Deuteronomy 31:30-32:47 Moses’ Song

Moses gives the people a “song” to hold onto. A song of their future and their promise. A promise that their God will forever be watching, even during times of punishment.
The song God gives to Moses is one that the people will not forget. It is one that they will hold onto and look to in times of trouble. This song promises redemption again and punishment for those who have taken advantage of Israel’s misfortune.
Just like we saw last time we were together, God KNOWS Israel is going to fail. He also knows that other nations are going to take advantage of Israel’s failures. They will oppress them. They will mistreat them. They will rule them and even scoff at their God.
Those other nations should have known better. The hand of God was visible in Israel’s history. It will also be visible in their conquest of Israel. “How could one have chased a thousand, and two have put then thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, and the Lord had given them up?” (verse 30). Their victory over Israel should have been a warning but those nations will ignore it. And they will pay the price of their arrogance when Israel finally turns back to their God.
Israel will turn to this song in times of trouble. They will cling to it as a lifeline. They will remember that their God loves them and that He disciplines those He loves. This is the song that God has Moses leave the people with. One of hope for a future with Him.
This isn’t a song that Israel can turn to as a “get out of jail free” card but one that assures them of hope after the lessons have been learned. For they wouldn’t be in the place of being spurned. God would not hide His face from them without a reason. They would have to learn from their mistakes and turn back to Him before He would act on their behalf.
But when He does act ALL will see He STILL l loves His children. Those who treated them badly during their time of learning and punishment will suffer His wrath in return.
Israel isn’t the only one God loves. He loves ALL who call on His name. Those who follow His Son. And He protects, instructs, and disciplines us too. We don’t suffer the same types of “discipline” that Israel did as we are not a single nation but we do bear consequences of our own actions when we leave His protection.
Israel’s punishments didn’t come from one single act but from YEARS of turning their backs to Him. They turned to a lifestyle of chasing everything but Him. That is what got them into trouble. It gets us into trouble too! God won’t “slap us down” for occasional sins but He will call us up short when we choose to live in a lifestyle of sin instead of following Him. We WILL see His correction and we WILL also see His restoration when we turn back again to Him.
Father God, thank You that You do restore. Thank You for forgiveness. Thank You also for correction. Without it I KNOW I would be WAY out of line. I need Your correction. I need Your assurances too that I can return to You and that You still love me. Keep me from wandering too far Holy Spirit. I NEVER want to get so far away that I can’t get home.