Jonah 1:7-16 God Answered

The storm is threatening to take the lives of those on the ship. All are crying to their gods. When Jonah says that it is His God doing this. God answers them in an unmistakable way.
We read in many places where Israel cast lots to determine God’s will. One place that jumps boldly to my mind is when Joshua was trying to find out who had sinned and brought defeat to them in battle. God peeled back the layers of the camp until he got to the single man, Achan. If I were him, I would have confessed myself instead of waiting to be identified by the lot.
This time, men who did not worship the Lord were turning to the ‘lot’ for an answer to their situation. These men prayed to other gods for their safety, but their gods weren’t answering. They couldn’t because they were not alive. I don’t know who they thought would guide their ‘lot’ drawing. God stepped up to do just that. He led them to the truth even though they knew very little about Him.
God isn’t relegated to speak in only one way. He will not ‘dance like a puppet on a string’ if you follow some formula. He won’t refuse to speak to any but those who already know Him. He WILL move in ways that will surprise you, even when you think you have Him all figured out.
Jonah KNEW where this storm was coming from, and why. He didn’t cry out to his God to save them. He didn’t even open his mouth to let them know what was going on until AFTER he was identified through the lot. He could have saved them all that time and trouble if he would have simply confessed.
Did you notice that the sailors didn’t even question if the lot was correct? No ‘best two out of three’ response even. They took the answer before them and dug into Jonah’s past. “Who are you and what have you done to cause this?!”
Jonah finally cones clean. He even comes up with a plan to save them any more trouble. Only THEN did the men question the lot’s answers. They did EVERYTHING they could to save themselves and NOT follow Jonah’s suggestion. God wouldn’t let them off until they surrendered Jonah. The storm grew in intensity with each passing moment. He was FORCING them to act on the answer He ahd already provided.
Before they threw Jonah overboard, they prayed to Jonah’s God for forgiveness. “IF we are wrong in doing this, PLEASE don’t hold it against us. We are only following what he told us to do.” Jonah kept silent during this prayer. He didn’t offer up a prayer for forgiveness or cry out for mercy for the men from God. As far as we know, Jonah didn’t even cry out for help as he was heaved overboard. He was resigned to his fate.
As SOON as Jonah was thrown overboard the storm stopped. It wasn’t a gradual thing. It was immediate. Just like when Jesus calmed the storm and when He stepped into the boat after He and Peter walked on water. Yes. Peter walked on water too. Not for very long, but he had a gift he would remember the rest of his life.
Because of the IMMEDIATE response, the sailors KNEW two things. 1) They made the right choice in throwing Jonah overboard and, 2) Jonah’s God was more powerful than ANY of theirs. They were so awed by God’s response that they decided to honor Him immediately. Not only did they make a sacrifice but they made promises to Him. I’m curious as to what they offered in their sacrifice. They had thrown all they could over the side to stay afloat. Whatever it was, it must have been precious to them. Reminiscent of the widow who gave ALL she had to live on to the Temple offering.
I’m also curious as to what kinds of vows they made. I have a feeling that they kept whatever vows they made after seeing God’s power. Did they see what happened to Jonah next? I imagine THAT would have been even MORE awe inspiring!
God isn’t always so obvious in how He moves in our lives. But His power is ALWAYS just as awe inspiring. I LOVE looking for His ‘finger prints’ in my life. They give my faith a boost and bind my heart even closer to Him.
Father God, THANK YOU for all the times You have moved in my life. I could use another ‘storm calming’ miracle right now with the company I’m dealing with. I’m pretty sure I’m not the one the lot would fall on in this instance. I will praise You in the HIGHEST regardless of whatever You decide to do.
Father God, also give my neighbor peace in his heart and my mother-in-law peace towards him too. There are real issues that have to be corrected but that doesn’t prevent You from working on the hearts involved. I don’t know what else to do in this situation. Show me what You would have me do.
FILL my life with Your presence Lord. Let me be a light for You and not a detractor.