Genesis 14 Lot Rescued

Abram has settled in the land of Canaan. He has made alliances with some of his neighbors. When his nephew Lot is taken in battle, Lot is rescued by Abram’s band.
I don’t know how long Abram and Lot have been parted. It must have been for some time because Lot has moved into the city of Sodom and Abram has made alliances with his neighbors. We also see upheavals happening in the region. We see ONE date range given. It could apply to before Abram and Lot arrived on the scene or they could have been ‘new comers’ to this event.
For twelve years, the king of Elam had ruled over the area where Lot chose to go; the region where Sodom and Gomorrah were. In the thirteenth year two sides squared off and battle ensued. The kings of the Jordan Valley, where Lot had settled, lost this fight and all that they had was taken as spoils of war. This included their people and those people’s possessions. While the spoils of the cities were being taken, the kings of those cities AND their remaining armies were hiding in the hills.
While all these political alliances’ are happening in the region, Abram makes alliances of his own. I don’t know if these were originally created as a way of keeping the peace between all the herdsmen, for protection from danger, or for political reasons. It could have been for all three reasons or for some I haven’t even thought of.
Now that we have laid down the background, let’s get into our story. I like continuity so this story may become very long. I’m sorry, in advance. I will try to shorten it by taking leaps in time. We will jump back and forth throughout the story as both Abram and Lot’s actions are important. I am going to be VERY vague on timelines as we aren’t really given any guidance in this area.
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Lot is excited about the next phase in his life. He will miss his uncle but he knows it’s time to move out on his own. He is looking forward to trusting his own mettle in this new land. He knows Abram is watching him as he and his flocks and servants make the journey down into the valley. This both pleases him and annoys him. “Thank you for caring uncle, but you can go about your own business now. I’ve got this” thinks Lot as he looks back again to see Abram standing alone in the spot where he allowed Lot to choose his direction first. Lot eventually tired of looking back over his shoulder to see if his uncle was still watching. It didn’t matter to him. He would prove that he was a man, with or without Abram’s gaze on his back.
The place where Lot chose to settle his tents was a single day’s journey. By nightfall, everyone and everything is settled in place. The cooking fires light the night and the food prepared warms the belly. Life is good in the camp of Lot.
After Lot tired of looking over his shoulder, Abram had a visit from the Lord. Again, the Lord confirmed His promise to Abram. That Abram’s descendants would inherit this land. And that Abram was to pack up and move on himself. At that point, Abram stopped looking over Lot’s journey and began preparing for his own.
While Abram journeys to the area of Hebron, Lot progressively gets closer to the town of Sodom. It doesn’t all happen at once, but the city seems to call to him and he feels powerless to resist. Within a few months, Lot’s flocks are as close to the city as they are allowed to be and Lot is spending his days sitting in the city gate.
Abram has settled by the oaks of Mamre near Hebron. He has even built an altar here to the Lord. This is a place he feels very comfortable. It is not long before the ‘neighbors’ stop in to say hello. Abram’s spirit tells him that these are good men and that he can trust them. Their relationship will grow over time to the point that they consider themselves like brothers. They will look out for each other, in EVERY way. And their commitment to one another only got stronger with time.
Some time passes with everyone enjoying the relative security of the region. Trouble is brewing though, even if our individuals aren’t aware of it. Lot has a little more inkling of trouble coming because of the talk going on in the city where he has now taken up residence inside its walls. He is also betrothed to be married to a woman from the city.
“Have you heard the latest” asks Lot’s friend from the gate.
“I don’t know. What have you heard” asks Lot.
“I’ve heard that King Chedorlaomer is massing support in the north. He has made alliances with neighboring kingdoms and plans to attack.”
“Hopefully it won’t come to that. You know how talk can get blown out of proportion. Let’s just wait and see.”
Not two weeks later Lot watches from a window in his house as the army of Sodom marches out the gate where he usually sits. “I guess my friend was correct. All I can do now is hope for the best. I will pray for their victory.”
The battle is fierce! Many fall by the sword. Chedorlaomer’s forces eventually prevail over the kings of the Jordan valley. The retreat takes even more lives from the forces as many fall into tar pits. Their cries for help go unheeded as their brothers in arms are too busy trying to escape destruction to pull them from their certain death.
The defeated kings ran straight for the hills. They didn’t fall back and protect their cities so the attackers were able to overpower the citizens in and around them with ease. The citizens didn’t resist as it would mean their death. EVERYONE and EVERYTHING they had was carried off as spoils of war. Lot and all he owned were among what was taken.
Just before the soldiers got to Lot’s house in the city, he tasked one of his servants to bring word to his uncle, Abram, of what had happened. Lot was able to keep up with news regarding Abram’s whereabouts through caravans that routinely traveled throughout the land of Canaan. He knew just where to send his servant.
“I need you to get word to my uncle. You have heard me speak of him on many occasions and of his ability to sort out any situation. He is currently living by the oaks of Mamre near Hebron. Tell him what has happened to me, his nephew. Do whatever he says for he hears from the God of creation and HE will know how to save me and those who are with me. Hurry out the window while I distract the guards. You know where the breach is in the wall. Don’t stop running until you get to Abram. Our lives are in your hands!”
“I won’t fail you master” promises Lot’s servant.
Footsteps resound outside of Lot’s door as his servant sneaks towards the window. Before he even reaches the window, the door begins to rattle with blows being struck upon it. Lot rushes to the door to delay the entrance of the soldiers so his man can escape. At the same instant that Lot’s man is dropping out the window, the door burst open, knocking Lot to the ground in the process. It takes no time at all for the soldiers to restrain Lot and begin searching his house for plunder.
“What is the meaning of this!” demands Lot.
“Shut your mouth or I will shut it for you; permanently” growls a burly soldier who has Lot pinned to the wall.
Lot watches silently as the men ransack his home and find every hiding place he ever had. EVERYTHING of value he has is taken. Lot pleads silently to Abram’s God, “Let my servant reach Abram please!”
Lot is dragged from his home and bound to other prisoners. They all cower silently under the watchful eyes of several soldiers. His possessions are thrown into a cart already laden with what was taken from the homes of his neighbors.
Hours pass before the search of the city is complete. The people are prodded to their feet and marched outside the city gates. The soldiers push, pull and drag them along the road towards whatever awaits them.
While the citizens are being rounded up, Lot’s servant is making his way across the distance to Abram. He was moving as fast as he could but it would still be a few days before he reached his destination; and help. As he neared Hebron he contemplated how he would find Lot’s uncle. He needn’t have worried for Abram’s flocks were so great that NO ONE would miss his encampment. He did have to stop and ask a shepherd or two where to find Abram as there were so many people in his company.
Finally, Lot’s servant stands before Abram. He is weary from travel and fright. He is not even certain that Lot survived, but he will share Lot’s plea for help nonetheless.
“My lord, your nephew Lot was taken by force when the city of Sodom fell. He and all he has have been seized along with everyone else in the city. He asks for your help. He knows that the God of creation is with you and prays that He may save him and those who have been carried away with him.”
“This is grave news. Thank you for bringing it to me. Rest for a bit and refresh yourself while I consider what to do.”
Abram calls his friends to discuss the problem Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre all agree to stand by Abram in whatever he decides to do; including going into battle with him. They KNOW that Abram’s God watches over him and that Abram is a wise and just man. There is no hesitation in their promise to accompany him.
Abram has 318 men who were born into his household and specifically trained for battle. They have been the ones called upon to protect Abram’s flocks from marauding bands who might think to take from their master. They have never failed to repel any enemy they have encountered. Abram’s friends supplied med of their own but they did not number nearly as many as Abram commanded.
Abram takes a moment to offer his God a sacrifice and prayer, on the altar he had constructed, before going into battle. It was brief and to the point.
“Lord of All creation, protect my nephew Lot while he is in the hands of his captors. Allow me, my men, and those who accompany me to catch up to them. Give us victory over the enemy and let us bring back ALL that was taken.”
Abram rejoins the men who were silently waiting. “Let’s go” Abram commands. Nearly 400 men fall in step and make their way north, to the place where their victory awaits.
It takes several days for them to reach the encampment of the captives. Due to the number of captives being dragged along, the conquering army is moving slowly back to their territory. One of Abram’s scouts spots the band one evening.
“They are just ahead over that rise. They appear to be setting up camp for the night” the scout whispers to Abram.
“Good. We will take them in the night, when they are not expecting anyone.”
Abram uses hand signals to summon his most skilled men. His three friends do the same with theirs and they meet near a tree to plan their attack. In hushed voices, Abram gives each man his orders.
“You three take men with you and circle to the right. You three do the same to the left. Stop midway. I will take a group and come in behind the camp. You my friends spread out across the front. We will need to identify the sentries and eliminate them before they can sound the alarm. The fewer large conflicts the better. As many as we can catch in their sleep will be that many who won’t have an opportunity to kill a captive.”
“When should we move? What will be the signal?”
“We will wait until the second watch of the night, in order to have the most guards sleeping. I will signal with the sound of the nightjar. If a sentry passes you before then, note his position and wait. We don’t want one to be missing while there are others on patrol.”
Everyone silently moves into their designated place and prepares to wait. It is a dark night as Abram’s God has seen fit to hide the light of the moon to conceal their movements.
The sound of the nightjar is heard rising over the plain and all Abram’s men begin their silent attack. Sentries fall before they can raise the alarm. Not a sound is heard as they move towards the enemies’ tents. The ripping of canvas under a knife is the only sound heard that night. Even that doesn’t rouse the sleeping soldiers. It is as if God Himself has put them into sleep.
Abram’s forces meet in the center of the camp once all the soldiers have been dispatched and surround the captives. They sit quietly and wait for morning; giving themselves a welcome rest.
Morning breaks and Abram stands to inspect the camp. Not a single soldier stirs. As the captives wake, they are greeted by new faces. Faces that instill comfort instead of fear. Bonds are expertly split and smiles abound.
Abram searches out and finds Lot. With great relief Lot embraces his uncle. “I knew you would come uncle. Or at least I hoped you would.”
“You are my family. How could I do anything else?”
“And you brought friends” Lot says with a smile as he looks around at all the new faces.
“And I brought my God. HE gave the victory into our hands” replies Abram.
Everyone is hungry so the soldiers’ own rations feed the captives and their liberators. Once the meal is completed and the people satisfied, the rest of the supplies are gathered for the journey home. The carts carrying the property taken from the captives and the city sit waiting for their return trip.
Abram has everyone on the journey home by midday. Travel will be MUCH slower with such a large company of people, including children, but it will be a joyous one!
(to be continued)
I added in Abram asking God for help and God providing it. I have NO DOUBT that this happened. I see NO WAY such a small group of even well-trained men could take out the company of soldiers. God would continue to care for Lot, on Abram’s behalf for the rest of Lot’s life. Lot’s choices put him in a lot of danger! We lose track of Lot near the end of his life. He remained true to Abram’s God and didn’t serve idols. We are told in 2 Pe2ter 2 that Lot was actually righteous. He was troubled by the unrighteousness that he lived among. Yet he chose to stay! But that is a story for another day.
Father God, THANK YOU for caring about ALL Your children; even the ones who get themselves into trouble. You rescued Lot on more than one occasion. Not only for Abram but for himself. He must have remained true to You, even if he didn’t demonstrate it for his family.
I don’t want to compare myself to Lot. I don’t really know his heart but You did. I pray that I speak louder than he did of You to those around me. And that I trust in You will ALL my heart. I KNOW that I am as safe as Lot was in Your hands. NOTHING in this world is beyond Your control and ability to protect me in it.