Ezekiel 30:1-19 Egypt’s Lament

God gives Ezekiel Egypt’s lament. The one he is to sing over them for they will meet the sword of Nebuchadnezzar who will utterly destroy them.
I went searching, once again, for the secular report of this prophecy’s fulfillment. History is told by the victor or by the coward who survived. There is a report of the events by Josephus and also a statue for one of Egypt’s leaders that lends its voice to supporting the prophecy as given by God to Ezekiel. I will hold FAST to His promises and words. They will ALL come true; all that remain unfulfilled. One day I pray He shows me His exact version of history.
We saw in the last chapter what God had against Egypt. Egypt was full of pride for their own accomplishments. They were also supposed to be a help to Israel but were as ‘flimsy’ as a reed instead of a strong staff they could lean on for support. I have no doubt that this prophecy of doom and gloom started from these same sins.
God said that Egypt would face the same kind of destruction that Judah did. Nebuchadnezzar would burn the cities and knock down the walls and palaces. These two sources state that he did indeed support the lord
Nebuchadnezzar was God’s instrument of judgment. He would later be judged himself for his zeal in this campaign. Egypt fell and Nebuchadnezzar received the spoils of his conquest. The ‘payment’ for his work against Tyre. EXACTLY as God said it would happen.
Once again, God is NOT gloating over another’s downfall. He gives Ezekiel a lament to sing over them instead. A song of sorrow instead of one of derision. One filled with facts and warnings of what is to come. Because it is a lament, I’m inclined to believe it is created out of compassion for what MUST come. As Jesus stated regarding Judas; “The Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for that man if he had not been born” (Matthew 26:24). An understanding of what MUST be, but sorrow for the one who would actually do the task. Notice that Jesus didn’t say it would be easier for Him if Judas was never born, but for Judas himself. Jesus’ heart understood the feelings of remorse and guilt Judas would fall to after he completed his part in God’s plan. Crushing guilt he never would have experienced if he had not been born.
God KNOWS what is to come. He knows the parts each of us will play in His plan. And He feels the weight of our parts. His heart rises and falls with ours as we walk along with Him. He doesn’t fall into despair though because He KNOWS too what still lies ahead. He WROTE the back of the book! He KNOWS Who wins!!!
Father God, thank You for showing me that You are NOT untouched by my circumstances. That You walk beside me and feel the joy AND hurt on my journey along with me. You NEVER let it destroy You though. How many ‘laments’ have You sang over me? How many more lie ahead for me? No matter the number, I’m grateful for the Company I KNOW will be there with me. Together we will make it through.