Ezekiel 39:25-29 Restored Israel

There will come a day when Israel is fully restored. God has promised this to Ezekiel and to His children. No more ‘lost tribes’, unbelievers, or enemies to contend with.
I don’t know if this prophecy speaks of a time before or after the war with Gog. Israel will be at peace during the reign of Jesus but it will also be a peace with the knowledge of a war still to come. After the war, there will be some time remaining here on this earth. The period of burial and use of the weapons for fuel at least. Israel will be at full peace as Satan has been dealt with permanently. There will be no neighbors to trouble her. ALL her people who are TRULY God’s children will be present. It will be a peace like no other before it.
I don’t believe it is speaking of the time when Israel returns from exile to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple. They had enemies all around them. They had a buffer between them and their enemies, after they complained about the problems. God worked through Cyrus to protect His people when HE brought them out of exile. YES. God did it; not Cyrus. God raised up Cyrus and put him in the position just for this purpose.
I have SO MANY questions I want to ask concerning the future. From the near future to the FAR off future. I KNOW that my curiosity can run wild at times and get me into trouble. And I also KNOW that these questions won’t be answered until they are played out in the future. That doesn’t make me any less curious. Nor does it make my faith in God weaker. It makes me want to dig deeper and search longer to see if maybe there was something I missed. Something that God hid that would answer some of my questions.
One thing I DO know for CERTAIN is that God will prove Himself so FULLY to ALL the nations that NONE will be able to doubt Him. He will do this by completing ALL the promises that He has ever made. By using Israel as His ‘proving ground’ for His promises. God will take this little nation that the world has tried MANY TIMES to destroy and make it a jewel worthy of His crown. Let’s see ANY other god do that!
I was thinking about whether I wished I was of Jewish descent. On the surface, it would be comforting to KNOW that I was one of God’s ‘chosen people’. But then I would have been raised in a culture that denies Jesus as Messiah. Would I overcome that cultural belief?
Then I remembered that I AM one of God’s ‘chosen people’. I was chosen by Jesus as one He gave His life to save. He speaks of ME when He says He has other sheep. He sent His disciples to reach out to me through time with His words and His love to ALL men. I am of Jesus’ bloodline! That is all I need to know for sure. Everything else is icing on the cake. I am my Beloved’s and He is mine!
Father God, thank You for the promise of a SECURE future. Not only will Israel live in peace but ALL who have given their lives to You. Satan is still roaming the earth now so that ‘peace’ isn’t as full as it will be one day. But I STILL have security, no matter what storms rage around me. You hold me safe in Your arms. THAT ALONE is enough for me to KNOW that Satan CANNOT destroy me or have power over me. Lead me Father to the places You want me to be in this world so that I can be a light for You.
Thank You for my imagination and curiosity too. Don’t let me go too far with that curiosity as to let Satan use it to his advantage!