Ezra 5:1-5 Work Renews

It has been many years since the stop work order was issued. A new king is on the throne and God tells His people to take up their tools again.
After years of walking past the Temple every day in a half done state the people hear from the Lord. I imagine the daily sacrifices held in the courtyard of the Temple pricked the people’s hearts every time they looked over and saw the state of their grand project. Many tears must have fallen over the years.
Did the people get accustomed to seeing the Temple in this state or did it always bother them? Did they see the half done structure and look at it with longing and hope or despair? Were they waiting for the day that God would step in and let them finish or figure it was as done as it was ever going to get. Did they use it in its current state in some form or fashion? Was it far enough along in the process that it provided some usability?
I’ve learned to live in a half done home but I still have hope that someday we can take up the tools again. I am VERY grateful for the changes that have been made in it since I came to live under its protection but I still long for the day when I can call it ‘done’.
Finally the day came! Two of God’s faithful and trustworthy prophets, Haggai and Zechariah, told the leaders of the people to pick up their tools again. “It’s time to get back to work. The Lord will watch over us if we are faithful to obey His voice.”
That’s all the leaders needed to hear. Zerubbabel and Jozadak jumped right in. They organized work details, arranged for supplies to be delivered, and set about completing the work of the Lord. Things were back on track. Hammers were ringing out in the quarries, scaffolding was uncovered and put back into operation, timbers were falling and being hewn to the perfect size, and the voices of workmen rang out from all the quarters of Judah. All rang with praise and thanks giving for the work of the Lord was finally underway again.
This activity didn’t go unnoticed by the neighbors. “How dare these people take up building the House of their God again! The king has ordered them to stop.” The rush right over to confront the Jews. And they are not nice about how they do it. At least they didn’t bring their army. They were read to take names and send reports. “Who gave you a decree to build this house and to finish this structure?…What are the names of the men who are building this building?” (verses 3b & 4b).
This didn’t scare the leaders one bit. They knew God was watching over the progress Himself. Let them tattle to the king. Let them call out the people by name. But this time they were going to tell THEIR side of the story. No more half-truths would go to the king.
The next time we will look at the report the men of Judah gave their nosy neighbors. In the meantime, the saws keep sawing, the hammers keep ringing, and the people keep singing as the House of the Lord continues to go up.
It can be hard to stand against the opposition. Internal and external. The people of Judah could have gotten so discouraged by the half done project that they gave up. They could have folded up work when the neighbors came calling, remembering the force that was used on them previously. They could have chosen not to listen to God when He told them to start working again. But they didn’t do any of these things. They trusted in the Lord instead. They let Him fight their battles. And they grabbed hold of the opportunity to share His story. Their faithfulness would be a great testament to the king on behalf of the Lord.
Father God, thank You for the opportunities to share my ‘testimony’ regarding Your work in my like. I pray my whole life speaks of You. There are some I cannot directly share Your word with. I pray they see You in me, even without words. Help me stay strong in the face of opposition, internal and external.