Colossians 1:15-23 He Is

Paul goes to great length to share Jesus’ deity and authority. He starts before the beginning of time and goes all the way through his present day. He has not changed since then to our present day and he never will. He is Lord of ALL.
“If you have seen Me you have seen the Father” (John 14:9). Jesus said these very words to His disciples. Paul explains Jesus as “the image of the invisible God” (verse 15a). He is the form we see in the exact personification of our God whom we can’t see, yet.
“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God” (John 1:1). Jesus is part of the Godhead and it was complete in the beginning, before time began. That unity created EVERYTHING together. Nothing was made apart from God + Jesus + Holy Spirit.
Because of the work Jesus did on earth He is given a special position in Heaven. He is at the right hand of the Father. They are one but they are also distinct. God the Father is above all else but He chose to put everything else under Jesus’ feet. He gave Jesus governing authority as His Son.
Jesus is also the head of the church. He paid for that right with His blood. And He has the right to bestow on anyone He chooses the stamp of paid in full. He won’t force anyone to accept His substitution work though. But He freely offers it to anyone who will come to Him and ask; both Jew and Gentile.
Lord Jesus, thank You for ALL You have done for me. I don’t deserve it but I’m more than happy to receive it. You will forever be the One who holds it all together. I am looking forward to seeing You in person. I want to know about all the mundane things You did while You walked the earth. I want to hear Your story from Your own lips. I want to watch Your hands as You speak. I want to watch Your face as You share with me the story of the creation of the universe. Will Your eyes sparkle at the memory? Will You show me in miniature form (as if recorded) the process? I KNOW You will not rebuke me for asking so many question. You made me this way after all.
Thank You Jesus that we have a personal relationship even in Your physical absence. I feel Your presence when we sit and read together. I don’t always quiet my mind as well as I want to but You never fail to show up for our time together when I ask. Please forgive me for the times I jump ahead and try and make my way without You. I NEED You and Your insight into God’s word. Thank You Father, Son and Holy Spirit for willingly sharing Your understanding with me. I KNOW I don’t always get it all right but You bring me what I need for each day. Thank You again and forever!