1 Peter 1:1-2 Greetings From Peter

Peter is addressing his letter to the new believers who were scattered by persecution. It is a wide geographical group but still the body of Christ.
God knew who these people were before they even knew Him. He knew the persecution they were going to face. He knew they were going to be scattered. He even knew why and when. We can easily see the reason but the when things will occur is still God’s to direct.
Those that were scattered by the persecution were not left alone. They were not abandoned to figure out how to live the life of a new believer on their own. God sent Jesus’ disciples out physically and through letters to help grow His new body.
Each and every person who comes to faith in Jesus is connected to Him. Each one is specially called by God. Each one has a purpose and a plan for their life in God’s Kingdom. And Peter is asking God to multiply His grace and peace in each of them.
This prayer of Peter’s is for us as well as them. We are still the scattered body of Christ. All together we are the church. We are still His elect. And we still need an abundance of His grace and peace. Keep that special connection in mind as we see, over the next few weeks, what Peter brings this diverse group for then and now.
Father God, thank You that I am counted as one of Your children. Thank You for making me part of Jesus’ body. Help me connect with Peter’s message. Help me hear Your heart as I read Your word.
Peter has always been one of my favorite disciples. I figure if You can use him, with all the times he stuck his foot in his mouth, then there is hope for me. Thank You that You use the weak to confound the strong. Let me be used of You in some way. I too want an extra measure of Your grace and peace. Thank You for all of it that You have provided me with so far. Coat my words in it too Lord so they only bless and not harm my brothers and sisters in Christ.