Is It Time Yet?

While the world sleeps Heaven waits.
The world watched and walked by as Jesus was hung on the cross. Many jeered at the time and wagged their heads. “He saved so many. Why can’t He save Himself?” Their conclusion; He is not who He said He was.
The angles stood around God’s throne, waiting for the moment they were called to go. But it never came. The watched Jesus suffering and witnessed His last breath. They watched still as He was laid to rest with as much care as was possible that day.
Satan gloats over the battle he has just won.
Satan laughed as the nails were driven home through the hands of God’s Son. He KNEW Jesus’ identity but every plan he had set in motion came to naught. Jesus seemed to be just beyond his reach; until that day.
Jesus’ Spirit now occupies Satan’s domain. Jesus has been speaking to a select group since He got here but there is no way out for any of them. Satan sits back and smiles watching the futility of the Son.
The Pharisees, feeling secure in their work, rest
The Pharisees paid more attention to the “then” clause than Jesus disciples did. To make certain it didn’t come to pass, they made plans. “Seal the tomb and set guards.” This will stop His disciples from fooling the world.
As the night passes their anxiety grows. Try as he might Caiaphas can’t sleep. He keeps running through his mind the words of Jesus and weighing them against his preparations. He still feels he has done enough. But what if…
Jesus’ disciples drown in fear and sorrow
Jesus’ disciples are hidden away. They are afraid they will be next. Jesus did NOTHING to deserve this! And He was supposed to set them free. They can’t see past the pain.
Peter has drawn away from the rest into an even deeper depression. He KNOWS Jesus heard his words. Jesus went to His death with Peter’s denial ringing in His ears. It’s all Peter can hear now too.
And God stands ready for that moment
God sits with a smile on His face that grows with every hour that passes. He KNOWS the moment and is awaiting its approach. There is much for His Son to do during this time and He will not cheat Him out of even one minute of it.
The angles ready for the moment they KNOW is coming. The watch the face of God for indications. “Is it time yet” they ask. “Not quite, but soon” the Father says.
WAIT FOR IT, FOR IT SURELY WILL COME! And when it does, it is truly finished. Something that can NEVER be undone!
“NOW” the Father whispers for there is no need to shout. All of Heaven hears it and rushes out. The blinding light of the angles pierces the night. The earth shakes and the guards fall as dead men. The seal is broken and the stone is rolled away to reveal an empty tomb. Jesus has already left. He is about the work prepared for Him at this moment; the most satisfying part was watching Satan scream as Jesus led those He had been talking with right OUT of Satan’s realm.
Do you find it a little odd that the Pharisees weren’t as surprised as Jesus’ disciples at the news? When the soldiers came to Caiaphas with the news, he didn’t rake them over the coals with questions. Instead, he purchased a lie from their lips in place of the truth. I wonder if he was expecting to see Jesus come walking up to him and strike him dead.
Jesus’ disciples, who had walked with Him daily, wouldn’t believe the truth until He showed up in person in front of them. They were ready to believe that the Pharisees had taken Jesus away and hid Him. But why would they? Doing so would have made it LOOK like He had risen, just as He said He would. The Pharisees would have been HAPPY to display Jesus’ dead body before they would steal Him away.
Celebrate that moment with me as we remember the moment Jesus set us ALL free! Don’t hide in uncertainty and fear, for Jesus is ALIVE! He Is Risen Indeed!!!