Ezekiel 20:45-21:32 Fire & Sword

God is going to use fire and sword to judge Judah. God gives Ezekiel several prophecies that he is to share with the people. ALL are of judgment.
God speaks to Ezekiel several times in this passage. He starts with a consuming fire that will happen “in the south” from where Ezekiel is. He is with the captives, so the south is Jerusalem. God specifies Jerusalem in a few places, but we KNOW that Jerusalem is the focus of most, if not all, of his parables.
The time for judgment of God’s people is at hand. God has been using His “rod” of discipline for many years but the people are ignoring it. Even when God brought the Assyrians against the northern kingdom of Israel and destroyed it, the people of Judah wouldn’t listen. “Surely not us!” they said.
“YES. You too” says God. Judah was counting on the false prophecies and smooth sounding presumptions that they would be ‘fine’ behind the walls of Jerusalem. God says they WON’T be safe. Both righteous AND wicked will feel His judgment. BOTH will be cut off and taken into exile.
God is bringing the Slayer; Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. God has given him power for the purpose of punishing His people. He has a time marked out for Nebuchadnezzar to rain judgment down on Judah but also a time for him to stow his sword and receive punishment himself.
Nebuchadnezzar is not above invoking God’s name when it suits him. When King Zedekiah was placed on the throne, Nebuchadnezzar had Zedekiah swear on God’s name that he would obey the orders of Nebuchadnezzar; to be a vassal king. Zedekiah swears but then goes back on his promise several years later. (Something God NEVER does regarding His promises!) But God is NOT where Nebuchadnezzar receives his directions. We see him here consulting omens. He puts his ‘battle plans’ into the hands of sorcery.
I’m not sure who God is referring to when He says, “But to them it will seem like false divinations” (verse 23a). Is He speaking of the Babylonians or the Jews? Nebuchadnezzar follows through with the direction ‘revealed’ by his priests. Did they think they would fail in their attack of Jerusalem, but went anyway because the omens said to? Or was it the people of Judah who thought Nebuchadnezzar was getting false messages and that he wouldn’t succeed in taking the city?
Whoever it was that wasn’t certain, they didn’t know, or refused to listen, to the mind of God. God can cause ‘the signs’ to give whatever answer He desires. Even with ungodly searches. He can ‘put His thumb on the scale’ to bring those who are NOT listening to Him into HIS direction. I wonder if Nebuchadnezzar ever believed he was an instrument of God. I’m sure he thought he was an instrument of his god and that his god is who gave him all his victories. It wasn’t. It was God; the Creator of the universe who moved Nebuchadnezzar into this position. God who controlled his hand. God who said when enough was enough. And God who would judge him for his actions too.
God can use ANYTHING and ANYONE to see that His purposes are carried out. The ‘little stick’ and the ‘rod’ were not doing the job with Israel to bring her back into line. So, God brought out the sword. And He used it. This would have a LONG-LASTING impression on His people. It would change them forever. It wouldn’t make them perfect, but it would keep the people in line with regards to idols.
God can use ANYTHING He choses for our lives too. Our direction doesn’t have to come from only ONE channel. DO NOT go looking for it in the occults, fortune tellers, mediums, and such, but don’t count out Him putting someone in your path that will steer you to the place you were meant to go. He is, after all, Lord of the WHOLE universe! He will do whatever it takes to get our attention. I suggest listening EARLY and OFTEN so He doesn’t have to bring out the sword.
Father God, forgive me for the times I am ‘hard of hearing’ or ‘hard headed’. Thank You that You NEVER give up on me! Thank You for doing whatever it takes to bring me back into line. PLEASE help me listen BEFORE You get to the point of the sword! I NEVER want to push You that far.