Genesis 30 Progeny Pt.2

We continue to meet Jacob’s progeny. Leah has had 4 children already. It’s time to meet the rest of the gang. Four mothers, 12 children, for now.
God has shown Leah favor in the area of motherhood. The reason given is that she has no favor in Jacob’s heart. In fact, she is “hated.” She finds fulfillment and a place to belong in bearing children. Rachel is beside herself with envy! She wants to be a mother too. She gives Jacob her servant to bear children in her name. Leah will give Jacob her servant too, because she stops having children. Four wives. Together they will bear Jacob 13 children. We will meet 12 of them in our time with Jacob in Haran.
Let’s rejoin the family as they keep increasing in number. We will pick up right after Judah’s circumcision. Bilhah is already pregnant with her, and Rachel’s, first child.
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The celebration of Judah’s circumcision isn’t as painful for Rachel as those for Leah’s previous children. She is expecting a baby too; soon. She didn’t let Bilhah leave her side all evening. Rachel may not be the one carrying this child, but it would be credited to her. She could see Leah across the way, basking in the glow of her child’s entrance into the covenant with Jacob’s God.
By the time the ceremony ended, Rachel was worn out with smiling and acting happy. She is thrilled to be giving Jacob a child, even though it isn’t of her own body. It is a bittersweet victory. She has heard the stories of Sarah and Hagar. How Hagar began to resent Sarah and the hatred was returned in kind. She prays with ALL her might that this will not be the case for her. She truly loves Bilhah and desperately wants this child. Sarah never accepted Ishmael as her own. Rachel won’t make that mistake.
Levi was an impatient child. He wanted to do everything his brother Simeon did. His heart was broken when Simeon stopped coming home in the middle of the day. He got more and more restless as the days went on. He was also a very bright and intuitive child. At barely a year old, he began piecing things together. Things that should be far to mature for him.
Little Levi noticed that Simeon and Reuben didn’t come to their Ima to nurse. He wanted to be just like Simeon, so he began to refuse Leah’s breast. This initially troubled Leah because of Levi’s age, but it was easier on her body, so she allowed him to withdraw. Jacob was astonished when Reuben announced that Levi was weaned only a month after Judah’s birth.
“This means that Levi can come with us too” announced Simeon with great pleasure.
“We will speak with your Ima about it this evening” Jacob replied. “Levi may still be too young to be away from her.”
“I will take care of him Abba. I’m good at it!”
“Yes Simeon. I know you have always been good at watching over Levi. We will wait and see what your Ima thinks.”
Simeon was wise enough not to push the matter with his Abba. He loved their time together but he missed little Levi too. If Ima said no, he didn’t know what he would do. But Ima had always trusted him to watch over Levi. Maybe she would say “yes” if he promised her he could do it for Abba too.
Reuben, on the other hand, was not keen on the idea of Levi joining them. It was hard enough to share his Abba with Simeon. He didn’t want to share him with a baby too. He had found himself following one of Abba’s servants while Abba spent time with Simeon. HE wanted Abba’s time. But he knew he would abide by Abba’s wishes, no matter what happened.
That evening Jacob brought his sons home to Leah’s tent. Levi ran to Simeon as soon as he heard them approaching. Leah called after him, but Levi wouldn’t stop until he had Simeon’s hand firmly in his own. Leah opened the tent door to watch Jacob cover the final distance with three of her children in tow.
“Reuben tells me that Levi is weaned” said Jacob before they even reached the tent door.
“He is” answered Leah.
“Why so young? Would it not have been better to wait another year?”
“I didn’t make the decision. He did. He eats on his own, so there is no danger of him going hungry.”
Jacob looks at Levi with a new appreciation. If he chose this for himself, he must see gain in it. “I suppose we are going to need to host another ceremony.” Jacob squats down to Levi’s level and addresses him eye to eye. “Are you sure you are ready to be a young child like Simeon and Reuben, instead of a nursing infant like Judah?”
Levi looks over at Simeon, then back at his Abba. “Like Simeon” Levi answers.
“I suppose that settles it then. Tomorrow evening, we will celebrate Levi being ‘like Simeon’.”
Simeon looked at his Ima and asked, “Can Levi have your special cakes too?”
“Would you like that Levi?” asked Leah.
“Cake, Cake, Cake” sang Levi as he jumped up and down while pumping Simeon’s arm.
“Then, cake it is” announced Leah. “Should I make enough for Simeon too?” asked Leah with a smile.
“And Reuben too” added Simeon.
“And Reuben too” agreed Leah. “But only if Levi promises to be good so I can bake tomorrow” added Leah.
“That means no ‘Oh Levi’s tomorrow” Simeon told Levi in a stern voice.
“Oh Levi” Levi answered back to Simeon while shaking his head, in what Leah hoped was a promise to be good.
Simeon hugged Levi while Leah and Jacob laughed.
Levi slept with Reuben and Simeon. Leah had increased the size of their pallet and he had begun sleeping with them once Judah was born. Just before drifting off to sleep, Levi put his hands on Simeon’s face and once again promised no ‘Oh Levi’s. Simeon smiled back at his little brother.
Reuben was still unsure about having Levi join them, but he was the big brother and he would protect both of his brothers while they were with their Abba.
Levi’s ceremony was every bit as grand as his brothers’ had been. What differed was the awe of the guests. They were impressed when they learned that Levi had weaned himself and at the tender age of one. Leah was the proudest of all. Not only because Levi had made this transition, but also because he had kept his promise to Simeon. There were no ‘Oh Levi’s the whole day. And she made certain to tell Simeon that when the boys arrived home. She also made certain to tell of Levi’s success in his hearing!
The next morning, Leah saw three of her boys off for time with their Abba. This would be the first time in YEARS that she only had one child to care for. She fully expected Levi to be returned midday, but her morning was hers!
Leah was surprised to see both Levi and Simeon return home in time for the midday meal.
“Simeon, aren’t you supposed to be with your Abba?”
“Levi was tired and he cried when Abba’s man tried to take him away. I am helping him be a ‘young child’” Simeon answered with pride.
“I’m proud of you, but you are not the only one responsible for Levi. You need to be a young child yourself. It is alright to let the adults take care of Levi, even if he cries.”
“I promised Abba” Simeon says. “I don’t want Abba to say ‘Oh Levi’ and make him stay home.”
“Simeon, I’m sure that sometimes Abba will say ‘Oh Levi’, but that doesn’t mean he will turn Levi away. I’m also sure there will be times when Abba says ‘Oh Simeon’ and even ‘Oh Reuben’. It is a part of growing up and learning right from wrong. Abba will still love you, even when you make mistakes.”
“And messes?”
“Yes. And messes too!” Leah hugs Simeon tightly.
Levi continued to struggle with going back to his Ima earlier than the other boys for a week, but then he adjusted to their separation. He knew they would come home to him and he wasn’t afraid. Those adjustment days were hard on both Leah and Levi.
“Levi” Leah began one difficult afternoon. “Getting into things and making Ima scold you will NOT make your Abba let you stay with Simeon. You are still growing and need more rest. Show your Abba that you can obey him and he will begin to trust you more. Show Ima that you can be good, and I will tell Abba what a good boy you are. You will be happier and so will Ima, Abba, and Simeon. When you are stronger, Abba will let you stay longer.”
“Levi strong!”
“Yes. Levi is strong. But Levi has to rest to get stronger; like Simeon.”
Levi wanted to be just like Simeon, so from this moment on, he would do whatever it took to be strong; even if that meant coming home before Simeon so he could rest. The struggle for place was over; for Levi.
Reuben’s struggle decreased when his Abba let him teach his brothers some of the lessons he had learned. It gave him a new position and responsibility. Abba even insisted that Reuben teach Levi a little instead of having Simeon be responsible for Levi all the time.
By the time the brothers had worked out their place in the family, Bilhah was ready to add to their number. Rachel was so excited that she could hardly sit still. She would be by Bilhah’s side during the birth. She would also be the one to name the baby. It would be her baby in all except birth and nursing. Rachel had Jacob add a section on their tent where Bilhah could stay so that Rachel could have more time with the baby. She didn’t want to be cut off from ‘her child’ until it was weaned. She wanted to be the child’s primary mother.
When Judah was two months old, only days before Bilhah was due, Jacob came to Leah’s bed. She wasn’t surprised to see him. She knew her place in his life and welcomed him in.
Bilhah’s labor was more of the traditional ‘first pregnancy’ labor. It was long and tiring. Bilhah was exhausted by the time the baby entered the world. She barely had strength enough to hear that it was a boy. Rachel stayed by Bilhah’s side throughout the entire ordeal. She had been with Leah during labor and delivery and couldn’t help comparing the two. She asked the midwife about it.
“Does this mean that the baby will be stronger, or weaker, than those that Leah bore?”
“Leah was exceedingly blessed with easy labors; except with her fourth. Bilhah’s labor was completely normal for a first child. And the child is very healthy. He will be as strong as his brothers.”
Rachel breathed a sigh of relief at the news and took the baby out to meet its Abba.
“We have a son, my husband” Rachel exclaims proudly.
Jacob looks down at the tiny bundle in Rachels arms. He is very pleased to have another son. He sees the love in her eyes for the child. His only regret it that it did not come from her body. He welcomes him as fully as all his sons.
Rachel seems transfixed by the baby. She stands at Jacob’s side for several minutes. Jacob hates to do it, but he breaks her moment. “Don’t you think you should take the baby back so he can nurse? I’m sure he has to be hungry.”
“You are right. He needs to eat to grow up as strong as any of Leah’s children.”
Jacob hears both the triumph and defeat in Rachel’s voice. With this child, she has finally attained the title of ‘Ima’, but she has to relinquish that place every time the child needs to eat. Her body was not the one to bear it or the one who can sustain it. But her arms WILL be the ones to nurture it.
The day of circumcision has arrived for Jacob’s fifth son. He is an expert by now at the process. He doesn’t have to mentally steady his hands before proceeding any longer. He was terrified he would do something wrong with Reuben and mar his son for life. Now, the task comes easily to his hands.
Jacob turns to Rachel to ask the name of his latest son.
“His name is Dan, for ‘God has judged me, and has also heard my cries and given me a son’ (verse 6).”
Rachel was the center of attention in the celebration that followed. Bilhah had nursed him well once he had received his covenant mark so that he wouldn’t need to nurse again for a few hours. Rachel showed off her son to all who passed by. Leah even came to congratulate her sister.
“He is a beautiful boy. God has surely blessed you” offered Leah. These were not the words of her heart though. She was laughing at Rachel for ‘being a pretender’ and angry with her for having intruded on her role in Jacob’s life.
Only a few things changed in the camp of Jacob with the addition of Dan. Jacob’s servant came each morning to pick up all three of Jacob’s older sons from Leah. Jacob continued to teach his eldest sons the lessons they would need in life. And Leah enjoyed her quiet mornings that were for her and Judah alone.
In the tent of Rachel. MUCH had changed. Rachel was learning the tasks and weight of motherhood. Her time was no longer hers alone. She insisted on carrying for Dan as much as possible. She came to resent having to return him to Bilhah to nurse. In the beginning she would watch as Bilhah nursed Dan and imagine it was her giving him of her own body. She finally had to stop watching at all because it brought only sadness and longing to her soul. Occasionally, she would try and forestall Dan from nursing by providing him with her finger when he began to cry. She would give in though when Dan would no longer be comforted with her substitute. Rachel very seldom put Dan down on a blanket. She held him as much as possible. She loved strapping him to her body as she went about her tasks.
Bilhah knew that constantly holding the baby would prevent him from learning to use many of his own muscles. He would not learn to roll over, scoot about, sit, or even walk if never allowed out of his Ima’s arms. She was afraid to bring this up to Rachel, but knew the longer she waited, the more delayed Dan’s development would be. Bilhah decided it was time to discuss this with Rachel when Dan had still not developed any head control after two months.
Rachel was holding Dan and cooing to him. Bilhah quietly entered the area where Rachel sat.
“Mistress, I have something I need to discuss with you.”
“What is it Bilhah” Rachel asked, never taking her eyes off of her son.
“Dan needs to be laid down throughout the day.”
“I love holding him and I can work just fine with him strapped to me.”
“I know you do and you can, but this is for his sake.”
Rachel gave Bilhah a sideways look. “There is nothing wrong with him, so why would he need to be away from me?”
“Because being on solid ground allows him time to develop muscles he cannot develop while being held constantly.”
“What do you mean?”
“He needs to learn to lift his head, to roll, to explore his hands and feet, and so many other skills. In short, he needs to test the weight of his own body against the pull of the earth. If he does not do these things, his muscles will always be weak and he will fall far behind other children; maybe never even learning to walk or run properly.”
“He would learn.”
“Yes. But at a much later time and with great clumsiness.”
Rachel knows the wisdom that Bilhah holds. Bilhah often advises others among the servants in regard to their children’s needs. Rachel nods her head in understanding.
“How long does he have to be apart from me?”
Bilhah breathes a sigh of relief as she sees Rachel’s willingness to put the child’s needs first.
“In the beginning, only for a few minutes at a time. He will resist at first because he has grown comfortable with always being held. Soothing himself during these times is another skill he will learn through this process. If you will allow me, I will help you teach him the things he needs to learn to be a healthy child.”
Rachel nods her head in agreement, even though she knows that this will take away from her desire to be all that her son needs. Bilhah begins guiding Rachel that very day in ways to encourage Dan’s development. She even shows Rachel how to still have time with Dan while also separating herself physically from him. It took no time at all for Dan to ‘catch up’ in his development.
Jacob has been expecting news from Leah that she is pregnant again, but none comes. He decides to bring the older two boys back to her himself in order to speak with her about it.
Jacob is blunt and to the point. “I need to know if you are with child.”
“I am not, my husband.”
Jacob is surprised. It has always been very easy to create new life in Leah. “Why is this time so different?” he wonders. “I will come to you tomorrow night.”
Leah is both thankful and distressed. This is the first time she had any time to herself since Reuben was a born. But this is also the place where she fits in Jacob’s life. He is her husband, and she will serve him any way she can.
Jacob spends three nights in Leah’s bed to ensure that they have success. He then returns to Rachel, where his heart is.
Jealousy reared its head in Rachel again. “If Leah gives him another son, then my worth as a wife will fall even farther. Yes. I have given him a son, even it is not from my own body. I must give him more children!”
The night Jacob returned, Rachel sent him into Bilhah to give her another child. Nothing more can be done than to sit back and wait. To see if Jacob was successful in increasing his household.
Rachel knew Bilhah had missed her next cycle right away. She was firmly convinced that she was pregnant again, but she had to wait for a second missed cycle to be certain. Leah on the other hand, didn’t miss a beat in her cycle.
Jacob was pleased to hear that Bilhah was again carrying his child. But he couldn’t understand why Leah wasn’t. He decided to come to her for a full week this time. Jacob made certain to come only when the children were asleep. He would complete his ‘work’ and then return to Rachel. Previously he would stay and spend time with his sons in the evenings. This new ‘arrangement’ made Leah feel even farther from his heart than she used to be. She was a ‘tool’ to him. Nothing more.
Bilhah’s pregnancy did not stop her from helping Rachel explore ways to increase Dan’s physical abilities. It almost became an obsession with Rachel; striving to make him stronger than any of Leah’s children.
As the months went on, Rachel had to give more of her time to Bilhah. This was not an easy pregnancy. Bilhah began having severe headaches and dizzy spells. She also had trouble gaining the weight necessary for healthy development of the baby.
In those same months, no matter how many visits or how long he stayed, Jacob was unable to add another child through Leah. Jacob was ready to stop trying as it seemed as if Leah had passed her point of use. This troubled Leah greatly! If she couldn’t give Jacob children, what use would she have in his eyes.
Five months before Bilhah was doe to deliver her second child, Leah brought her servant to Jacob. “Take my servant Zilpah as your wife and bear children through her in my name” pleaded Leah.
Jacob readily agreed to this arrangement and Zilpah knew she was pregnant within a month of Bilhah giving birth to a second son.
Bilhah’s labor was much harder than the last time. The midwife was concerned for the health of mother and child. In the end, both survived but Bilhah was told that she would likely not survive another pregnancy. Rachel was satisfied with two sons to Leah’s four. She would ensure that hers were the strongest, thanks to Bilhah’s knowledge.
When the eighth day arrived, Jacob again turned to Rachel to name his youngest son after he had completed marking his son as one of God’s people. “With mighty wrestlings I have wrestled with my sister and have prevailed” (verse 8) Rachel said in her heart as she spoke his name for all to hear. “His name is Naphtali.”
Rachel was again the center of attention at the celebration following Naphtali’s circumcision. Bilhah was again by her side, but she had not yet regained her strength. She would require some time before she was herself again. She was even struggling to produce enough milk to satisfy both children she bore. The midwife was actively seeking another woman who could help fill this need.
Leah watched from a distance with Zilpah at her side. “Rachel has NOT won” she said to herself. Leah withheld her congratulations to her sister for this child. She smiled from across the gathering and waved, but busied herself with her children as if too occupied to actually approach Rachel.
Life returned to normal in the camp again. Rachel cared for her sons and Bilhah. The midwife was able to supply a secondary nurse for the boys until Bilhah had fully recovered from her ordeal. Rachel bore this extra help well; on the outside. Inwardly, she berated herself for not being able to step in. “What use am I” she often wondered. But her husband’s love for her never once faltered. It was her strength in times of doubt.
Leah ensured that Zilpah had a healthy pregnancy. She needed for this child to be strong. Her entire purpose was tied up in it.
Reuben, Simeon and Levi continued their days with their Abba and his servants. Levi was even allowed to stay all day. The first day he did this, he was exhausted when they came home, but he refused to show it to his Abba. He had to be strong like Simeon. Once inside the tent, he went straight to bed. Leah roused him long enough to feed him some stew. He would need his strength for the next day.
Judah was perfectly content to stay home with his Ima. And Leah was in no hurry to wean him. She treasured their time together. He was truly the one who sang to her heart; though she would never admit this to her other children.
Jacob loved teaching his sons. He wanted them to know all they would need in their lives. He was reserving the most important lessons until they were old enough to take them in and not be afraid. Reuben was quickly approaching that age.
They had already learned the fact that the animals provided meat for their table, but Jacob had not let them watch the process. The most important lesson would involve a death before their eyes. The death of a sacrificial animal. One that would be offered to the Lord.
Jacob talked of his God to his sons. He told them of His many blessings and promises for their future. He also shared the importance of growing up to be good men who would honor Him. He even explained the right and responsibility of circumcision the morning after Simeon was so angered by Judah’s pain at his Abba’s hands. Simeon had to admit that Judah was fine and that he himself didn’t even remember his own experience of circumcision. “This mark sets us apart to God. He commanded Abba Abraham to do this with ALL the males in our household, either born or bought. This made all his boys stand a little taller since they knew their Abba’s God wanted them.
The time has come for Zilpah to deliver her child into the family of Jacob. Leah will be the ‘primary mother’ for Zilpah’s child as it is born in her name. Zilpah, unlike Bilhah, would continue in her own tent and serve that baby’s needs during her daily chores. This had been discussed long before the time of birth arrived.
Judah was left with one of the servants while Leah and the midwife attended to Zilpah during her labor. Leah was very pleased that her own labors did not mirror Zilpah. He heart went out to Zilpah as she labored into her second day. “Please Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and my husband Jacob, bring this child into the world healthy and strong. And spare my servant’s life” Leah prayed. Leah knew that the Lord had seen her own suffering. She needed His hand again. This time on Zilpah.
The Lord had indeed heard Leah’s prayer. Zilpah seemed to draw strength from Him in her deepest time of labor. She delivered another son for Jacob. And, although spent form the ordeal, both Ima and son were healthy. Leah breathed a huge sigh of relief!
Jacob was relieved also. He had no love for Zilpah, but neither did he wish to see her life taken from her. And he certainly wanted his child to be healthy. He came to the tent door as soon as he had heard that his child had been born. He left his older sons in the care of one of the servants.
Leah brought Jacob’s latest son out to meet him. Jacob took him from her arms and gazed into his eyes for a minute or so. In his heart he was rejoicing but he showed little signs of it on the outside. He did however have a question to ask.
“Is he healthy?”
“He is indeed” replied Leah. “Your God answered my prayer.”
Jacob looked at Leah with surprise. “You prayed for him?”
“I did. And for Zilpah too. The Lord granted them both good fortune.”
“Indeed he did” replied Jacob as he handed that baby back to Leah.
Leah returned the baby to Zilpah to nurse and went in search of Judah. Her own breasts were calling for her to nurse her child.
Jacob returned to the fields where his sons were being occupied with various new experiences. Reuben looked up from supervising Levi at the sound of their Abba’s approach. He wanted to run over to his Abba and ask him about the new baby, but he was ‘too grown up’ for that; he had ‘responsibilities’, namely making sure Levi didn’t get into mischief. Instead, he stood by Levi as he dug in the soil, sifting out the rocks. When Jacob came near the boys, he announced that they had another brother.
When the boys were returned to their Ima that night, they were full of questions.
“Where is the baby?” “Will he live with us?” “What does he look like?” “Can we hold him?” “Does he have the mark of God?”
Leah patiently answered all their questions. She was most surprised by the one regarding circumcision. “Where did you learn about the ‘mark of God’” she asked.
“From Abba. He told me why Judah had to cry. Also Dan and Naphtali” answered Simeon. “When will Abba make this baby cry?”
“When he is eight days old, your Abba will give him the mark of God.”
Simeon was satisfied. A few days later though, she found Simeon talking to the baby. “It will only hurt a little bit, then you will forget about it. It will mean that you belong to Abba’s God. And Ima will say your name too!”
It made Leah’s heart soar to see Simeon welcoming his new brother to fully.
The day came for the newest of Jacob’s sons to receive his circumcision and name. Leah stood with her children with Zilpah beside her. Rachel stood apart from them with her two sons and Bilhah. This would be the seventh time Jacob performed this ritual for his own children. He stepped over to Leah and took the baby from her arms. With a quick motion of his wrist, Jacob completed the task, then held his son for all to see. He turned to Leah and asked, “What is his name?”
“His name is Gad” she proudly announced.
“Welcome with me, Gad, to our family” Jacob announced.
The following ceremony was joyous, just as Jacob had insisted for each of his children. Simeon watched over little Gad and made sure he wasn’t suffering any lasting effects. “See. I told you it would only hurt for a little while. Now you belong to God too!”
Levi was still the most curious of all the boys. He made his way over to Rachel where Dan was playing on the ground by her skirt. At first, Rachel was going to shoo Levi away, but Dan reached out for the piece of fruit Levi was offering him.
Rachel smiled at this innocent child’s kindness. Even though they were brothers, hers and Leah’s children did not interact. Levi’s own choice to breach the divide warmed Rachel’s heart. Levi sat down and began gently playing with Dan as if they had been friends for years.
Simeon quickly found Levi. He believed it would always be his job to watch after Levi. He stood back a little and watched Levi and Dan play. Rachel watched the boys with wonder. “They have no fear or hatred of one another like what is between Leah and I. I so miss those days” thought Rachel.
Simon looked up at Rachel. With the heart of a child, he began asking questions about the baby Rachel was holding and the one Levi was playing with.
“What is your baby’s name?”
“This is Naphtali” Rachel replies holding the hand of her youngest up in a gesture of a wave. “And your brother is playing with Dan.”
“I’m Simeon and that is Levi.”
“Hello Levi. I’m glad to meet you. Your Abba has talked to me about you many times. He says that you are a very responsible boy.”
“I am. I am responsible for Levi. I keep him good so Ima doesn’t have to say ‘Oh Levi’. He is much better now. Ima hardly says that at all now.”
“That is good to know. You must be doing a good job then.”
Simeon smiled proudly and nodded his head. He looked down at Levi and Dan to ensure that they were still playing nicely.
“Did Abba make your baby cry too?”
“No. Abba is nice to my babies. He doesn’t make them cry” replied Rachel, wondering what their Abba had been doing that had him ask this.
“He made Gad cry. I was angry when he made Judah cry.”
“When did he make them cry” asked Rachel with concern in her voice.
“When he gave them the mark of God. You have to cry when you get it, but it only hurts for a little while. I don’t remember crying but Abba says I did.”
“You mean like he did for Gad today?”
“Yes! Gad is already better. And his is God’s now. You can’t be God’s if Abba doesn’t make you cry when you are little.”
“I didn’t realize you were talking about circumcision. Yes. Abba made my boys cry that way too. They are God’s now too.”
“Good. It is good to be God’s.”
“It is very good” agreed Rachel with a smile.
Leah spotted Simeon and Levi over by Rachel. She quickly went to retrieve them.
“Simeon, Levi. Let’s go and sit with Reuben now.”
Levi looked up. “We are making mud Ima. It’s fun.”
“I see. But it is time to play with Reuben.”
“He doesn’t like to play. He says he is too big to play with babies” said Levi with sadness in his voice.
“I’ll have to talk to him about that. We need to leave Dan and Naphtali so their Ima can take care of them.”
“I can help her take care of them” offered Simeon. “I been watching so Levi will play nice with Dan.”
Rachel has watched with mirth in her eyes as Leah tries to draw her children away without truly telling them that Dan and Naphtali are not fit to play with. Finally, she speaks up.
“They are welcome to play with my sons any time. They are very sweet boys.”
Leah’s face goes through several changes as she considers Rachel’s ‘interference’ in her relationship with her boys. Anger leads in this procession. “How dare Rachel countermand my instructions.” Next is pride at Rachel’s words. “My children are indeed very sweet.” The final change is shame. “It isn’t right for me to pass on my problems with Rachel onto my sons. They are, after all, brothers. They will have to learn to interact with each other in kindness.” All these thoughts leave Leah not knowing what is the best course of action right now. She must maintain discipline and the understanding that her word is to be obeyed at all times. But she must also allow her children room to grow and get to know their brothers. She makes a compromise decision.
“I’m glad you have had some time to spend with your other brothers, but it is getting late. We need to get Gad to bed. I also need to wash Levi so that he will be ready when Abba comes for you all in the morning. We will find time to play with your brothers another time.”
Simeon looks down at Dan and Levi and realizes that they are definitely in need of washing. “Ok Ima.
Levi’s eyes fill with tears as he looks up at his Ima. “No ‘Oh Levi’.”
Leah smiles at Levi. “No Levi. You have been a very good boy and played nicely with Dan. But you need a bath.”
Levi wiped his hands on his tunic and showed them to his Ima. “Clean now.”
Rachel and Leah both laughed softly. “I think Dan will need washing too” said Rachel with kindness in her voice that touched Leah.
Simeon took hold of one of Levi’s hands and helped him to his feet. After Levi was firmly underway, Simeon dropped his hand and looked at his own. “I need to wash too Ima. Levi gave me some of his dirt.”
All three women roared with laughter. Rachel handed Naphtali to Bilhah and picked up Dan. “I will need to wash too! Dan gave me some of his dirt” she said, holding onto a very dirty Dan.
The celebration of Gad’s circumcision was at a close as the children were taken away by their respective Ima’s for a much-needed washing.
Jacob was not against the children getting to know one another but figured that, after each was weaned, they would join their brothers in learning under his watchful eye. He saw little advantage to the infants playing together. Leah and Rachel both bowed to his decision. During celebration times though, neither Ima prevented the children from interacting with one another; so long as they played nicely.
When Gad was two months old, Leah presented Zilpah to Jacob again. He had come to her right after Gad was born, but there was still no success in creating another child between the two of them. Zilpah, however, conceived and Jacob was told of this when he picked up the boys one morning. He thanked Leah for letting him know, and went about his day with his sons.
One day, while the older boys were out helping their Abba, Reuben was working with one of his Abba’s servants in the wheat field. He was learning to wrap the bundles of wheat that were being cut. One of the stacks had spread out a bit, and while regathering it, Reuben found something funny looking. He knew it wasn’t a rock because it had leaves growing out of the top of it, but it wasn’t the same kind of leaves that grew from his Abba’s wheat. He bent down to examine it closer. It had big green leaves and was red under them. It didn’t really look like one of Ima’s radishes, but maybe it would be something good to eat anyway. Jacob’s servant saw Reuben squatted down and examining something so he came over to him.
“What did you find” he asked.
Reuben pointed at the plant. “I don’t know. But it isn’t one of Abba’s plants. So it shouldn’t be here.”
“That is a very special plant. It is called a mandrake.”
“Why is it special?”
“Because Ima’s love it so much.”
“Can I bring it to my Ima?”
“I think she would be very pleased if you did. There are a few more over there. Let’s pick them too.”
Reuben didn’t have the strength to pull the plant alone so the servant helped him. When the root popped free of the soil Reuben’s eyes grew three times their size. “It looks like a person!”
“Yes. It does.”
“And you can eat that ‘person’?”
“It’s not a real person. It is a plant, and yes, you can eat them.”
Reuben put his ‘people plants’ in a special place so he could bring them to his Ima. When Jacob collected the boys from their various places, Reuben showed him what he had found in the field.
“Those make Ima’s very happy” Jacob told Reuben.
Reuben smiled and wrapped them in the cloth his midday meal had occupied. “I’m going to give it to Ima as a present.”
When Jacob returned with his sons, Reuben proudly presented his gift to his Ima.
“Look what I found today!”
Leah opened the cloth to find several mandrake roots wrapped inside. Her eyes went wide in surprise. “This is a wonderful gift” she told Reuben.
“Abba said that Ima’s love them. And his friend said that you can eat them!”
“I do love them! And I will eat them in a day or so, after they dry out a little.”
Reuben was pleased with his find and his Ima’s happiness.
Jacob shared his day with Rachel when he returned home to his tent. “You will never guess what Reuben found today. Mandrake roots!”
“Really? What did he do with them? Do you have them?”
“No. They were his. He gave them to Leah.” Jacob didn’t put any stock in the superstitions regarding mandrakes and fertility. He knew God was the one who opened and closed the womb.
Rachel was desperate enough to try anything! She would go to Leah and ask her for some of her mandrakes tomorrow. It took all her might to put them from her mind so sleep would come.
Shortly after Jacob left for the fields, Rachel left both her sons in Bilhah’s and the wetnurse’s care. She hurried to Leah’s tent. She called to her from outside the door.
When Leah came to the door, she was surprised to find her sister standing there.
Rachel was wringing her hands as she stood there. When she noticed Leah looking at them, she quickly stopped. Rachel cleared her throat and launched into the reason she was there.
“I heard that Reuben has brought you a present yesterday. ‘Please give me some of your son’s mandrakes’ (verse 14b)” she finally blurts out.
Leah looked at her and anger flared within. She had been taking Rachel’s seconds for years. Now that she has something special, Rachel wants it too. “Is it a small matter that you have taken away my husband? Would you take away my son’s mandrakes also?” (verse 15a).
Rachel was desperate. She had to have the mandrakes. She was sure that she would conceive if she ate them. “Then he may lie with you tonight in exchange for your son’s mandrakes” (verse 15b).
Leah thought about it for a moment before accepting Rachel’s trade. “I will tell Jacob myself” stated Leah. She ducked back into her tent and gathered up the mandrakes. She almost held one back for herself, but she had not needed them before. Maybe the Lord would be kind to her again tonight.
When Rachel came in from the fields, Leah didn’t want for him to reach her tent. She went out to meet him. In a firm voice she gave Jacob the news. “You must come in to me, for I have hired you with my son’s mandrakes” (verse 16b).
Reuben looked at his Ima, not understanding what his Ima meant by hiring his Abba for the mandrakes. Before Reuben could ask any questions, Jacob spoke to him.
“They were your Ima’s to do with what she would. She felt it was important to do this.”
Jacob followed Leah to her tent and he spent the rest of the evening and the full night with her. The boys were happy to have their Abba for a little extra time. In the morning, the four ‘workers’ headed off together into the field.
It took little time for Leah to know that God had blessed her time with Jacob. As soon as she was certain, she sent word through Jacob’s servant. He was pleased to know that Leah was once again bearing his children.
Rachel tried using the mandrakes for a full week. They did nothing to end her barrenness. When she learned that Leah had become pregnant that night she was devastated.
On the Sabbath after Reuben turned five years old, Jacob decided it was time for him to learn more of his God and what was required. The day before, he told Leah to have Reuben ready in his best tunic the next morning.
Leah knew that Jacob went up to his altar each Sabbath to sacrifice to the Lord. She had not been allowed to accompany him and had little idea of what the ritual entailed. She had heard of children being offered as sacrifices to some gods. She prayed with all her might that Jacob’s God didn’t requires such practices.
When Jacob came for Reuben, Leah had to express her fears without accusing Jacob of unspeakable acts against their child. She chose an innocuous question, designed to relieve or confirm her fears.
“When should I expect Reuben back? I want to make sure his meal is ready.”
“We will return before the noon day meal.”
Leah latched onto that “WE” with everything in her. She kissed Reuben just before he stepped through the door.
Reuben looked at his Ima with a disgusted expression.
Jacob saw it and laughed. “You will never be too old for your Ima to kiss.”
Jacob told Reuben what would happen this day as they made their way to the sheep fold. “We have to pick a lamb first. It will be the sacrifice we offer to the Lord. It has to be without blemish. You will help me select one” he informed Reuben.
Reuben was very thorough when looking over the lambs. He spotted things his Abba had missed. Finally, they found the perfect lamb. “This one Abba. His coat is very clean and shiny too.”
“We will kill this lamb very quickly. It won’t hurt but for a minute. Then we will cut it in pieces and offer it to the Lord as a sacrifice of thanksgiving and praise. We will also ask Him to take away our sins and cover them with the blood of this lamb.”
Reuben listened intently to his Abba’s description of the events. Jacob knew that there was a vast divide in hearing about the sacrifice and actually experiencing them. He wasn’t sure how Reuben would react when the words became flesh.
When Jacob slit the lamb’s throat and let the blood drain out into a basin, Reuben cried silent tears. His Abba looked up at him and saw the tracks of those tears. He smiled at Reuben.
“It is alright to feel sad about the need to take a life. So long as there is purpose in taking it, we show respect. We do it quickly to show compassion. We do not want the make the animal suffer. That would be cruel.”
Reuben watched as his Abba drained the blood from the lamb’s neck into a bowl.
“This is the life of the lamb. Without it, it has not life in it. When we eat meat, we must be sure to drain all the blood from it first. We do not eat the blood. It is special. This lamb’s blood will be sprinkled on the alter before we roast the meat.”
Jacob quickly cut and quartered the lamb and laid it on the altar. He laid a small portion of it to one side. “We will eat this portion after we offer God the rest of the lamb. In this way, we share in His blessings. It’s like eating dinner with God.”
Jacob applied the blood and put the torch to the wood. Reuben watched as the lamb was burnt on the altar. He also watched his Abba prepare their portion carefully, so as not to mix it with what was God’s, or burn his hands!
As the sacrifice was being consumed on the altar Jacob took Reuben’s hand and they offered thanks and praise to the Lord.
“Lord God of Abraham and Isaac. You have called us to live before you also. You are our God and we are your people. We thank You for the many blessings You have bestowed on us. I thank You for the sons You have given me. I stand before You with Reuben; my first born. I offer him as a living sacrifice to You. Continue to bless his life and become his God also.”
Jacob then took their portion from the altar. He broke it into two pieces and handed the smaller to Reuben.
“We are to eat all of this. We must not waste a bite of it, for it is what the Lord has given back to us from the sacrifice we offered to Him. It is special and must be eaten before Him.”
Reuben ate every bit of what his Abba had given him. It filled his belly to the top. After they had completed their ‘meal’, and all the flesh of the lamb was consumed by the fire, Jacob took what was left of the lamb’s bones from the altar, and threw it into a pit he had dug.
Leah was overjoyed when Abba and son both returned home! She welcomed Reuben with a big hug.
“How was your time with your Abba?”
“It was a very special time! We got to praise God. And Abba told God I would be ‘a living sacrifice’.”
Leah almost dropped the knife she had been slicing bread with. She looked over at Jacob, who had not departed yet, with fire in her eyes. “What does that mean” she asked, trying VERY hard to NOT reveal her distress with her voice.
“It means that I am special because I’m Abba’s FIRST son! He asked his God to help me grow up big and strong and to one day make Him my God too.” Reuben paused for a minute thinking about this. “I don’t know how to do that though” he said with a hint of sadness in his voice.
“You will learn my son” replied Jacob. “I’m still learning too. We will learn together.”
This pleased Reuben and Leah both. Leah set a plate in front of Reuben for his midday meal.
“I’m not hungry Ima. I ate with God” Reuben announced proudly.
Leah looks at Jacob for clarification.
“We shared the portion that was set aside for us.”
Leah still didn’t really understand, but she also didn’t push Reuben to eat. This day was going to take a lot more than a quick visit to understand. Jacob gave Reuben a pat on the head and bid farewell to the other boys who were playing together deeper in the tent. Leah had told them that this was a special time for Reuben and their Abba and to give them time when they came home too.
Simeon listened to the entire exchange but kept his eyes on his little brothers. One day he would ‘eat with God’.
Bilhah had fully recovered from the birth of Naphtali by this time, but she still did not have enough milk for two children. Dan was only days away from his second birthday, so Rachel decided that it was time to wean him. This would give Bilhah a break and, hopefully, they would no longer require a wetnurse. Rachel attempted to keep Dan with her in the nights so that he wouldn’t have access to Bilhah’s breast. It took three nights before Dan successfully went to sleep and stayed asleep without Rachel having to bring him to Bilhah. It was not an easy transition for anyone in that tent, as Dan cried out for Bilhah. It broke Bilhah’s heart to refuse him and Rachel’s heart because he wanted Bilhah over her.
The day after Dan slept through the night without Bilhah, Jacob declared him weaned. Jacob told Dan that he would have a special ceremony the next day to celebrate his move into childhood. Dan was excited about this prospect. What thrilled him most was when his Ima told him that he would get to go with his Abba in the mornings, like Reuben, Simeon and Levi did. Dan remembered Levi and was excited to see him again.
Dan’s celebration and entrance into childhood was filled with family, friends, and good food to eat. Jacob had told Reuben, Simeon and Levi about the upcoming celebration when he picked them up the morning before it. Leah, at Simeon’s request, even made her special cakes to share with Dan.
As promised, Dan left his tent with his Abba the next morning. They stopped at Leah’s tent and picked up the other three boys. Levi and Dan were instant best friends again. Simeon thought it would be wise for him to keep an eye on them so Levi didn’t find a way to get them into trouble. He didn’t know that he didn’t need to worry about this, because Abba’s servants were already on the job.
Jacob needed help in teaching all of his sons. Their ages ranged significantly, as did their skill level. He allowed Reuben to show Dan the animals, as he himself had done on his first day. Jacob also sent one of his servants along, just in case he might be needed.
Simeon and Levi helped milk the goats. Simeon was much better at this task than Levi. Levi tended to get distracted and occasionally spilt the milk with his wrestles feet. He also didn’t make sure that he had fully milked the goat. Simeon would always finish what Levi had left undone, so that their Abba would not scold Levi. Jacob watched from his position. It was clear to him that Simeon would need to learn how to let Levi succeed of fail on his own. This would be a hard lesson for both boys to take in. Simeon, because he had to turn loose of his control over Levi. And Levi, because he would have to learn to depend on himself and do the job right, instead of letting someone else pick up after him. Levi and Simeon’s ‘lesson’ would have to wait until Jacob established a good routine with the boys.
It wasn’t much later until Zilpah went into labor with her second child. Leah was six months pregnant herself, so she had a little more difficulty staying down on the ground by Zilpah as she endured another hard and lengthy labor. Leah had to take occasional brakes, and when she did, she prayed for Zilpah. “Lord God of Jacob, I know You have given me the child I’m carrying, but please don’t take the one from me that Zilpah bears. Bring it into this world strong and healthy. Give Zilpah Your mercy and let her live as well.”
Zilpah finally delivered a healthy boy. It took two full days before he emerged into the world. Zilpah was beyond exhausted. The midwife worked very hard to keep her alive. Leah tended to the new baby herself. She didn’t have enough milk to satisfy him but at least she could offer him something, as she was still nursing Judah. She would let him nurse as often as and long as he needed until Zilpah woke. Gad was already being tended to by a wetnurse. Leah was afraid that, if Zilpah didn’t recover, she would be nursing four children in three months!
(to be continued)
We are going to have to break here. I kept being given too many parts in my spirit that needed to be told. Hopefully, I will be able to bring us to Joseph tomorrow.
There are so many things that happen in the life of a child, and they all contribute to making them who they are. Introducing them to the Lord is the MOST important ‘encounter’ they will ever have. But they need other lessons to support that relationship. Developing a well-rounded child includes teaching them responsibility, compassion, skills, respect for their parents, as well as morals. No parent in the world will do the job perfectly. And no child will escape without some scars and flaws. But, when we introduce them to the Lord early in life, they can learn to trust Him with their concerns. He can be their ‘Parent’ too. He will care for them as His own. And He LOVES to show Himself to children! I know, because He showed Himself to me more than once when I was a child.
Father God, thank You for Your love. For my parents who introduced me to You when I was young. I know I introduced my children to You too. I’m standing on that relationship, no matter how tattered it is right now, to come back strong and bring them back to You. I TRUST You with ALL my heart; and their eternal lives.