Proverbs 28:1 Stand Tall

Those who know they have done no wrong stand tall in the face of a challenge. Those who have failed, run and hide. Where will you be?
I would LOVE to say that evil is ALWAYS conquered by good. But I can’t. We live in a fallen world and sin exists, and sometimes seems to prevail. Those who trust in Jesus, though, truly prevail. How? You ask. Because GOD sees our hearts and takes notice. And God NEVER forgets the good we do, especially in His name.
David talked with God, through his psalms, about how evil seemed to win in this world. God always calmed his heart by telling him that evil WOULD be punished in the end. Even when we can’t see it, God is still in control. I’ve read the ‘back of the book’ and I KNOW Who wins! Satan doesn’t have a chance so he’s throwing everything he has at mankind and hoping something sticks.
So how am I to act when I stand accused of a wrong AND I HAVE DONE NO WRONG? Am I to fight tooth and nail? Do I run and hide? Am I to speak out against evil when I see it? Do I stand for those who can’t stand for themselves? And what do I do when these actions are challenged? Do I waiver and take it all back or do I stand firm in the words I have already spoken?
Jesus said that if we deny Him before man He will deny us before the Father. We are to speak the truth, even when it brings us earthly consequences. Jesus told His disciples to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. Don’t lie down in the face of evil but ask the Holy Spirit to send you the words to say when confronted. Leave the outcome in God’s hands, KNOWING that He cares for you.
Stephen received freely when he asked and he shared an amazing message. He was rejected and killed by man but God received him gladly. The apostle Paul (then known as Saul) stood witness to this event. I’m CERTAIN God used this event to plant a seed in Paul’s heart. That seed sprang up when Jesus confronted him on the road to Damasks.
MANY of Jesus’ disciples were hard pressed when they stood in righteousness. Their ‘standing’ often resulted in ‘consequences’ at the hands of man, yet ALWAYS had the eyes of the Father on them. Their standing touched lives for centuries to come; even still today with no end in sight.
God does NOT promise that standing for righteousness will always ‘win friends and influence people’ but He does promise boldness for the righteous. A boldness that comes from Him when we trust Him with the outcome; whatever He may allow. There is NOTHING man can do to our eternal life with God. They may do as they wish with the flesh but they cannot touch our spirit when we place it in God’s hands.
Do I WANT to be hurt or killed? NOT IN THE LEAST! But I will gladly face death, KNOWING that my God will receive me with open arms IF this is His next step for me. As Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego said “our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up” (Daniel 3:17-18). I will trust God to do what HE knows is best.
I want to touch on one more area before leaving today. That area is “what if I’m guilty of wrong”? God is NOT going to strike me dead. He is waiting for me to repent. He is waiting with open arms to hold me and comfort me as He restores me again; wipes the dirt off my hands and face. He does NOT throw me out of His family. He does NOT take back the salvation Jesus purchased for me. But neither does He let me go on playing in sin. He speaks to my spirit and draws me back to the road He has laid out for me. He calls gently at first but He is willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to get my attention if I’m not listening. He NEVER gives up on His kids!!!
Thank You Father that You don’t give up on me. Thank You that, no matter what happens here, I’m still in Your hands. There is NOTHING man can do to me that will separate me from You. Or that You can not protect me from. I’m in YOUR hands at ALL times! And when I’m in the wrong, You bring me to task because You love me.
Give me boldness where I should be bold and meekness when I should be silent and wait. Give me Your words daily. Fill my mouth with Your words and my heart to overflowing with Your Spirit. Don’t let me be obnoxious but let me speak love wherever I go.