardest times, GOD IS STILL GOOD. And He is STILL WORTHY OF PRAISE.
Habakkuk had seen what lay ahead for Judah. He had seen Judah’s sin and KNEW that there was judgment coming. He also KNEW that God was going to bring the whole nation into that judgment. He wasn’t going to ‘exempt’ those who were still walking with Him. They would go into captivity too. They would suffer hunger. They would face the sword. And some would die.
God could have picked out His followers from among the multitude of those who rebelled against them. He could have gathered them to the side and shielded them from what was coming. But then, who would those around look to for answers and encouragement in the dark days?
I have found that the darkest days remind me of His presence the most. They bring back to memory how He has walked me through other valleys. They are the days when I lean in the hardest for I have NOWHERE else to go. They are the days when I NEED to praise Him the most, so my soul will be revived.
There was a time in my life when I had ‘lost my music’. It was a time when I was the most vulnerable. I had NOTHING to lean on but Jesus. There were MANY days when I didn’t even FEEL like I had Him. But I KNOW that He walked with me EVERY STEP of that season. I KNOW He carried me most of the way. This was actually the season where I started journaling with my bible. It was in those days that His Spirit would ‘take hold of my pen’ and give me encouragement and understanding. It was that season that I learned what REAL trust is.
I have known my Lord and Savior since I was a child. I trusted Him with child like faith. I even had some times where I had experienced His hand in my life in tangible ways. But, until I could see NOTHING but death as an escape from my pain, did I LEARN to put myself FULLY in His hands. HE sustained me. He reminded me of reasons to go on. He held me when NO other arms could. And HE RESTORED MY SOUL!
No. I didn’t find instant peace when I turned to Him. Day by day, I found His strength to take one more step. I found His courage to walk a little farther. I found HIS arms wrapped FIRMLY about me. And I found TRUE TRUST in Him to face whatever lay ahead, AND what lay within.
Father God, THANK YOU for the dark times. As hard as that is to say, I KNOW I would not KNOW You as I do today without that part of our journey. THANK YOU that You NEVER turned loose of me in that place. Thank You for speaking to my heart in AMASING ways. Thank You for showing me my ‘path’ forward. And THANK YOU for protecting my children during that time!!!
Will You use my dark days to one day bring my children back to You? THAT would be ‘icing on the cake’ for me if You did. I leave it ALL in YOUR hands. Do with my story what You will.
I pray others will find healing through praising You as I did so long ago. Praising You TRULY lifted my heart. It BROKE the yoke of bondage! And started us again on our INCREDIBLE journey.