Daniel 5:13-31 You’ve Been Weighed

Daniel comes to interpret the writing on the wall. “You are THAT Daniel?!” asks the king. “Yup. And God says; ‘You have been weighed and found wanting.’”
Daniel is “brought in before the king.” He wasn’t called and came in. He was brought in. This is the first thing we hear when it comes to Daniel coming to interpret the writing on the wall for Belshazzar. Was he asked to come but refused? Was he told to come and came willingly? Was he dragged in against his will?
Daniel was not someone who was customarily before this king. So, ‘bringing him in’ might have had more to do with the ‘presentation’ than anything else. I would think that, with this message from God, Daniel would have been more than willing to interpret it for the king. This king NEEDED to know what God was saying to him; especially since his sin was SO great.
Belshazzar speaks to Daniel and proves that he knows exactly who Daniel is but he has NOT listened to the lessons of the past or respected what his father went through with God. He acknowledges that “the spirit of the gods is in” Daniel. Did he learn this from the queen just prior to Daniel arriving or did he know it when Daniel stood before his father?
After confirming that he knows who Daniel is, Belshazzar does not hide the fact that the wise men and enchanters of Babylon could not decipher the writing on the wall. He also offers Daniel the same reward he promised to any of the others who could interpret this message for him. He is desperate and terrified. He has NO doubt that this message is important and for him.
“Let your gifts be for yourself, and give your rewards to another” (verse 17a) says Daniel. Daniel is not looking for rewards OR for a place in Belshazzar’s court. He is there for ONE purpose only. To share with Belshazzar EXACTLY what God is saying to him.
I’m curious. Why didn’t God spell it out clearly for the king to begin with? Why did He require him to go through Daniel? Was this because of the lack of relationship between Belshazzar and God? Was it so the king and the people in attendance of this banquet would see the connection between the people of Judah and God? God spoke to Nebuchadnezzar through Daniel too. God gave Nebuchadnezzar important dreams but hid the meaning. Only through Daniel, acting on God’s behalf and through His power, did either king receive their understanding of God’s words for them.
When Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s last dream, he was hesitant. He KNEW the news was bad and he cared for the king. He didn’t want to pass on bad news. Nebuchadnezzar told him to go ahead and share whatever the meaning was. Daniel’s first words before rendering the interpretation was; “My lord, may the dream be for those who hate you and its interpretation for your enemies!” (Daniel 4:19b). Daniel had a relationship with Nebuchadnezzar and he cared for him.
Daniel is not the least bit hesitant to share God’s meaning with Belshazzar. After telling him to ‘keep his rewards’, he reminds Belshazzar about God’s appointment and raising up of Nebuchadnezzar. GOD made Nebuchadnezzar GREAT, but even he was humbled by God when he became too proud. Belshazzar has profaned that SAME God! Daniel is not the least bit hesitant to tell him the consequences of his lifelong actions.
Belshazzar wasn’t a ‘one time offender’ with his attitude towards God. Google tells us that he ruled for 13 years. As this was his LAST night on earth, we can now place this event in his timeline. So, for 13 years he ignored the God of Heaven. For 13 years he lived a life of self-indulgence and arrogance. God says, “ENOUGH! You have gone TOO FAR this time.”
Daniel first tells Belshazzar his sin, then easily reads the words and tells him their meaning. “And you his son, Belshazzar have not humbled your heart, thought you knew ALL THIS, but have lifted up yourself against the Lord of Heaven. And the vessels of His house have been brought in before you, and you and your lords, your wives, and your concubines have drunk wine from them. AND you have praised the gods of silver and gold, of bronze, iron, wood, and stone, which DO NOT see or hear or know, but THE God in whose hand is your breath, and Whose are all your ways, YOU have NOT honored” (verses 22-23; emphasis added). In other words; “HOW DARE YOU! You should KNOW better!!!”
‘Here is your reward’ King Belshazzar. “Your days have been numbered and they are UP. You have been judged and found wanting. Your kingdom is going to be divided and given to the Medes and Persians as a punishment.”
Even though Daniel’s message was bad, Belshazzar still gave him the ‘rewards’ he had promised. I don’t know how much good making Daniel third in command meant, as Belshazzar’s time was up. Daniel told him so, but apparently, he didn’t believe it. He was making plans for the next day and the day after that. He found out that God meant what He said as he was killed that very night. “Darius the Mede” received the kingdom.
Quick question; who was 62 years old? Daniel, Belshazzar, or Darius? Just curious. I have a feeling it was one of the first two, as most kings aren’t 62 years old when they engage in a military campaign.
God looks at our lives too. We are ‘weighed and measured’ by our deeds. But when we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, it is HIS deeds that count. We are accountable for how we live though. We cannot live in perpetual sin and expect God to overlook it. If you TRULY love Him, you won’t ask Him to. Your heart’s desire will be to change your ways to the point that they bring honor to Him.
Father God, THANK YOU for ‘weighing’ me according to Jesus’ works and not my own. I fail to measure up and I KNOW it! ONLY through Jesus’ blood am I found worthy. I want to listen before it is too late. To fashion my life after Jesus’ example, to the BEST of my abilities. To be a blessing to others and one who points the way to a REAL relationship with You.