1 Chronicles 18:1-13 Victories

We go on a whirlwind trip through David’s victories. No way can we examine them all but the MAIN thing they have in common is Who authored them.
David and his mighty men have YEARS of experience fighting battles. From the moment they came to David in the wilderness it has been one battle after another. While he was king of Judah, they battled the forces that were left following Saul’s death. After taking the throne in Israel, the forces joined one another and continued to do battle to enhance the kingdom. Even with periods of rest in between battles these men are expert warriors.
But the battles fought by David and his mighty men have not been without miraculous events. And it is NOT because they are such GREAT warriors. It is because God fought with them and for them. One man standing alone in a field, mowing down EVERYTHING the enemy throws at him. A soldier whose very sword literally became an extension of his arm as he could not release it once the battle was over. A young man marching onto the field of battle, untrained in the arts of war, felling the enemy’s champion with but a stone and a sling. Stories of legends, or so some would claim but in actuality complete truth. Who needs ‘tall tales’ when the God of the universe actually authors them in your presence.
If it wasn’t for the fact that I KNOW it was God who did these deeds, I would think it was a bad movie. The kind of movie where you throw everything at the hero and the most he gets is a scratch. But it wasn’t a movie stunt, it was the Spirit of the Lord working and walking hand in hand with His people.
After Joshua and the people rested from battle they didn’t seek to conquer what remained of the territory God gave to them. David, however, was not content to live in half a promise. He wanted, for himself and Israel, ALL that God had promised His people. And he was willing to fight for it. But ONLY if God was on his side.
Can you imagine the talk that ran among the nations surrounding Israel? It’s a wonder anyone challenged them. But even the best at anything always have someone who wants to measure themselves against them in competition so they can take the ‘prize’ of that title.
I have a feeling David would have been the first to tell those who rose against him where his ‘secret powers’ came from. He freely announced it to Goliath. He had NOTHING to hide on that front. Samson had to keep the source of his strength hidden while David was free to shout it at the top of his lungs.
We share that same strength with David. No, we don’t face the same battles he did but we serve the same God who is STILL in the ‘battle winning business.’ Whatever battle you face, when you have Jesus as Lord of your life, you don’t face it alone.
I don’t want to fill ANYONE with false ideas that EVERY ‘battle’ we face we wind up victorious. What passes for victory in one instance or for one person is not the same for everyone else. Remember the story of David hiding in the cave and Saul coming into it? David could have struck Saul down and ended his running that day, but he didn’t. What he did instead was demonstrate his character and reliance on the Lord. He cut the corner of Saul’s garment off and, when it was safe to do so, he showed it to him. Saul relented in his pursuit of David, for a while but David kept on running, just in case. David was content with the victories God brought him, in the form that He supplied, until GOD was ready to take him to the next place of training. Each battle brought him closer to God, just as it is supposed to do for us. The ULTIMATE victory is standing before Him in Heaven. Until then, ‘fight on’ and let His Spirit teach you along the way.
Father God, thank You for the victories You have brought in my life. Thank You for all the opportunities to stand in battle WITH You holding my hand. Not every battle turned out the way I wanted but they ALWAYS ended the way You needed them to in order to get the lesson being taught at that moment cemented in. I’m MORE than happy to let You continue directing the outcome because You know what tomorrow holds and I don’t. I can’t even imagine where I would be today if all the previous ‘battles’ in my life turned out like I wanted them to. Thank You for even the ‘unanswered’ prayers.