Deuteronomy 18:9-14 Do NOT Follow

Moses tells the children of Israel the things that the nations they are displacing have done to anger God. Their practices are NOT to EVER be found in Israel.
The first “abominable practices” that Moses lists makes my skin crawl and breaks my heart. How could ANYONE believe that burning their child in the fire would bring them ANYTHING but condemnation! But there were people who sacrificed their children to their gods in the fire to gain “favor.”
If you want to get downright technical, God asked Abraham for the life of his child. God wasn’t going to let Abraham carry through though. He was testing him to see if he valued his own child above God. Abraham passed that test and God prevented Abraham from harming his child physically. Knowing God, He also dealt with Isaac’s emotional fallout from this event too.
But these nations were not stopping short of killing their children to gain something from their god. I’m curious as to what it was they were petitioning their god for. Was it really worth it?
In SO MANY places today we “sacrifice” our “children” for our “gods.” I’m talking about abortion. I know this is a tough subject and has a LOT of controversy surrounding it. I’m going to state my point. Feel free to skip this section, comment back with your own points, or agree with what I’m sharing. The choice is yours and no one but you and God will know what that choice will be.
I recognize there are valid reasons for not wanting to be pregnant but once that life is conceived those reasons HAVE to be weighed against a LIFE. I don’t agree with the courts who only assign life to a child once it is born. I have felt my children move within me. They communicated their genders to me MONTHS before they were born. We formed a bond and knew one another prior to their emergence from my body. They were alive and it was my job to keep them that way. To nurture and protect them.
I empathize with the woman, or girl, who becomes pregnant through an act of violence. I do not have personal experience with this outcome but have experienced unwanted sexual intrusion. My heart goes out to these women/girls and I don’t have an answer for them. I also understand the difficult decisions that are required when a pregnancy puts the life of the mother or child at HIGH risk. Personally I want to say I would choose my unborn child’s life above my own but never having been faced with that situation I cannot say with certainty what the outcome would be. I would also have to weigh if this was my first child or one of many.
The woman who chooses abortion for the sake of convenience or as a “birth control” measure is the one who is sacrificing their child to their god, in my opinion. Abortion due to teenage pregnancy, as difficult and undesirable as the pregnancy itself is, is still sacrificing a living child. The “gods” might not be as obvious here. There are other choices that can be made that don’t cost the life of the child.
I believe with ALL my heart that God cries every time we tear a child from its mother’s body, regardless of our justification. To me that is the bottom line in the debate of abortion. Thank you for letting me have my say. I will leave you to discuss this with God and find your own understanding with Him; keeping in mind His words here today.
The other abominations that Moses lists deal in the spiritual realm. Diviners, fortune tellers, mystics, sorcerers, charmers, mediums, and necromancers all seek information or “guidance” from the spiritual world. Do Not Be Fooled! There ARE spiritual forces all around us. There is a war between the two forces; good and evil. God v Satan. The practitioners listed above receive their guidance from Satan’s forces. There seeking NEVER ends in good. There is NO good in Satan and his forces so he has no good to give those who follow him. They may be fooled into thinking they are receiving some kind of gain but when the veil is removed from their eyes they WILL see the truth and the death that they have been wallowing in.
Moses will tell us next time of the spiritual forces we should be focusing on. These will lead to life, even when the road they take us on is difficult.
Father God, thank You for loving the children our world so easily throws away. I can’t imagine the heartbreak You feel as this world disposes of their “inconvenient problems.” I pray for every woman/girl who is facing this decision today that You will hold her close and whisper love into her heart. That You will provide an answer for her heart that speaks of Your love for her AND her child. No more “Return to Sender” responses please Lord.
Holy Spirit, thank You for protecting me in the midst of this world that is Satan’s kingdom. The ONLY spiritual forces I want to be hearing from are on YOUR side. I’m more than willing to listen to those You send to me. Help me ALWAYS know the difference. Help me see through Satan’s disguises, even when they have been fooling me for a long time already. Uncover his schemes that I have been falling prey to. Help me stand against all his fiery darts. Help me remember to put on Your FULL armor and to carry my shield and sword at ALL times!