Habakkuk 1:5-11 God Answers

God answers Habakkuk’s cry regarding his “How long…” question. God doesn’t give him a timeframe but does tell him what He is doing about the issue.
When Habakkuk made his first ‘complaint’ to God, he was speaking of the actions he saw going on in Judah at the time. He saw the rich oppressing the poor. He saw children being sacrificed on the altar. He saw idol worship wherever he looked. ALL INSIDE OF JUDAH. The very people God had called to Himself. The portion that He had maintained separate from Israel. The ones who He kept David’s line as king because of His promise to David. He was NOT looking at the actions of other countries. Only his own homeland.
We already know Israel (both portions of the kingdom) was rebelling against God. We have ‘seen’ it in MULTIPLE places. But God’s answer of Habakkuk’s question makes me wonder if he didn’t regret ‘bringing it to God’s attention.’
“Look among the nations, and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told” (verse 5). God tells Habakkuk that HE is raising up a “dreaded and fearsome” nation to rain down judgment on Israel.
Do you remember the story of Jesus clearing the Temple in John 2:13-20 ? He came for the Passover season and found detestable things going on in His Father’s House. He didn’t go tearing through there immediately, tossing tables and chasing the animals out. Instead, He took time to create a whip that He then used to drive out the money changers and all those who were ‘out to make a buck’ any way they could.
Jesus TOOK TIME to create His instrument of judgment just like His Father had done centuries before. God’s instrument would have a greater reach and impact, but just as reasoned out and WITHOUT SIN in the actions.
God was raising up this nation. He was allowing them to come to power. He was NOT giving them His statutes to live by or establishing their morals. He was leaving that up to them. This nation would be worse than the nation they were already serving. This nation would be one that went by their own morals and codes. And do those codes and morals were not favorable to anybody that they conquered. God would give them who to conquer, but not how. Judah was number one on that ‘hit list’.
I wonder if this was a little more than Habakkuk was ready to sign on for. Did he say, “No, that’s too much!”? Or did he say; “Get them God!”? I have to admit that I have read ahead a little bit Habakkuk’s answer back to God looks like it could be both. I’m going to have to wait until tomorrow to go any deeper into his response to God’s answer.
God can and DOES use ANYTHING He chooses to get HIS plan accomplished. He used Assyria against Israel. He used the Chaldeans against Judah AND Assyria. He used the Persians against the Chaldeans/Babylon as well as FOR Israel. He used the Romans, in conjunction with the corrupt religious leaders of Israel, with Jesus’ AMAZING substitution work. These are just a few of the more memorable examples of God working through unjust people or entities.
God DOES NOT create or ‘encourage’ evil or hostile attitudes. He allows the opportunity for those who possess them to express their own character in situations that He DOES orchestrate in the furtherance of His plan. He also does the opposite at times. He either stops someone’s evil intent or orchestrates positive action when they further His plan. These facts are why Paul could confidently say; “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). And when that “good” involves walking through HARD places, it is STILL part of HIS plan for your life. We may never see it, but He ALWAYS makes something good from our tough times. HE sees the WHOLE picture. We only see our little part of it. Trust Him, even when things are SO FAR from where you think they should be.
Father God, YOU know what You are doing in my life. YOU know ALL that is connected to the concerns I have at ANY given time in my life. You know what is needed to bring about YOUR will in my life. As hard as it is at times, I TRUST YOU to direct ALL the pieces. Forgive me for trying to ‘do it my way’ instead of waiting on You. I suppose instead of asking “How long…” I should say; “What now…” and WAIT until You give me that answer.
So, “What now in response to the concern with the business agency who hasn’t delivered on their promise, nor refunded my money?” I put it in YOUR hands Father God. You know the outcome I desire and feel I deserve. You also know my needs and how they would be affected with a refund. I’m asking YOU to move in this matter and resolve it for me. ‘Get’em God.’