Ezekiel 47:1-12 Water Flowing

The bronze man brings Ezekiel to view and walk in the water flowing out from the Temple. A river full of life that brings life to ALL it touches.
The first thing that I noticed is that, even Ezekiel and the bronze man did not get to use the outer Eastern gate. Ezekiel was brought out through the North gate and taken to the outside of the front of the Temple.
This is the first time we see the measuring line used. We saw it in the very beginning but it isn’t until now that we see it in use. I’m not sure if it is “a thousand cubits” or if he measured a thousand cubits with it. I put this measure into two length converters and came up with .279 miles or .449 kilometers. Not too far to walk but certainly a LONG way for a rope or string to be laid out over. I wonder if it was tied onto something. I tried measuring my fence line with a skein of yarn. I looped it behind some of the posts to keep it lined up. Measuring it afterwards proved impossible! It all wound up in the garbage and I measured it a different way.
At each measurement point, the bronze man took Ezekiel into the water. I wonder why he did this. Was it to show Ezekiel the depth changes or was there some other reason for this wading in God’s water? My kids and I walked the creek bed of a neighborhood creek. It’s not an easy thing to do! You slip and slide ALL THE WAY on the rocks. Maybe that’s why Ezekiel only waded into the water when the limit of the bronze man’s measuring points.
This river is FULL of marine life and its banks have flowers and trees that are rooted deep. These are fruitful trees, not just shade trees. Even the leaves on the trees will be beneficial to man as a source of healing. This river will even be able to turn salty water into fresh water. Something that isn’t seen in very many places. Even in the places where fresh meets salty, salty eventually ‘wins’ the battle. It won’t be so with God’s river! It is an act of God that will bring this about; NOT ‘Mother Nature’.
Something that I found interesting is that the farther away from the source this river goes, the deeper it gets. And it’s NOT because other tributaries join it. This river is PURE. It has only ONE source, which is stronger than ANY other source. I wonder if it gets deeper to allow more people to access it and for more life to fill it. In the ankle deep water, there would NOT be any fish.
Have you ever noticed that the longer you spend in God’s word or even in praise and worship, the deeper you go? Stay on the surface or refuse to ‘walk’ into the deeper water and you miss a whole new level of intimacy with God. I want to go so deep I can’t touch bottom and rely on Him to keep me afloat!
Father God, wash over me! Take me deeper into Your word and Your love. Show me ALL I can handle and then make me stronger so I can handle even more. Thank You for sending Your life out to me too. You are the Author and Provider of life!