1 Kings 7:1-12 Solomon’s Palace

Solomon makes a home for himself too. His wasn’t as extravagant as the Temple but it was larger in size. Solomon’s palace was HUGE!
First thing I want to know about this house is, did it have three stories to it? Thirty cubits high would be some INCREDIBLY vaulted ceilings otherwise. Even ten cubits per floor is pretty high. I would hate to have to change the light bulbs in a room that high. Good thing they used lamps and candles. Hopefully not ceiling mounted!
The size of Solomon’s home is much bigger than that of the Temple. With the side rooms included, Solomon’s palace isn’t twice the size but is still considerably bigger. Also if you add in the extra buildings it might be close to double. Solomon had a LOT of people to house so there probably isn’t a lot of unused space. Then again, this isn’t counting the outer courts and all that go with the Temple. I wonder how they would compare if you counted all the ‘courtyards’ around them.
I’m curious though why he built a “hall of pillars.” Was this filled with replicas of what was used in the Temple? I understand a throne room/judgment hall and even a separate place for Pharaoh’s daughter but a whole hall dedicated to pillars? What kind of activities took place in this hall? What purpose did it serve?
Solomon’s home didn’t have the engravings that the Temple did, or at least we are not told of any. But it did have the prized cedar and costly stone throughout it. Were these pieces also cut off site and fitted together on site? In the making of the Temple there were no iron tools used on the site where it was erected. Iron tools were used to fashion the timbers and stones but in the quarry only. I wonder if they used wooden hammers and pegs for the assembly process.
Something else that I found interesting was how long it took to build Solomon’s palace compared to the Temple. The Temple was made in 7 years where Solomon’s palace took 13 years. I would have expected the times to be reversed because of the intricate designs used in the temple, even though it was smaller. Solomon’s also didn’t have the overlay of gold throughout it. So why did it take so much longer to build? Were there fewer workers because it was Solomon’s home instead of God’s? Were they working on both of them together and Solomon’s was on the ‘back burner’ for a while? Did Solomon keep making design changes that pushed the completion date back repeatedly? Did his wives?
Why didn’t Solomon just use the palace Hiram built for David? Was it too small? Did David’s wives and concubines who survived him still living there? Or did he simply want something of his own that reflected him instead? I have a hard time with this wanting something bigger and better just because you can mentality. I have to admit to a little of it myself in some respects but nothing on that scale. I bought new towels for my kitchen and bathroom not too long ago and actually tossed out the old ones for the firs time in my life. Granted, they were in VERY poor shape but now I only have new ones that match. A friend came over once and said she had never seen anyone with so many towels. I bought enough to FILL my shelves.
I wonder what new inventions Solomon included in his palace. God gave him amazing wisdom but did it equate to being able to invent new tools or contraptions? King Ludwig of Germany was thought to be crazy because of all the innovations he put into his castle. I wonder if these two kings came up with some of the same ideas.
Looking at our reading today I really haven’t been given a ‘life application’ with it. It has sparked interest and questions but nothing I can put my finger on to take away from it for today. Maybe because I have been distracted with the many interruptions and possibly (probably) forgot to pray before diving in. It has been a long day for me and I’m tired. But having been faithful to come, even if I didn’t get any ‘ah-ha’ moments, feels good. Maybe that is what I’m supposed to get from today; faithfulness.
Thank You Father for welcoming me onto Your lap, even when my mind and attention keeps getting directed somewhere else. Between animals beating me with their toys vying for attention, birthday wish interruptions, and my husband’s needs I feel pretty frazzled. Thank You for grounding me and bringing my attention back. Thank You for reminding me to be faithful, even when it isn’t convenient. Thank You for giving me an ‘ah-ha’ moment after all. Forgive me too for forgetting to dedicate out time together.
Thank You for the home I have. I’m GLAD it isn’t nearly as extravagant as Solomon’s. Hopefully my mansion in Heaven will be somewhere in between. An indoor pool would be nice (just a suggestion).