1 Chronicles 16:8-36 The Words

We were introduced to David’s song of thanksgiving last time we were together. Today I want to look at the words he uses in his song.
I have to start out by apologizing. It has been such an event filled weekend that when I finally got time to write yesterday it was bedtime. I fell asleep MANY times while trying to make my way through David’s song. I finally gave up and gave in near midnight. There is more here that I want to look at, so I’m asking for your indulgence, and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, as we go back over the song David sang that day.
Before we jump in, I have a question. With David’s songs, how many of them were spontaneous and how many did he spend time pouring over until they were just what he had in mind? For the spontaneous ones, did he have someone there all the time to record them? I bet that person would have LOVED our technology today that captures it as it is spoken instead of having to try and remember every word. I have a feeling that writing with a quill or whatever they used took a LOT more time than singing it did. Did David have to stop and back up so the recorder could catch phrases or words that he missed? Did David have a slew of recorders that all put their pieces together to come up with an accurate rendition in the end? That is NOT a joy I would have wanted.
Let’s see where David’s heart takes him.
The very first words out of David’s mouth are thanks to the Lord. He tells the people to give thanks to the Lord directly as well as sharing all He has done with those around you. Tell your family, tell a neighbor, tell a friend, tell ANYBODY ANYWHERE about the wonders the Lord has done! They may have experienced the ‘deeds’ of the Father with you but tell them anyway! There is always a second perspective to see things from and I personally NEVER get tired of hearing how God has worked in someone’s life! (Too many exclamation points but this is exciting to me!)
Next, David gets to his favorite part. “Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; tell of his wondrous works!” (verse 9). David didn’t just sing songs when it was time for singing. He sang songs all the time! In the field, in the house, in his private time, in groups, when telling stories, probably even in battle. His heart was full of music and it poured out of him. And he encouraged ALL Israel to do the same. Why? Because music sustained him. It lifted him when he was low. It comforted him when he was in pain. It calmed him when he was afraid. It grounded him when he was uncertain. And it celebrated with him in ALL aspects of joy. Music was David’s heart’s language. I can relate to that. Mine is also poetry.
What held David all together though was his faith in the Lord. He expressed it through music but that was only the outpouring of what bound his spirit to the Lord. His DEEP, ABODING FAITH in God and His promises are what made life worth living for David. He did not have an easy life. But whatever he faced, his faith in God carried him through. NOTHING this world could do to him broke his faith. He got discouraged at times and even angry at God but he NEVER abandoned him. And God never abandoned David. He kept His promises.
David reminded the people of those promises. He would not let them forget that God had taken His people from tiny numbers to a great nation because of His promises. He protected them from the beginning and would continue to watch over them.
David returns again to singing about the Lord but he calls for “all the earth” (verse 23b) to sing with him. Not just in Israel but among all the nations. He also (a little later) calls for the very elements of the earth to sing the praises of the Lord. “Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice” (verse 31a), “let the sea roar, and all that fills it; let the field exult, and everything in it! Then shall the trees of the forest sing for joy before the Lord” (verses 32-33a). ALL that the Lord has created, PRAISE HIS NAME!
There is ONLY ONE God. It is the Lord. “For all the gods of the people are worthless idols” (verse 26a). He alone is worthy of praise. He alone is holy. David calls the people to “ascribe to the Lord” ALL that is due Him as the ONE and ONLY God of the universe. He calls the people to “bring an offering and come before him!” (verse 29b).
David doesn’t say it here but that ‘offering’ can take many forms. It can certainly be music and song but it can also be a shoulder to cry on for someone who is hurting, when done to convey the love of the Lord. It can be hands that help someone in need, when done in service to the Lord. It can be time spent in prayer; personal relationship building prayer and prayer for others. It can be financial support to your local church, favorite ministry, or someone in need that the Lord lays on your heart. God wants ALL of our hearts and lives and He accepts our ‘offerings’ as easily as a parent accepts the ‘crafts’ brought home by their children. It may not look like much but if we made it for Him it is precious!
David’s song concludes with softened warning. He doesn’t come out and say it but his words hint at the future of Israel. At the time of David’s song Israel is fairly safe. They are together as a people. They are not scattered among the nations. But there will be a time when this happens. And it is because they forgot to do exactly as David is telling them today. They will replace their God with the gods of the nations. They will require salvation again. They will need to be brought back out from among their captors. And they will remember to bless the name of the Lord their God once again. For He IS “from everlasting to everlasting!” (verse 36b).
When David finishes his song the people agree with ALL he has said. They say “Amen!” (verse 37b) to all he has commanded. They are ready to move forward with David in praising the Lord. If only that “Amen!” could have lasted forever. So many great starts. Too many bad finishes.
Father God I’m so grateful for the opportunity to ‘restart’ at any time. Not like ‘go back to the beginning and lose EVERYTHING you have learned/gained along the way’ but ‘get back on track and keep going as if you never fell down’ restarts; forgiveness. Those are the ‘starts’ that will carry me through and prevent the ‘bad finishes’. THANK YOU Jesus for Your salvation that is EVERLASTING.
Thank You also Father for the honor, pleasure, and sheer joy of praising You. Thank You for music. Thank You for poetry. And thank You for being the ‘glue’ in my life! I relate to David a lot in these areas. I can even relate to him in battle, not that my battles are physical or anywhere the intensity of his but that You stand beside me in each of them. No matter what I face, You face it with me. Thank You that there are no serious ones raging in my personal life. Help me be a source of strength to those I love who are facing battles. Be their comfort and confidence Lord.