Daniel 11:1-45 Kings Battle

Daniel has a vision as kings battle back and forth for the land. These kings relate back to the nations we have heard of before from God through Daniel.
God shares with Daniel MANY of the things that are to come for his region of the world. And what He shares is SPOT ON! Who but God could have known that Alexander the Great would die shortly after completing his kingdom and that it would be broken into four parts and ruled by those NOT of his family? Who but God could have known the ebb and flow of the power between the kingdoms and its impact on His people? How about how Ptolemy II and his attempted bride for the north were poisoned by his current wife? Tell me ANY man could have predicted THAT.
I’m not a ‘history buff’ but I liked seeing the history unfold as I read my bible helps. From the beginning of the Medo-Persian empire to the beginnings of Rome. Very interesting and VERY precise.
But God doesn’t share EVERYTHING. Some later kings are skipped over. Actually, MANY are because this prophecy takes Daniel to the end of time. What has already happened is so precise that the last part that hasn’t occurred yet is for a later time. A time still to come. We are not done with this prophecy.
Critics try to say that this prophecy was written after all the facts, but if it was, why does the end not line up with history? If it were simply a recount of history, it would all fit together nicely. But it’s not. It is GOD telling Daniel what is to come. And us what is still to come.
I wonder what Daniel thought about all that he was told. Did he SEE CLEARLY all that was to happen? Or, did He, like us, wonder what the fulfillment will look like when it does come? Did he see Laodice poison Antiochus II and his intended new bride Berniece? Looking back and seeing it is SO MUCH EASIER that looking forward and figuring it all out. That is how we are with the final pieces and the book of Revelation. Unless God Himself reveals it to us, we have to hang on for the ride with the ‘sign posts’ He does give us.
If nothing else, this vision given to Daniel PROVES how intricately God is connected with our wold. He KNOWS ALL that was, is and will be. NOTHING surprises Him. NOTHING is beyond His control. NOTHING will stop His plans from being carried out, EXACTLY as He says. Therefore, WE are SAFE in His hands. If He cares enough about what was coming to tell Daniel about a ‘marital issue’, He certainly knows what is going on in our lives and how to direct us to the BEST outcome.
Father God, thank You for PROVING how well ‘informed’ You are with my world. Thank You for steering it in the directions You have so far. And that I can trust You ‘with the wheel’ for the rest of time. I know my life is just one of millions but You steer me just as clearly and faithfully. I don’t know all the roads ahead but I KNOW the Map Maker. I’m looking forward to seeing the ‘completed version’ when we meet and picking out all the places where Your fingerprints are. Some will be light, some medium, and some pretty heavy where You had to hold on to me tight so I wouldn’t ‘run off the rails’.