Ezekiel 45:7-25 Prince’s Portion

God has set aside a specific portion for the prince. This prince is NOT Jesus. He is a JUST ruler for Israel who cares for the people with integrity.
One might think that Jesus would be this prince but that wouldn’t be possible. First of all, Jesus is King, NOT prince. Second, this prince has no portion of the Holy portion set aside. As God incarnate, Jesus’ portion IS the Holy portion. Third, Jesus has no need of presenting a sin offering for His sins. The prince is instructed to present such an offering. Finally, Jesus will ALWAYS be a just ruler. He will not need to ‘mend his ways’ in this area.
I have no explanation for why there would be a need of a prince while Jesus is on earth as King. It may be that this Temple is not for that time but for another. Or, more likely, that God has plans He hasn’t fully shared with us/me. What I can see for certain is that there will be princes governing Israel during the days of this Temple. And that there will be sin in the world at that time. Could it be that this time is the time between Jesus’ millennial reign and the final battle with Satan? Maybe God will allow this Temple to be built during the Tribulation period. All I can do is speculate. I guess we will have to wait and see.
During the time of this Temple, the prince will have several roles. He will be a regular man; one capable of sin and in need of atonement. He will be Israel’s leader and is told to “Put away violence and oppression, and execute justice and righteousness. Cease your eviction of My people” (verse 9b). He will receive from the people the ‘tithe’ portion for all their increase. Of this, he will provide the appropriate portion to the priests for sacrifices for Israel and provide food for the people at all the feasts. He will act as host during the feasts and ensure all is done according to God’s commands. He will ensure that ALL trade is fair by ensuring standard measures are used throughout the land.
I have one quick side question to ask. Why the convoluted method of reaching the measure of the “mina”? “Twenty shekels plus twenty-five shekels plus fifteen shekels shall be your mina” (verse 12b) Why not simply say 60 shekels shall be your mina? It just caught my attention and I had to ask about it.
When the prince is given instructions on how much to provide (from what he is given by the people) for each offering, in verse 17 it states that he is “to make atonement on behalf of the house of Israel” (verse 17d).
On new years day the priests are to purify the Temple and all that is within it again. Seven days later they are to do the same again. This second purification is for “anyone who has sinned through error or ignorance” (verse 20b). Does this mean that anyone who sins deliberately or in arrogance will carry that sin for the year? Another, just asking moment.
Seven days after the second offering to cleanse the Temple, the Passover is to be celebrated. This feast is to follow all the requirements that God set out when giving the people this celebration in the beginning. This time the prince is to provide “for himself and all the people of the land a young bull for a sin offering” (verse 22). The prince’s need of a sin offering definitively eliminates Jesus as filling this role. Jesus has NO need of a sin offering for Himself.
What will Jesus be doing during the reign of this (or these) princes’ reign? What will Israel be doing during this time? What will our world look like at that time? Questions that I have no answer to and He has chosen to leave unanswered; for now. All I can do is trust God to have it ALL in hand. I wonder if this will be the Temple that the anti-Christ sits down in and tries to proclaim himself God.
Father God, there is SO much I would LOVE to know! YOU gave me an inquisitive heart and mind, so I believe You expect me to use it. Even though I come up with ‘a million’ questions, that doesn’t change my faith in You one little bit! I will follow You WHEREVER You lead me and trust You to be there to catch me whenever I fall.
I TRUST YOU to bring about EVERY WORD of what You have told me. How it comes and when it comes are not required for me to KNOW that You have it ALL in control and have the PERFECT time already set for these events. In YOUR time, You will make ALL things beautiful!