Isaiah 63:1-6 The Winepress

It’s time to see how we get to the glorious future Isaiah has been speaking of. It is through judgment; the winepress. Those who desire sin will have their blood spilt.
This is a major change in focus. The previous chapters spoke of Jerusalem’s ultimate joy and glory. A place where all the children of the Lord live in peace and in His presence. But there is a path to get to that place. A path that is paved in blood. Today, God, through the mouth of Isaiah, focuses on that path.
We certainly know that the main character in this prophecy is Jesus; the Messiah. My bible helps tells me that Him coming from Edom and Bozrah speak of the rest of the world; the sinful world. This is NOT to say that everyone outside of Israel/Jerusalem is a lost and sinful person. It is a metaphor for the world of sin.
Jesus conquers sin by His own strength. NO MAN can help Him. “I have trodden the winepress alone, and from the peoples no one was with me” (verse 3a). NO MAN is worthy to help Him. He alone is sinless of ALL men who have walked this earth. NONE could do what He has done and will continue to do.
At first, I thought this “no one was with me” was strange. Remember, His disciples were with Him up until death. There were many men in the bible who were faithful to Him. There have been MANY after the bible was written who were faithful. There will still be more to come who will put their faith in Him and walk the path He prepared. But NONE of them could do this walk with Him. Just as He asked Peter if he could “drink the cup He was about to drink”, so He asks if there is any to trod the winepress with Him. He HAD to face the cross alone and when He returns, He will judge the hearts of man alone. We have NO standing or right to sit in this place.
His winepress will NOT contain ANY of God’s children. They have already been judged righteous when they asked Him to be Lord of their lives.
When Jesus sets foot on earth again there will be MUCH blood shed. He will lead the saints in battle against the antichrist in Armageddon. Jesus will be the one who wins this battle. The saints will fight with Him but in His name and by His power. Afterwards there will be a partial judgment as He sets up His kingdom on earth. HE will be the judge, NOT man. His judgment will be just and unquestionably true. This will bring about the time when men will run unto Jerusalem where He is. God’s final judgment is still beyond that.
Jesus will proudly wear the evidence of His work. The stains on His clothes demonstrate to ALL that HE is Lord and there is NO other god but Him.
Father God, THANK YOU for Your salvation! Without it I would be in that winepress. Is it time yet? This world is such a mess! Only You can heal it. But if that is not Your plan because it IS time for the tribulation, Your will be done. Thank You for the courage to speak to my daughter the other day regarding, “If I’m not here and grandma and Steve are gone too…” I’m praying that spoke to her about what may be coming at any time; the rapture of the church. I think that is going to be what it takes to reach them all (my children). IF You want until after my life is done here before taking the church out of this world, I TRUST YOU to know another way to bring my children back to Your side. I leave them in Your hands (again). Sorry I keep picking them back up again and trying to ‘help’ you.