Ezekiel 28:24-26 Regathered

Israel will be regathered once their judgment is complete. All those who partook or rejoiced at Israel’s distress will be punished by God.
God promises Israel four things. The first is that Israel will be enemy free. “There shall be no more brier to prick or a thorn to hurt them among all their neighbors who have treated them with contempt” (verse 24b).
The second promise is to gather them from all the nations to which they had been scattered. “When I gather the house of Israel from the peoples among whom they are scattered and manifest my holiness in them in the sight of the nations” (verse 23a).
The third promise is the return of their land. “Then they shall dwell in their own land that I gave to my servant Jacob” (verse 25b).
And finally, to execute judgment on those who treated them with contempt. “They shall dwell securely, when I execute judgment upon all their neighbors who have treated them with contempt” (verse 26b).
ALL of these promises are part of God proving Himself to Israel and all those around them. God is proving His love and His sovereignty. He didn’t have to do this. He didn’t even have to tell the people what He was going to do. He has no obligation to share with us. He does it because He LOVES us.
These promises were not all going to be fulfilled together, or at least not completely together. During the rebuilding of the Temple, Israel was safe from their enemies because of the protection of Cyrus. They were NOT free of detractors or opponents. Only Cyrus got them to back off. They were even ordered to assist in some areas. Israel hasn’t been free of opposition since the days of Solomon. Today, Israel is under attack by its neighbors. It is Not conflict free. But there WILL be a time when they are at peace with all their neighbors.
During Jesus’ reign on earth, ALL God’s prophecies will be fulfilled completely. All those who treated them with contempt will have already been dealt with. They will occupy the land promised to them from the time of Abraham and Jacob. ALL the tribes of Israel will be reunited into one people. And they will dwell in complete safety as Jesus Himself rules from Jerusalem. All the peoples of the earth will desire to come to Israel to see Jesus. To seek His judgments. To simply be in His presence.
Father God, NONE of Your promises go unfulfilled. You bring EVERY SINGLE WORD to be. Thank You for giving me all Your promises. They give me hope, keep me grounded, and motivate me to move forward. You give me direction through Your word with Your promises too. Thank You for each of them. I love You and I want to live exactly as Your word leads me.