Daniel 6:1-28 Just Reward

King Darius is now on the throne. He finds Daniel VERY faithful. So faithful that some were envious and plotted his death. ALL involved received their just reward.
Daniel was made third in charge by Belshazzar on the last day of his life. King Darius took part of his kingdom after Belshazzar’s death. We aren’t told how Belshazzar died except that he was “killed”. This could have happened that night in a battle for the kingdom. Under Darius, Daniel is still in a top role in the kingdom. Daniel was on of three who were over the regional leaders of the land. And he was about to be made even higher than that; under only the king himself.
Those under Daniel, who were native to Babylon, were NOT pleased with this! It had NOTHING to do with Daniel’s abilities, his treatment of those under him, or ANY of his policies. It was pure jealousy. Daniel was an outsider and they resented him for it. They hated him so much that they actively looked for him to falter. But they found NONE. So, they invented cause.
King Darius was not thinking things through when these men came to him. He let their flattery blind him. Why wouldn’t everyone in his kingdom turn to him for everything? He was the highest in the land and they considered him a god. He forgot all about Daniel and his God. The king KNEW Daniel’s habits AND about the God Daniel worshiped. They were far from his mind at that moment though.
The king’s irrevocable command did not stop Daniel from worshiping his God. The consequences were dire, but NOT serving God was NOT an option to Daniel. He KNEW God would protect him. He wasn’t told in advance what would happen. He simply had to trust God.
Did Daniel think the king would find an exemption for him? Did he think God would hide him from those seeking his death? Was there even a single worry in Daniel’s mind as he knelt to pray?
King Darius wrestled with finding a way out for Daniel as SOON as the matter was brought to his attention. Darius’ heart was breaking but the laws of his people were ‘written in stone’ and could not be altered. I’m wondering why he didn’t write his later decree BEFORE delivering.
What did Daniel think about as he was being taken to the lion’s den? We are not told that Daniel resisted or struggled on the way. He walked into the tomb and did not even cry out when the stone was rolled over the opening. Daniel walked right in and made himself at home. He trusted God to do whatever He needed to do in this situation.
After trying all day to find a loophole to spare Daniel, Darius then sent Daniel to the lion’s den with the ONLY hope he could think of. “May your God, who you serve continually, deliver you!” (verse 16b). He didn’t know it at the time but he put Daniel in the ONLY hands that could protect him.
Darius was distraught! He couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, and couldn’t get Daniel off his mind. I’m seriously wondering if his “fast” that night was in an effort to appeal to God on Daniel’s behalf. Darius KNEW that the God that Daniel served waw the “Living God”. That would be pretty impressive if Darius was pleading on behalf of Daniel.
Morning FINALLY dawns and the king RUSHES to the lion’s den. Darius didn’t really believe God would protect Daniel. He HOPED He would but he didn’t have that much faith. Darius’ heart was breaking as he cried out to Daniel behind the stone that day. He expected NO answer. “O Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to deliver you from the loins?” (verse 20b).
Daniel answered him right away with an AMAZING testimony! “O king, live forever! My God sent His angel and shut the lions’ mouths, and they have not harmed me, because I was found blameless before Him; and also before you, O king, I have done no harm” (verses 21-22).
ALL of this conversation took place through the stone that was sealed on the mouth of the lions’ den. Once Darius knew Daniel was still alive AND safe, he called for Daniel to be released. Daniel stood before the king and he looked him over from head to toe. Daniel was SAFE! I bet Darius uttered thanks to Daniel’s God, but we don’t see that. What we do see is that the king had ALL the men who had set this plot in motion brought before him. They and ALL their household were brought to the lions’ den. THEY would suffer the death they had planned for Daniel. ALL involved received their JUST reward!
I’m curious about the death of these group of people. We are told that they didn’t even make it to the bottom of the pit before the lions leaped on them. Were they dead at this point or defenseless as they waited at the bottom of the pit for the lions to devour them? These were NOT tame lions and they were HUNGRY after missing their meal from the night before. Personally, I would have wished for death on the way down
Darius took this miracle one step farther. He proclaimed to EVERYONE under his rule that they were to “tremble and fear before the God of Daniel, for He is the LIVING God, enduring forever; His kingdom shall never be destroyed, and His dominion shall be to the end. HE delivers and rescues; HE works signs and wonders in heaven and on earth, HE who has saved Damiel from the power of the lions” (verses 26-27).
Daniel would receive favor during ALL of Darius’ reign and Cyrus of Persia too. Daniel, the man who stood before five kings through the hand of God. What an impact he had on the world for God!
Father God, YOU put Daniel in this place. YOU did it to save Judah and ALL who would listen. I KNOW I don’t have the impact or reach that Daniel did but I believe YOU put me where I am for a purpose too. I want to be faithful like Daniel was. YOU are the ONLY ONE who has my faith! I will trust the people You put in my life to help me along the way but YOU are the one who keeps me safe wherever I go. PLEASE don’t put me in a lions’ den. But if You do, I will STILL trust YOU and allow YOU to have YOUR perfect work in it.