Ezekiel 48:30-35 City Gates

The last piece God shows Ezekiel are the city gates. One for each original son of Israel. Levi has his own gate and Joseph has only one.
One thing to notice right away is that God and the bronze man do not “show” Ezekiel the gates or city. Ezekiel gets only a description of the size and the gates going into the city. We are not even told the height of the wall around the city.
Because the gates will be on the city wall, there will be gates on the western wall, just like the gates on the other three walls. The Temple has NO openings on the western wall. Unlike the previous Temples and Tabernacle, there will be a building behind the western wall of the Holy place. This building will be included in the Inner court. We are not told the purpose of that building. We have its dimensions and orientation but nothing more.
As you probably already guessed, I had to make a visual chart of the order of the gates. We are not told the size of the gates or where they are specifically placed on the walls. I’m assuming that they are all the same size though. I would also expect that they are evenly spaced along the walls. I’m no architect, so I didn’t draw up a building representation. Instead, I listed them each by their sides and used the colors I used in my last graphic to see who stayed in line and where things differed. Here are the things I noticed.
First of all, Ruben, Judah, and Levi stayed together on the north wall. These are the three most prominent of Leah’s children. Rachel’s children stay together on the east wall. Joseph and Benjamin are Rachel’s children from her own body and Dan is the first from her maid. Issachar and Zebulun are still together. This time they are led by their older brother Simeon. They occupy the southern wall. The last three are Leah’s children by her maid and the last of Rachel’s children by her maid. Gad, Asher and Naphtali. They occupy the western wall; the one which has no entrance to the Temple corresponding to it. I’m more than certain that this does NOT mean they have any less access to the Lord. Someone had to be on this wall and these three carry less ‘clout’ or distinction.
God made preparations to welcome ALL His children into His city. They all came as equals. Joseph did not receive two portions in this. All God’s children are equal. There will be a difference in ‘rewards’ for each of us but there is no difference in His welcome. There is no sin that can separate us from His love.
Thank You Father for making a place for me. I know I don’t physically belong to the bloodline of Israel but I do spiritually. I’m YOUR child and welcome in YOUR city. I wonder what my ‘house’ will look like in Your city. As long as it is in Your city, it doesn’t matter. Being close to You is all I’ll ever need.
Thank You Lord Jesus for making a way for me into Your city. I would have no other hope but You. You are my everything!