2 Samuel 9 Mephibosheth

David has rest from war. He begins to think back over his time with Jonathan. David wants to honor Saul. Mephibosheth is brought forward; Jonathan’s son.
David hasn’t neglected his promise to Jonathan or Saul. He has been busy. For the first 7 ½ years, David ruled Judah. During this time, he was fighting against Saul’s house. For about 10 years after becoming king of Israel, he fought every nation around him. He was BUSY. Now that things have settled down, he remembers his promises. And he wants to keep it.
Saul had MANY sons who were still living, but their names didn’t come up. Only the son of Jonathan was brought up to David. I’m sure this is because the people all knew of their special bond. Jonathan’s son will be the one to fulfill David’s promises. Let’s rejoin our story and watch as David truly honors Mephibosheth.
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It has been a week since the last battle ended. It was with Edom; Israel’s brother nation. The army and David have been resting. When David ‘rests’ his mind often doesn’t. Today is one of those times.
David starts thinking back over the time he spent with Jonathan. “He was as sweet to my soul as honey” muses David. Then he remembers the promises he made to Jonathan and Saul. He promised to honor them in his kingdom. He promised Saul that he would not destroy his household, as so many conquering kings do to those they depose. David has kept that promise. He did not seek vengeance on any from Saul’s house. He even killed the men who had taken Ish-bosheth’s life. But he wants to do more. To truly honor Jonathan.
He calls out to his guards, scribe, and advisors who happen to be in his presence this morning. “Is there still anyone left of the house of Saul, that I may show him kindness for Jonathan’s sake?” (2 Samuel 9:1)
The men begin to look to one another for an answer. One of the guards steps forward. “I know of a servant from the house of Saul. If any survive, he would know.”
“Bring him to me right away.”
The guard hurries from the throne room and seeks out Saul’s former servant, Ziba. He finds him working in the stables.
“Ziba, the king wants to see you right away.”
Ziba stops where he is, afraid to move. “Have I done something wrong?”
“No. He wishes to honor someone from the house of Saul for the sake of Jonathan. I told him that you would know if any of Saul’s house survived.”
Ziba’s eyes light up. “Indeed I do. I know of one whom the king would be more than happy to learn of.” Ziba lays aside his tools and apron. Then he looks at his hands and clothes. “I cannot appear before the king in this state. Allow me time to wash and change” he asks the guard.
“That is a good plan. I will accompany you to your home and wait while you prepare yourself.”
Ziba is ready within an hour to be taken to David. When the two men enter David’s throne room, David motions them forward right away.
Immediately David begins speaking. “Are you Ziba?” (2 Samuel 9:2b)
Ziba bows low and answers David. “I am your servant.” (2 Samuel 9:2c)
David’s excitement begins to creep up a little. “Is there not still someone of the house of Saul, that I may show the kindness of God to him?” (2 Samuel 9:3a)
Ziba carefully answers. “There is still a son of Jonathan; he is crippled in his feet.” (2 Samuel 9:3b)
David nearly comes out of his seat with excitement. Jonathan’s son! What could be better than this? With barely contained enthusiasm David asks; “Where is he?” (2 Samuel 9:4a)
Ziba is pleased with the king’s reaction. He knows that he need not fear harm for Jonathan’s son. “He is in the house of Machir the son of Ammiel, at Lo-debar.” (2 Samuel 9:4b)
David calls out to his guards. “Quickly! Go and bring him here. Take my finest carriage and horses. See that he wants for nothing during his trip.”
It was hard to wait, but David knew it would take at least three days before Jonathan’s son would be before him. He did everything he could to pass the time. David half wished that he had gone for the lad himself. At least it would have meant that he would see him sooner.
As he waited, David thought back to when Jonathan had told him of his son. He was still on the run from Saul at the time. Jonathan had strolled into David’s camp, bold as brass. The two of them had shared a wonderful day together. Just before leaving, Jonathan had told David of the birth of his son; Mephibosheth. “How old would that make him now” wondered David. After some calculation, David guessed that Mephibosheth would be about 22 years old.
Finally, Mephibosheth’s arrival is at hand. Guards had relayed messages that David’s carriage was near the city gates. Ziba heard also of the impending arrival. Ziba hurried to the palace steps to be there to assist Mephibosheth; if he should need him.
The carriage stops right in front of Ziba. Ziba rushes to its side and puts a hand out to Mephibosheth to assist him down. Mephibosheth puts out on of his crutches and scoots close enough to the door that Ziba can take his arm. Mephibosheth is happy for the assistance, and after a moment, he is standing at the bottom of the stairs. He looks up at what he has to navigate and nearly weeps. He squares his shoulders and prepares for what he must do.
Before Mephibosheth can take his first step, two of David’s guards are at his sides. The carefully lift him by his arms and bring him up the steps. Ziba retrieves Mephibosheth’s crutches and races ahead, so that, when Mephibosheth is put back on his crooked feet, his crutches are ready for his use.
“Thank you all. It would have taken me hours to get to this point.”
“Do you need further assistance? I would be glad to offer it” asks one of the guards.
“Thank you, but no. I want to go the rest of the way on my own. That is unless there are more stairs to manage, or unless it is a great distance” Mephibosheth says with a shy smile and concern in his eyes.
“The rest of the way is neither long, nor involves stairs.”
“Then, lead on and I will follow.”
The small group makes its way to David’s throne room at the pace set by Mephibosheth. As they reach the threshold of the throne room, David stands and motions them forward. David steps down from the place where his throne rests, but waits at the steps for Mephibosheth to approach him. David watches as Jonathan’s son slowly shuffles his way forward.
As soon as he is near David, Mephibosheth drops one of his crutches and begins to lower himself to the floor to bow before David.
With tears of joy and pain filling David’s eyes, he calls out; “Mephibosheth!” (2 Samuel 9:6b)
Mephibosheth, with his head still bowed answers his king. “Behold, I am your servant.” (2 Samuel 9:6c)
David steps closer and bends down a little to address Mephibosheth. “Do not fear, for I will show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan, and I will restore to you all the land of Saul your father, and you shall eat at my table always.” (2 Samuel 9:7)
Mephibosheth raises his head a little and asks; “What is your servant, that you should show regard for a dead dog such as I?” (2 Samuel 9:8)
David can contain himself no longer. He kneels down beside Mephibosheth and puts a hand on his back. David then raises his eyes to where Ziba is standing and motions him forward. David’s next words nearly take the breath from Mephibosheth’s lungs.
“All that belonged to Saul and to all his house I have given to your master’s grandson. 10 And you and your sons and your servants shall till the land for him and shall bring in the produce, that your master’s grandson may have bread to eat. But Mephibosheth your master’s grandson shall always eat at my table.”
Ziba is excited and honored by David’s command. He has a large family, and this will be a way that he can provide for all of them. “According to all that my lord the king commands his servant, so will your servant do.” (2 Samuel 9:11)
David and Ziba help Mephibosheth rise from the ground. A chair is brought for him to sit on. David calls for another for himself. The two of them sit and talk for some time.
“I remember the day your Abba told me of your birth. I knew nothing more of you from that day until this. I have missed much. Please share with me regarding your life.”
“I wouldn’t know where to begin” replies Mephibosheth.
“Let’s start with how this happened to you” David says while holding his hand out towards Mephibosheth’s feet.
“I was only about five years old when it happened. When news reached the city of my Abba and grand Abba’s deaths, the nurse that cared for me feared for my safety. She scooped me up and began running for our lives. In her haste, she tripped over a root and fell. I fell from her arms and broke both my ankles. They never healed properly. I have been lame since then. I can get around, but it takes considerable effort.”
“I am so sorry to hear that” replied David. “How long have you been living in the house of Machir the son of Ammiel, at Lo-debar” asked David.
“I have lived there since my nurse fled with me. They have cared for me as if I was one of their own.”
“I am very glad to hear that.”
“I even have a young son of my own” volunteers Mephibosheth.
David’s eyes light up. “I would LOVE to meet him! You must bring him with you to my table some time.”
“I would welcome the opportunity for him to meet the man that my Abba loved with his whole heart.”
“How did you know of your Abba’s and my bond?”
“These stories I have heard since as long as I can remember. I did not know if you still honored them or not, until today.”
“I will honor Jonathan and all that was his to the day I die.”
David had Mephibosheth’s little family moved to Jerusalem right away. He also had a special chair and ramps constructed for him so that he could move around more freely.
The day that Mephibosheth brought his son, Mica, to meet David, David felt like a grand Abba to the small boy. He couldn’t resist showering him with gifts. This young one would know the honor of growing up as part of the king’s household, alongside his Abba and Ima.
(to be continued)
I wonder how old Mica was. He couldn’t be too old with Mephibosheth being in his early 20s. I wonder if they had wheelchairs and ramps in David’s day. I’m sure they had ramps, as the altar was supposed to have no stairs to climb to “uncover the nakedness of the priest” as he approached it. Solomon will break this requirement in the Temple he makes for the Lord. I wonder why. That is a story for another day though.
Father God, I’m glad David was able to find and honor Jonathan’s son. He was the perfect one for David to use to fulfill his promises. Saul’s sons and grandsons will be killed later, but Jonathan’s son and grandson are safe in David’s keeping. Mephibosheth didn’t have an easy life, but You cared for him during whatever came. And You reunited him with David.
I have seen You work great wonders in my life too. People I thought I would never see again, brought back to me. Friendships renewed. Those were for a short time though. At least here on earth. I wonder how many people I will get to greet in Heaven from my past. There are few I would enjoy seeing again. And there are a few I don’t mind if they are absent. Not absent from Heaven, for I want ALL men to be saved. But absent from my company; unless they have changed since the last time I saw them. They probably think the same thing about me.