Daniel 4:19-27 Fallen Leader

Nebuchadnezzar wants to know the meaning of his dream. Daniel hesitantly tells him that he will be a fallen leader for “seven periods of time”, but will be restored.
I have to admit that I went searching (on Google of course) for information on the period of time when Nebuchadnezzar was ‘crazy’ in the field. I found references back to Daniel, but no others written in history. I found one video that attempts to deal with this by making the king one that would come a few kings later. My ‘take away’ from it is that he is saying that Daniel mixed up the names of the kings. I’m not even going there! As the Holy Spirit is the ultimate author of God’s word, I believe HE knew what He was talking about.
Back to Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.
Nebuchadnezzar has just told Daniel his dream. Daniel is reluctant to give him the interpretation because he KNOWS it is not favorable. Daniel hesitates. Nebuchadnezzar has to reassure Daniel that it will be alright, no matter what the dream’s meaning is. He simply wants to understand his dream. Daniel finally gives in and reveals the complete meaning for the king.
I, for one, would be afraid to tell the king that he was going to lose his mind too. But there is a promise for good at the end of this scary dream. Two good things actually. First, that there would be an end to this ‘lesson’ and second, that his kingdom would be waiting for him at the end of it. These would be the ‘plusses’ for Nebuchadnezzar. There is a third ‘plus’ though for the people of Israel. Nebuchadnezzar would meet AND praise the God of Israel; the God of ALL creation.
Nebuchadnezzar would not be the only Babylonian king who learned to respect God through Daniel’s life and service. ALL those whom Daniel served would KNOW of his devotion to the Lord and come to respect that devotion, if not God Himself. Even when King Darius would be tricked into throwing Daniel in the lion’s den, he would acknowledge Daniel’s God as having protected him like NO OTHER god could do.
Daniel doesn’t stop at interpreting Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. Daniel tries to prevent him from going through this experience by calling for him to repent and mend his ways NOW. “Therefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable to you: break off your sins by practicing righteousness, and your iniquities by sowing mercy to the oppressed, that there may perhaps be a lengthening of your prosperity” (verse 27).
MANY TIMES in other encounters with God’s promise of punishment, nations had repented and they were spared the disaster God had foretold. Ninevah is one of my favorite examples. Even Jonah KNEW that God would relent if they would repent.
God listens to our hearts. When we are pliable and willing to follow His word, the lessons are quick and easy. When we are stubborn and rebel, the lessons are as strong as needed to bring us back into His will. Even Nebuchadnezzar, a king of other gods, ended his lesson when he acknowledged who God was. God’s lessons are not cruel, vindictive, or spiteful. They are ALWAYS for our good and, when heeded, will last a lifetime. They are NOT always fun, immediately understandable, or what we would have chosen. But they bring about changes that would come no other way. Even Jesus KNEW that what He had to endure had NO OTHER way of bringing about the results God wanted. Can we say that we have ever come close to walking the road that He did?
Father God, thank You for ALL the lessons You have brought into my life. I am who I am today because of them. YOU brought me to them AND through them. THANK YOU for NEVER giving up on me!