Acts 20:7-16 Asleep In The Window

We rejoin Paul on his way to Jerusalem. He wants to be there before Pentecost. He has a long way to go and a short time to get there. He also has several stops to make along the way.
Today’s story reminds me of when I was little and we would go hear a “long winded” evangelist who came to town. We would sometimes be in church for many hours; late into the night. Never did we have the “all nighter” that those listening to Paul had that night. We were allowed to curl up under a pew and go to sleep. Eutychus used a third story windowsill.
Paul is determined to get to Jerusalem. His march towards this destination is a lot like Jesus’ final visit there. He knows danger awaits him but he is intent on going. He expects to be jailed or killed. So he wants to make sure he shares everything he can with those he visits along the way. I’m not sure if this event happens while he and his band are in Troas or during their next stop.
It is clear that Paul met with a large group of Jesus’ followers, including those he had sent on ahead, those he came with, and those in the town where he stayed. They started their meeting over a meal. Paul’s plan was to leave the next morning but he had a few things he wanted to share first. I wonder if this night long sharing was one sided. Was Paul the only one speaking or did some of the others share too? Did he answer questions or have a specific topic he taught on? Was this direction or correction for the body in that area?
Whatever was being said in this upper room, it was important enough to continue even after Eutychus’ accident. Paul paused long enough to go down and tend to the young man, but then he came back in and continued talking until daybreak.
I’m wondering who noticed the young man was missing. Did someone see him fall from the window or did they just notice his absence? How old was he? Was he one of the servers or was he a family member of the homeowners? Was it his choice to stay or was it his job? Was he so intent on hearing everything that Paul had to say that he wouldn’t leave the room even though he was exhausted? What became of him after he was picked up by Paul? We know he didn’t die but we hear next to nothing more about him.
I also noticed that Paul didn’t pray for this young man. He simply picked him up and spoke over him. Was Paul so used to God answering his prayers that he didn’t need to make “requests”? I don’t recall a single prayer from Paul of: “If it be Your will…” Those who loved the young man were VERY grateful that God gave Paul the outcome he spoke. Would that I had that kind of faith!
As soon as it was daylight Paul continued on his journey, leaving another miracle in his wake. I’m sure those miracles helped spread the good news of Jesus in places it wouldn’t have otherwise been welcome. God has ways of getting people’s attention. Not that he caused Eutychus to fall from that window, but He used his story to reach even more people.
Father God, thank You that You do use our tragedies and troubles to reach otherwise unreachable people. Thank You for Paul’s faith in You. I can’t even imagine being that full of faith for miracles. Faith that You are real and exactly who You claimed to be. But the big healing miracles seem to be beyond my faith level.
Thank You that the message Paul so desperately wanted to share with this group didn’t get side tracked by a trick from Satan. Even this young man’s fall didn’t prevent Paul from sharing what was on his heart. Would that I could be that focused. But then Paul wasn’t expecting to have another opportunity to see these people again. He had to make the most of the time he had at hand. Thank You for giving him that opportunity. Thank You for giving Eutychus another chance to hear it too.