2 Kings 22:1-2 Josiah’s Reign

Another good king takes the throne, at the age EIGHT. And he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and “did not turn aside to the right or to the left” (verse 2b).
It has been a while since Judah had a truly godly king. Manasseh turned back to God in the end but the damage he had already done. The people refused his full direction. But some good must have come of Manasseh’s turning because when his servants conspire against him and kill him. The people do away with those who had hatched that plan.
I’m wondering if the installation of Josiah at such a young age is because Amos had no other sons or because he had killed all his older brothers by offering them as sacrifices to his god. Amos had picked up the same behavior that his father Manasseh had engaged in during most of his reign. Josiah will pick up where his grandfather left off at the end of his reign. But he will call the people the rest of the way back to the Lord.
Reading ahead, I discovered that there aren’t any truly significant accounts of Josiah recorded until more than half way through his reign. He reigned 31 years and yet our first story comes in the 18th year of his reign.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. Today is just a quick snapshot of Josiah’s reign. It answers the MOST IMPORTANT question: was he a godly king. We will begin to see next time what works he did for the Lord.
I like knowing right up front with each king whether they were a godly king or an ungodly one. I have been surprised to learn how many of them changed during their time on the throne. What surprises me most are the ones who started out godly then turned away in the end.
I cannot understand how anyone who has a true relationship with God could walk away from that. Maybe it was easier to do so under the old covenant than it is now. But people still do it. Maybe they were the ‘stony ground’ or the ‘wayside’ from Jesus’ parable. That is for God to judge, not me. Mine is to pray for them. Pray that God can clean the thorns out of their heart (and mine too). Pray that He tills the soil of their hearts where the seeds can settle down deep. Pray that HE brings a harvest.
Father God, please till up my soil again too. Keep if fresh and free of stones and weeds. THANK YOU that I am on this side of Your promise. Thank You that You NEVER give up on those You love. Help me hear You heart at all times, especially when we come together in Your word. Don’t let me EVER ‘get weary in well doing.’