Ezekiel 46:1-18 Prince & Feasts

God has instructions for the Prince and the feasts he will be hosting. The prince is to be an example to the people in his devotion to the Lord.
When God told Ezekiel about closing the East gate earlier, I was wondering if it was the outer gate or the inner one. We finally get the answer today. The outer gate is the one that is shut permanently. The inner Eastern gate is opened on the Sabbath and on the new moon. The prince is the ONLY one who enters into this gate.
This gate is special. It is the gate by which the Lord entered His Temple. Because God entered His Temple, the outermost Eastern gate has served its purpose. God will NOT be leaving again so the doors are shut. NO other gods will be allowed to come through that gate either.
The inner Eastern Gate would be where the prince would offer his sacrifices and worship. He would dine with the Lord in the vestibule of the outer Eastern Gate. He did not physically pass completely through either of these gates. The outer gate because it was shut and the inner gate because he was not a priest.
The prince actually entered the courtyard the same way as the rest of the people; through the north or south gate. When entering either of these two gates, the one who entered would NOT return by the same way but pass by the Eastern Gate and proceed out the opposite way he came in. This ensured that EVERYONE would pass by the Eastern Gate; God’s gate. The priest would offer his sacrifices there but the people would only bow at this place.
The Eastern Gate wasn’t open to the prince any time he wanted it. It would be open on the Sabbath and new moon days. On these days, after the prince made his sacrifice and worshiped at the gate, it would remain open until evening. During festival or feast times, if the prince wanted to offer a “freewill” offering, the gate would be open until he had completed his offering, then be shut again.
God gives Ezekiel specific instructions for the content of the prince’s offerings. However, one offering he is free to “give as much as one is able to give” (verse 11b). I believe this “as much as one is able to give” applies to the people too. There is a caveat to this “able to give” portion though. For every ephah given there must be a hin of oil to accompany it. I suppose that this ensures that the ephah of flour can be turned into bread instead of left unused.
We have already learned that the prince is to supply the animals for the sacrifice during the festivals and feasts. It appears he is to provide the daily sacrificial portions too. The prince provides the items for his own sacrifices and for the group sacrifices of Israel. The people bring their own personal items for their personal sacrifices.
This section proves to us even more that the prince is a normal human being in that he has sons. Ezekiel is told about the rules governing the prince in providing gifts to his children AND servants. He is free to provide these gifts as an inheritance to whomever in these two groups he chooses, but only the sons may keep the gifts for their lifetime. The servants must return whatever remains of these gifts once their years of service are concluded.
The prince may NOT acquire the lands of any of the people for himself or for gifts to his children. This would displace the rightful owners and heirs. If the prince wants to give a gift of property, it MUST be from his OWN portion.
If I were visiting the Temple God is showing Ezekiel, I would want to do it on the Sabbath. IF I were an Israelite, I still wouldn’t be able to pass into the inner Eastern Gate, but I could look into the inner court and see the offerings being laid on the altar and watch them being brought back to the people. I would also be able to see the doors of the Holy place too. What a sight! And it would be the closest to God that I would be allowed to come.
Which brings me to my question of ‘why the sacrifices’ again. Because of Jesus’ work on the cross, I’m able to come into God’s presence through prayer, praise, and worship. I don’t have to stand outside and watch as others spend personal time with Him. I have His Spirit living within me and get to hear Him speak to me concerning my own life. I don’t get to see His physical face but I have a personal relationship with Him. NO ‘long distance’ separations. I wouldn’t trade what I have for ANY Temple experience; or at least I don’t believe I would. Is it possible that this Temple is for those who won’t have the access we now enjoy?
Father God, here I go again, wondering ‘why’. After the relationship I have with You, I wouldn’t want to EVER exchange it for the kind of ritual described. IF You were walking around in the flesh and greeting the people who came to Your Temple, SIGN ME UP! Maybe I don’t understand its significance and special meaning because I’ve never participated in anything like it. To me, I don’t want the ritual or religion. I want the relationship!
IF this is another part of what You have for me in Heaven, I’ll willingly take it. I just don’t understand it all yet. I trust You to make clear to me what I need, when I need it. For now, this is the kind of ‘table’ we share. I’ll patiently wait and see what other kinds of ‘tables’ we share in the future.